Speak Easy.

You're here, and we love you for it.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Jeff, I'm really sorry about our DirectConnect converstation tonight. I really feel awful. I was.... in a bad state and I was super pissed off. I just want to apologize. I had a bad day, and I took it out on two people that really didn't deserve it. Well, one did.. a lil bit *winkwink*. I'm real sorry!

without you all im going to be is..... incomplete...

Yay go Backstreet Boys!!

okay okay, you guys I guess I'm running out of excuses for why not to go to the gym in the morning. I'm still a bit apprehensive because of some other reasons. BUT maybe one of these days... I have a semi-busy schedule coming up. Going to Michigan's Adventure tomorrow... that should be a good time. I really want to go to Cedar Point sometime this summer.. since I haven't been in like 7 years. But I leave for Disney World in two and a half weeks!!

Jeff, when is some volleyball going on this weekend? maybe I'll come watch. My mom's birthday is Saturday but we don't really celebrate birthdays that much, so I'll probably be able to get away. mkkkkay. SeeYa!

L- double E- to the capital A- to the double N

Fly me to the moon...

I can barely move my thumb and I don't know why, and it hurts really badly. Went swimming last night, swam some laps ( I know in a lake it's hard to swim laps, but I swam out a distance, swam back touched the dock, and swam back out.) I work tonight, until ten..garh. anyway might go to the fair tomorrow. I haven't been yet, and I'm craving an elephant ear. well that's all I got. you kids have fun!
- No cool name.

Said I Loved You but I Lied...

Michael Bolton kicks ass. Plain and simple.

Many things to talk about today...let me start with this LeeAnn coming to the gym buisness. I have a strict policy with new lifters. I will absolutely NOT, under any circumstance, make fun of you when you come to the gym for the first time. I don't ever make fun of any newbies strictly because almost all new lifters are apprehensive about lifting because of that reason. I want everyone to lift, so I am not going to discourage you. Especially not a girl. I don't expect you to roll in there and start repping 315 on bench or anything. You are there to get stronger and better, and to me, that's all that matters.

Work is really slow today. Got paid. Gotta make that money, money man. Better hustle up and make yo' cash flow...Anyway, I had a pretty big day yesterday...

Woke up and lifted. Still on that Tribulus stuff, which pretty much makes me a walking erection for the better part of the day. It was Geoff, Jeff and I. Opie is still "working" or beating off or whatever you call it. Working for Opie is a pretty relative term. ANYway, right after lifting, I ran a 1.2 miles and regretted it for every step I took. I was a sweaty mess after that. Geoff and I left from there to go to EL. We just kind of skulked around all day in the apt. We went out and sat by the pool for an hour or so and baked in the sun. It was REAL hot. I feel asleep for about 5 minutes and woke up a sticky, greasy, sweaty ball of filth. Sweat was in my eyes and all other orifices of my body. Yuck. I took a few dips in the pool by myself because Geoff was a little too cool to splash around with me. Geoff has been going downhill lately, he really has lost his childlike wonder. It's sad. So we got out of the pool and went to get something to eat. We went to this place called the Hawaiian BBQ, and we got Kashi Chicken and a double chez burger. It was a ton of food, but I'll be damned if those crazy spear-chuckers don't know how to make a mean bird. Geoff and I did score some major positive Karma points on the way there, but he was starting to tell the story on his other blog, so I don't want to piss on his party here. Anyway, we took the food home and ate it whilst we watched "The Shawshank Redemption". Great flick. That movie rocks.

After the film, I broke out (about 6:45 pm-ish) to go up to the Casino in Mt. Pleasant. This is where bad shit started to go down for me. So, I drive to Kroger because the gas station was past 127, and I didn't want to back-track, so I go into Kroger to get a quart of oil. On my cell phone with Jamie. That was mistake number one. Turns out, when you are on the phone, it alters your perceptions of words. So, I am searching for oil and some dude finally tells me it is in aisle 14. Wrong, asshole, it was in aisle 13. I spent 20 fuckin' minutes looking for oil behind tampons and midol. What a lush. Anyway, so I was not paying attention and just grabbed a bottle of oil (or what I thought was oil...this comes in to play shortly). So, I buy that and a funnel and hang up the phone so I can pour it in. I put the funnel in and got like a droplet in and realized it was red. What the fuck? Oil isn't red...as far as I know. I didn't really think it was designer oil or anything, but I looked at the bottle. Transmission fluid. Oh, horse shit. I didn't get enough in to do anything, and I was WAY too embarassed to walk into the store and actually buy some oil. So, me being lazy cost me another 3 dollars. I drive PAST 127 (goddamnit) to a Mobil and buy the most expensive bottle of oil I have ever bought. And a Monster. This is where I got pissed. I walk outside and immediately drop the Monster on a curb and it exploded all over the place. GODDAMNIT! I really needed that because I had had 3 naps interrupted by phone calls that day and was sleepy already. I wasn't going back in there to charge another 2 dollars on my Debit card. I leave it on the ground I am so pissed. I walk over to my car, pop the hood, burn my GODDAMN fingers on my oil cap and poured oil all over my engine until I finally made it in the funnel. Done. I drive to Mt. Pleasant while talking on the phone the whole time with little consequence.

I get there and get a call from Rebecca. We have a dinner date on Friday nightin EGR at a nice little restaraunt named Roses. I am pumped, she is sexy. We'll see what happens. We talked for the better part of 20 minutes and she pretty much complained about her day the entire time. I felt bad for her though, she had had a pretty rough day. I can appreciate that. The kids she works with sound like kids with a mild case of autism with a side of cerebral palsy. Plus, she is a waitress in an old resturaunt with NO AC!! I would kill myself and everyone around me (not in that particular order). She must have the patience of a saint.

Anyway, long story short about the Casino, I spent like 5 hours with Ben, Scott, Abby, and Paul Spitzley. I lost a whole $20. You can chalk $5 of that up the the stupid cookie monster crane game. I didn't win. House wins on that, too. I pissed away the other $15 on slots. I don't really care for gambling. I'll go if it's a special occasion, but it kind of loses it's novelty after the first hour or two. Plus, the floor is so polluted with smoke and old people farts it's unbearable. About 95% of the people there had two feet in the grave. I couldn't believe how many old ass people were there, even at 1:00 am. Anyway, I was out $20, Abby won like $50 twice, spent it once and made out with about $40, Scott lost $120 on account of him liking but really sucking ass at Blackjack. Simcox was a teensy-bit irresponsible with his money. We was up $70 after being down $150, and then lost all $250-$300. He was REAL pissed. He lost it on craps. I told him to walk away when he had $320 and buy a PSP, but then he instead pissed it all away. Paul lost about $150, which was weird because he was doing really well. Oh well, Abby and I went back to the hotel at around 2:00 am and I layed down and she started to rub lotion all over my really dry back. It turned in to a bit of a massage, and I dozed off for about 20 minutes. When I woke up, my world was rocked. Ben had ordered a porn on the tv, so I sat up in and bed between Abby and Scott (who have had sexual intercourse...with each other) and watched some FILTHY porn for the better part of an hour. It was hot. I fell asleep.

I woke up about 2 hours later and got some free continental breakfast. It tasted like savings, and that always goes down smooth. I then drove straight from Mt.Pleasant to work. It was a bad drive, lots of construction, and copious amounts of rain and lightning. I almost had to pull over, the visibility was terrible. I almost fell asleep many a time. I am at work now. Story over.

Have a good day. Or not, I don't really care. No sweat off my sack.

-One Righteous Motherfucker.

First, LeeAnn, you should have lifted. We won't be mean, girls aren't supposed to be able to lift a lot of weight, plus it'll be your first time (as far as we're concerned) that you're coming in to work out. And, people that are trying to better themselves are always cool, at least in my book. You should have come in today too because I lifted all alone, Alan, Jeff, and Opie didn't come in this morning. Alesheia, stop talking (typing, whatever). Melanie and Angie lifted with us (I don't really see either of them now) and we didn't rip on them about lifting. Other shit maybe, but they are capable of handling themselves.

My computer is a little on the fucked up side. Just so everyone is aware, a sudden loss of power to the box can damage a hard drive. Actually, I'm pretty sure the hard drive itself is fine, it's just all my precious data that got sloppy fucked in the ass. I'm attempting to recover it though, I'll be happy if I can get back 75% of the total, I'll keep everyone informed.

Alan and I successfully scored some massive karma points yesterday. This girl's car stalled in the middle of a 3 way intersection, and we pushed her into nearby driveway. As we were formulating our plan of attack some jackass pulled up along side her to move her car out of the road. Appearently he lives in the area and sees accidents there all the time, which I can understand. What I cannot understand is how blocking the only other lane of traffic helps the accident situation. Moron. Anyway, the moral of the story is that it was real fucking hot out, and there's a special place in Heaven, right alongside God, for both of us.

Tonight will bring with it a corn dog (or two) and an elephant ear courtsey of the Lake O fair. I can't wait.

Since it's been over 50 posts...

...I thought that I would grace you all with my presence on the blog once again. Plus, it's 10:30am, I'm awake for some reason, it's rainy, and ESPN2 (The Dos-O) is re-showing the Roddick-GrosJean match from yesterday due to rain delays in ye olde England. Don't even begin to think that I missed that!

I got the ol' IV out of my hand about 25 minutes ago, and it's a very liberating feeling. However, I can already feel how sore my hand will be a for a few days, because it kinda hurts to type. Small price to pay for feeling my legs again, I suppose. And today I find out when MRI #3 takes place!! I do love that body tube, haha.

You guys will still make fun of any one of us girls who comes into the gym, because that's what you do. Regardless of how pro-betterment you might be. It's intrinsic, and there is no reason to lie about your true feelings here on the Blog - a place of no judgement by anyone, for anyone (notice the slight allusion to FUBU). C'mon now. However, since we should all expect it, there is still no reason to not go to the gym because of it. You'll just find something else to make fun of anyway! Such good friends we are...

Josh Rose show tonight in Muskegon. I'm calling Katie Carr in T-Minus 7 minutes to determine what the plans are (if anyway), after I check the weather in Skeegon tonight. Big Davenport match when the rain stops in Wimbeldon, England - everyone should tune in! Good to type for you all again...Peace out!


Said I Loved You but I Lied...

Michael Bolton kicks ass. Plain and simple.

Many things to talk about today...let me start with this LeeAnn coming to the gym buisness. I have a strict policy with new lifters. I will absolutely NOT, under any circumstance, make fun of you when you come to the gym for the first time. I don't ever make fun of any newbies strictly because almost all new lifters are apprehensive about lifting because of that reason. I want everyone to lift, so I am not going to discourage you. Especially not a girl. I don't expect you to roll in there and start repping 315 on bench or anything. You are there to get stronger and better, and to me, that's all that matters.

Work is really slow today. Got paid. Gotta make that money, money man. Better hustle up and make yo' cash flow...Anyway, I had a pretty big day yesterday...

Woke up and lifted. Still on that Tribulus stuff, which pretty much makes me a walking erection for the better part of the day. It was Geoff, Jeff and I. Opie is still "working" or beating off or whatever you call it. Working for Opie is a pretty relative term. ANYway, right after lifting, I ran a 1.2 miles and regretted it for every step I took. I was a sweaty mess after that. Geoff and I left from there to go to EL. We just kind of skulked around all day in the apt. We went out and sat by the pool for an hour or so and baked in the sun. It was REAL hot. I feel asleep for about 5 minutes and woke up a sticky, greasy, sweaty ball of filth. Sweat was in my eyes and all other orifices of my body. Yuck. I took a few dips in the pool by myself because Geoff was a little too cool to splash around with me. Geoff has been going downhill lately, he really has lost his childlike wonder. It's sad. So we got out of the pool and went to get something to eat. We went to this place called the Hawaiian BBQ, and we got Kashi Chicken and a double chez burger. It was a ton of food, but I'll be damned if those crazy spear-chuckers don't know how to make a mean bird. Geoff and I did score some major positive Karma points on the way there, but he was starting to tell the story on his other blog, so I don't want to piss on his party here. Anyway, we took the food home and ate it whilst we watched "The Shawshank Redemption". Great flick. That movie rocks.

After the film, I broke out (about 6:45 pm-ish) to go up to the Casino in Mt. Pleasant. This is where bad shit started to go down for me. So, I drive to Kroger because the gas station was past 127, and I didn't want to back-track, so I go into Kroger to get a quart of oil. On my cell phone with Jamie. That was mistake number one. Turns out, when you are on the phone, it alters your perceptions of words. So, I am searching for oil and some dude finally tells me it is in aisle 14. Wrong, asshole, it was in aisle 13. I spent 20 fuckin' minutes looking for oil behind tampons and midol. What a lush. Anyway, so I was not paying attention and just grabbed a bottle of oil (or what I thought was oil...this comes in to play shortly). So, I buy that and a funnel and hang up the phone so I can pour it in. I put the funnel in and got like a droplet in and realized it was red. What the fuck? Oil isn't red...as far as I know. I didn't really think it was designer oil or anything, but I looked at the bottle. Transmission fluid. Oh, horse shit. I didn't get enough in to do anything, and I was WAY too embarassed to walk into the store and actually buy some oil. So, me being lazy cost me another 3 dollars. I drive PAST 127 (goddamnit) to a Mobil and buy the most expensive bottle of oil I have ever bought. And a Monster. This is where I got pissed. I walk outside and immediately drop the Monster on a curb and it exploded all over the place. GODDAMNIT! I really needed that because I had had 3 naps interrupted by phone calls that day and was sleepy already. I wasn't going back in there to charge another 2 dollars on my Debit card. I leave it on the ground I am so pissed. I walk over to my car, pop the hood, burn my GODDAMN fingers on my oil cap and poured oil all over my engine until I finally made it in the funnel. Done. I drive to Mt. Pleasant while talking on the phone the whole time with little consequence.

I get there and get a call from Rebecca. We have a dinner date on Friday nightin EGR at a nice little restaraunt named Roses. I am pumped, she is sexy. We'll see what happens. We talked for the better part of 20 minutes and she pretty much complained about her day the entire time. I felt bad for her though, she had had a pretty rough day. I can appreciate that. The kids she works with sound like kids with a mild case of autism with a side of cerebral palsy. Plus, she is a waitress in an old resturaunt with NO AC!! I would kill myself and everyone around me (not in that particular order). She must have the patience of a saint.

Anyway, long story short about the Casino, I spent like 5 hours with Ben, Scott, Abby, and Paul Spitzley. I lost a whole $20. You can chalk $5 of that up the the stupid cookie monster crane game. I didn't win. House wins on that, too. I pissed away the other $15 on slots. I don't really care for gambling. I'll go if it's a special occasion, but it kind of loses it's novelty after the first hour or two. Plus, the floor is so polluted with smoke and old people farts it's unbearable. About 95% of the people there had two feet in the grave. I couldn't believe how many old ass people were there, even at 1:00 am. Anyway, I was out $20, Abby won like $50 twice, spent it once and made out with about $40, Scott lost $120 on account of him liking but really sucking ass at Blackjack. Simcox was a teensy-bit irresponsible with his money. We was up $70 after being down $150, and then lost all $250-$300. He was REAL pissed. He lost it on craps. I told him to walk away when he had $320 and buy a PSP, but then he instead pissed it all away. Paul lost about $150, which was weird because he was doing really well. Oh well, Abby and I went back to the hotel at around 2:00 am and I layed down and she started to rub lotion all over my really dry back. It turned in to a bit of a massage, and I dozed off for about 20 minutes. When I woke up, my world was rocked. Ben had ordered a porn on the tv, so I sat up in and bed between Abby and Scott (who have had sexual intercourse...with each other) and watched some FILTHY porn for the better part of an hour. It was hot. I fell asleep.

I woke up about 2 hours later and got some free continental breakfast. It tasted like savings, and that always goes down smooth. I then drove straight from Mt.Pleasant to work. It was a bad drive, lots of construction, and copious amounts of rain and lightning. I almost had to pull over, the visibility was terrible. I almost fell asleep many a time. I am at work now. Story over.

Have a good day. Or not, I don't really care. No sweat off my sack.

-One Righteous Motherfucker.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

you... shook me all night long....

So, planning a huge family Disney World trip, without letting my mom know, IS HARD!!! Gosh, why does so much planning have to go into these things?

So, I was all geared up to coming to the gym this morning, but I got MAYBE 4 hours of sleep last night. It was 97 degrees in my room, and I had killed an icky spider earlier in the night and was creeped out. I wish they'd put my new window in so i could get some frickin AC up in here! so MAYBE tomorrow gym might happen, but who knows. I'm not very dependable. Plus I have to get the *ahem* "Balls" up to actually try and lift infront of you ass-holes. Hey, sorry, you guys will be mean, you know it and I know it! Well, it's roughtly 92 degrees in here, so I should hit the sprinkler or something.... maybe a little food in there.... you know how it is!

It's already been determined that I'm the fuckin' man, but in case anyone needs a reminder: see Abby's post. And, I'd like to talk this time to say I really enjoy Abby's presence here so far, she's definitely the Rookie of the Year.

Lifted this morning, didn't last long enough though, we got there a wee bit late. Alan is right, Opie is struggling to maintain his street cred, he's dropping in the polls with every absense.

As stated earlier, Jeff and I are going to get into Aikido at school, we'll both be registered lethal weapons. Thus, increasing our street cred, this is where Opie runs into trouble.

Finally finished my god damned FAFSA today, I hope it's not late. I think with Alan in school the government will finally give me some free money.

Geoff. Kickin' ass and takin' names since 1985.

How am I supposed to live with you....

...now that I've been loving you so longgggg. Michael Bolton is so sweet, it's almost as if he personifies all that is sweet, like candy.

I'm at work. Bored as shit. Shit is boring, in case you didn't know. It has been pretty busy this morning. This afternoon has been pretty slow now that all the claims reps are back from meetings. Geoff and I went to one of the meetings and this dude babbled on and on for the better part of an hour. I kept up a pretty good profile, though. I pretended to listen, laughed when everyone else laughed, and made eye contact when my eyes were open. Every once in a while I would have to catch myself from catching a little shut-eye.

I just ordered about $90.00 worth of stuff off of bodybuilding.com for Geoff and I. I bought some more Creatine, which I got at a price, and some Nitric Oxide for Geoff and I. The Nitric Oxide is a hemodialator that helps with protein synthesis. I know, it's boring, but it's a part of my life.

The Gym was a pimpin' good time this morning. We were a tad bit late, but it didn't matter because Opie's big fat ass wasn't waiting on us or anything. Hit the ole' squats today. One of the most rewarding factors about squats is that it looks like I am walking with a corn cob stuck in my asshole. Plus, it was real hot this morning. It looks like the temp. is going to be a little more reasonable by Friday.

Abby, that post was gay. Therefore, you are in fact a big lesbian for posting it. I am pissed at your mom as well.

Bummer last night. Geoff and I were all geared to go to the fair after work last night. I mean geared. We were talking about corn dogs, elephant ears, and midget vag all day long. So, we pre-game it by going to Abby's house and scoring an Apple and Rhubarb Pie (I fuckin' love Rhubarb) and enough cookies to last our family at least 4 winters. But then, I read the little fair blue book, and the midway didn't open until today...at noon. Our dreams of corn dogs, puss, and ears of elephants was ruined...for now. Anyway, Geoff and I ended up renting "Hitch", which was funny, and we had a little movie date. I'm very aroused.

Don't know what's going on tonight. I think I might go to Best Buy with Abby. I need to replace my PSP because it has a dead pixel in it, and I want to abuse my two-year full replacement coverage. The pixel that is dead is hardly noticeable, but oh well, a brand new PSP every couple of weeks is neat-o.

Opie, I miss you.

Tomorrow is SDO, and I have got big plans. Tomorrow I am going to lift, go to EL with Geoff, masturbate at least twice, and then head (no pun intended) up to a Pleasant Mount for some reckless money spending. I hope there are prostitutes there. I love to pay for some trim. That's high class trim, though. I'll probably head over to the trailor park of the Casino and gamble away my nickels at the slots. It's Simcox's birthday and he rented a room, so it should be a good time. I'll be there to make sure Scott and Abby do not have coitus while I am there. HA HA HA!!!

Anyway, queers, I'm out.

-MC Hammer

something to wish for...

I wish I had cool stories to tell. Today is my day off. Felix left for the bahama's today, she'll be gone a week. I don't know where she got the money from. Anyway You kids have fun.


So i was telling my mom about this blog, and reading to her about how i told Jeff you guys came and ate pie. And my mom says, (and i quote) "Forget Alan, that Geoff O'Donnell is turing into quite the good-looking kid. . . " and i started to gag, then laugh and she continued. . . "yeah, he is way good looking, i don't know, he's quite the stud." Then i kicked her out of the room. But i had to tell you.

Sorry Alan. I still love you.

Poop shute

lol, oh yep, that'll get me going in the morning. . . what a funny thing to call a butt hole. Whew. . . okay, i'm done with that now.

But anyway, i was pretty much getting fruaded and i am going to the bank to retrieve my 300 and some dollars being wrongfully taken from me. But i thought i would post first.

Jeff- there is still pie left (even after Geoff and Alan). Maybe i'll bring you some at the fair or something, eh? And some wrester trivia for you- What was Buddy Rivera's real first name? And are you showing at Lake-O?

I just watched half of first 50 dates (or whatever it is called) and i am going to go and buy it. It was really funny to me. Something else is funny too- my great aunt Rosamary got me the funnest, largest, ugliest "billfold" (yes, that is what the old ladies like to call them) in the wrold and today. . . i am using it. Yep, you heard me right (or read me i guess) i am doing it. Wish me luck.

Ben Simcox called and woke me up at like 9 this morning, i wanted to kill him. I tried to go to bed at 11 last night, and at 12:30 i took
sleeping pills because i just could not sleep. Probably the most annoying thing in the world i think. . . but we are going gambling tomorrow and i am pretty excited! Happy birthday tomorrow Ben! YES!

So now i am going to go to Ionia now, i do believe- This is Abby Canada Weeks
signing off. Have a good one, eh?


I got my ass outa bed today at 5:30 and found out we did not have to be to Grand Rapids until 11:00 and that might be too soon. but i do get to get home in time tonight to play softball but i won't even get 8 hours of work in. I will barely make$100 today. shitty. but my boss took me out for breakfast and gave me the low down about the job. its gonna be an easy job that will take too long because the stupid city people want to scan the cans and a bunch of bullshit. but i should make like $500 or so in the next few days. so I got that goin for me. it will help fill the gap my PSP left. but still there was no time for the gym because i had to do all this bullshit stuff before breakfast.
well see ya later
ope-dizzle fo rizzle.

She's my best friend's girl

So here we are, Tuesday morning. I'll be leaving shortly to go feed/wash my steer up at the fairgrounds, but I haven't posted in a while so I thought I'd chime in.

Welcome, Abby, nice to see ya. It'll be good to have someone who speaks Canadian on the forum, you really can't go wrong with being bilingual. You've greatly upgraded the 'Speak Easy' cultural appeal.

So something pretty nuts happened Saturday morning. While waiting here at the gym, a DOUBLE ENGINE Etrain plus 1/2 of a monster couldn't keep me awake, i fell asleep in probably less than 10 minutes. because of that, today i shall nap.

I had AOP yesterday, which really wasn't bad. I learned alot about the ole campus, although, the bus didn't show up for the campus tour (BOO). And they held my hand while I registered for classes, so I'll be making some changes in the fall. Apparently Geoff and I are going to join some crazy martial arts club...and I will become a dangerous weapon of mass destruction.

Softball team...lost again friday, although we did get a win thursday in by scoring 8 in the bottom of the 7th (not sure if i posted that or not, don't feel like looking).

The big red boat made an appearance on Morrison lake sunday which was AWESOme. It was the first time I've seen the boat grace the waters of the rural lake.

Opie, you were, and will be missed here at the gym. We prettymuch didnt even listen to the radio thias morning, but I guess youll have that on legs day. I'm thinking about getting volleyball shirts, so any suggestions would be helpful.

I saw Mr and Mrs Smith...i recommend it. Ashton and I didn't really mean to go "with" harrison and melanie...it just kinda happened. I didn't think you guys would sit by us... BUT, good movie.

Wow, I am sweating from typing, this is terrible. I just don't really have anything interesting to say, so you guys have a nice day.

-J Unit

PS ABBY, what exactly is the status of the pie/ice cream/desserts? I had just eaten when I went so I didnt have anything. the candies were kinda...yknow..soft too. I actually had som fun crushing the candy...because thats the kinda guy I am.

Monday, June 27, 2005

I can't wait.

First we're going to Abby's to eat up the leftover pie (and hopefully ice cream), then we're going to the fair to indulge in a corndog, maybe an elephant ear too, I don't know, I don't know if we'll have time. I've got a chub just thinking about it.

Peace. Geoff.


SO.. I am a tard! I had a good weekend minus some rather unfortunate events. (I bet I could write my own book). I alomost got in a horrific accident, but everything is okay now, except the thousands of dollars my parents have to pay for this dudes truck to get fixed. Gosh im a loser. I feel so bad. Saturday Opie and I went to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith... it was a rather good movie, like everybody else said it was funny. Sunday went to Abby-Ann's openhouse, and then tubing. Good time, Huisman's boat's rock! Then today I cleaned and moved my room around, and I think I almsot died of heat-exaustion. But hopefully I can find something to do tonight.

Unforgettable thats what you are.

Today has been a productive day. I woke up..late. Went and go new tires on my care, and then went and donated blood..That's right. I have now currently donated one gallon of blood, so now I've got a pin to show for it. I'm way tired, and I have to work tonight until 10....but then tomorrow is my SDO. Thank goodness. Well anyway. I've got some stuff to do before I head to work. You kids have fun.

I almost forgot-

Thanks to everyone who came to my open house! It was so hot, i feel bad you even had to sit through it, but i hope you had some good pie and ice cream. I love you all, thanks so much.

And for everyone else who couldn't or didn't come: i understand you had stuff to do, and it is okay. (Unless you went to the beach or something gay, then i hate you.)

Hahaha, just kidding Geoff.

. . . and i know (and i know). . .

You gotta love the echo. . . .

But anyway- this is officially my first post! I did really try to post the other day, but it wouldn't work for some reason. But i am really excited about this whole "blog" thing, i will definately be a regular on this once i get my computer at NMU, or so i think.

So i woke up at 12:02 just now, and to most people that would seem pathetic, but i was opening gifts and reading and writing until 5 this morning, so that is a little 7 hour stretch for me. Sarah Schipper (yes she is the oriental one) called me on my cell phone. But just to tell me i needed to call the lady at work to see if our tests are back in yet. Sweet. Then since i called her back on my house phone- Keller called me on my cell phone. He sprained his ankle at basketball on Saturday and couldn't drive to my open house yesterday. That's alright he is just way to cute to be mad at, and plus i felt bad that be hurt himself, he is so damn fast- i hope it heals by football season. . . THEN i am done talking to him and i get back to talking to Sarah and then ANOTHER person calls my cell phone. . . but i don't know the number. . . huh, this could be interesting- so i tell Sarah i'll talk to her later and answer my phone. It was Lisa Spetoskey- I am umping at the High School tonight for $30. Sweet. Somehow softball is making a huge comeback into my life these days. . . Friday nights, wednesday nights, and now monday nights? I am playing more than i ever did during season. . . hahaha- sad but true.

So as i said i opened all my stuff, which was amazing, sometimes i just can't understand how people like me so much. I got a boat-load of stuff i will definately need at Northern from my Aunt and Uncle, OH! And my Aunt and Uncle (Bev and Ted) gave me a box that said money machine and you pull the tab and it was the longest chain of money coming out of the box! A 20 taped to a 5 then some ones (it ended up being $100), probably one of the coolest things i have ever seen. But anyway, i'll note some exceptional gifts from people:
- Jeff Vander Boon got me one of the cutest and unknown stuffed animals i have ever seen (a lesser panda, it looks kinda like a racoon)
- The Durkees got me a cooler with a radio built into it! Cool, huh? On the box there are some of the funniest pictures i have ever seen. There are 4 different ones of people doing things- camping, laying on the beach, biking, and cooking, and in all of them this giant, rediculous cooler is super-imposed into all of them. You MUST see it. I will cut them out and show everyone!
- I much enjoyed all the cards from my friends: LeeAnn, Val, Alesheia, and Alan; i am definately touched by these people. . . (not literally) :-)
- Val Huisman's present almost made me cry- it was a photo album with my initials and HOTDOG! engraved on the front. Those Huisman's are way too good to me.
- Sadie Catt (who came with Scott at around 6, i guess) made me a really cute tote bag with NMU on it with my school colors and everything, she is so creative!
- that is all of the ones i can think of right now, i am tired with all the open house excitement. (and tired in general)
---- Wait- i almost forgot, there must be an explination for this gift- Rachel King gave me a Central Michigan t-shirt that has obviously been worn before AND smells like cologne. . . i think it is supposed to be a joke about how i am "engaged" to Ryan, but i am not positive, sometimes the Kings can be weird. . . hahaha

So I want to send a VERY VERY special thank you to Alan for NOT telling that damn story on tape, even though everyone proded you. . . i breathed a sigh of relief when you refused to tell it. Ugh.

On a more personal note: Definately recieved my first kiss since Alex on Saturday night, but i definately denied him and cut it short then mentioned something about his girlfriend (that he apparently forgot about). -And about Alan's post a while back about being jaded, and wasting time- I decided to actually think about it- and i am not sure if Alex was more of a waste of time, effort, my love, friendship, or money. But either way, it was definately a waste, (that whether i like to acknowledge it or not still makes me sad occasionally whenever i find my mind wandering onto it).

So about going away to Northern- All this time i have known i was going to go there, i haven't wavered in my decision yet- but i definately am thrown into an uncomfortable place when i actually think about how much i will probably come home to see people. Unless i get there and make no friends (which i don't really think will happen), not to be a jerk, but a lot of people i don't see much anyway, so i won't miss them too badly, but then there are the people that i do see a lot and have grown so attached to . . . i'm getting teary-eyed just thinking about it. But maybe there is something more to it.

I won't dance, don't ask me, I won't dance...

...no maybe, I won't dance, ma'dam with you...

Speaking of Frank Sinatra and not doing things, Opie did not come into the gym this morning. What a skinny bastard (See Sidenote 1). Enough said about that.

This hot weather is really starting to affect my psyche. I start to think horribly violent thoughts when I step out into the ridiculously hot weather. This heat and humidity is making me want to slit the wrists (vertically, as to kill myself).

This morning was pretty nice. Pretty good workout. The temperature was a teensy bit unreasonable when we got out of the gym. I think it was pushing 80 degrees at 8:00 a.m. That is pure poppycock. That is the kind of temperature that I start to melt, which wouldn't be that bad because I clocked in at 240.2 at the gym today. Scale was probably wrong though.

Tubing over at Nick's was sweet last night. It was so hot, so it felt real nice to get in the water. I tried to sort of "water skim" on this giant slab of wood, but I ended up biting it more times that I can count. It sucked. The tubing was really fun. That boat of Nick's is real pretty. And big. I want to make love to it. Opie and LeeAnn got in to a bit of a squabble about who is the bigger tool between the two. That is funny because I think we ALL know who wins that award unattested. I had my shirt off and no one would leave me the hell alone. EVERYone decided to touch my chest and nipples, I don't really understand the fascination, personally. It got to be annoying though.

Geoff and I are headed to the fair to dirt-bag it up. I am going to get a cut-off and a cowboy hat and go dine on the fine food that is served at the fair. I have had a hankerin' for a corndog for quite some time. Plus, those carnies are always good for a laugh. I hope Jeff is there so we can look at his steer (See horse).

-A. Diddy

Sidnote 1- He is actually quite rotund (See fat motherfucker in dictionary).

well I'll do God Damned Near Anything for science

I slept through my alarm and or it did not go off so i was at the gym late by myself just lifting on my own. amazing how much more motivated i am at 6:30 in the morning when its not so god damn hott outside... and the won't turn th AC on in the gym. (p.s. there is no ac in the gym)
anyway i will be working in G-Rap this week delivering trash recepticles. but i start at 6:00 in the morning and will go until about 10:00 at night. so no morning gym for me this week. oh well
hopefully i can hit up a fair for some deep fried goodness at somepoint this week.
hey guys! Big Gulps huh? Well, see ya later!

Breathe It In, It Always Goes Down Smooth

So it's Monday again. How was everyone's weekend?

I "worked" on Saturday. You'll noticed the quotes, they're making an appearence because that word "worked" would seem to imply that I did something, even one thing, productive. Truth be told: Alan and I avoided productivity like grim death. I played my PSP so much that I drained the battery and had to plug her in.

After work I went to Kinger's house, we played around on the rope for a while. Good times for everyone but Beach. He had a little mishap. After careful review of the incident it would appear that he grabbed too high on the rope and lost his grip when he tryed to put his weight on the disc. The big guy landed on his feet just before the pond. We laughed, oh boy did we laugh. It's one of those situations where my first reaction is holy hell, that's not funny, that had to hurt, and my immediate second reaction is oh my god, ha ha ha, i've never, ha ha ha, seen anything that, ha ha ha, funny before in my life. His foot was really bothering him though. He ended up having his girlfriends (whose name escapes me) mom drive him to the hospital.

Then King and I went to Copelin's party and hung around for a little bit. Didn't drink, I'm trying this new thing where I don't get piss drunk all the time. Only because of the adverse effects on the body. I did catch a surprising amount of shit for staying sober. For those that don't drink: is it always like that?

Hung out with Stephanie on Sunday. Good times all around. We went to the beach for a good portion of the afternoon. Then we went to Max & Erma's and I'll tell you what, one of those two makes some mean ass BBQ ribs.

Weighed 192.8 this morning, pre work out. So, the resolution for Monday is to eat more food.

Alan and I might be going to the world famous Lake Odessa Fair in search of corn dogs and elephant ears, and maybe some of that awesome carny trim I hear so much about.

Peace. Geoff.

When i move you move....just like that

I wanted to send a special thanks to all of you who came to my open house this weekend! I was so excited that you could make it! Jeff thank you for the case of Monsters....i love 'em!!

My weekend was pretty nice, the weather was crazy hot. But good thing i have a pool. Saturday was filled with open houses. Harrison and I went and saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith along with Jeff and Ashton. Good movie, i thought it woulda been more or less a action movie, but it was a comedy. I highly recommend it to everyone. Then Harrison and I went out to Copelins', now that was crazy. There was so many people out there from ages 16-27. Mom let me sleep in on Sunday which was very nice. Then i had a couple more open houses...almost done with them. Went and hung out with Lauren, hot tubbed it up a bit, but that was way too hot!!

Again thanks to everyone who came to my open house!!


Saturday, June 25, 2005

Life is Good

This is the balls. I am sitting at work. Listening the smooth sounds of Candy Duffer, drinking a Monster, and getting paid an unreasonable amount of money to do it. The only thing that would make this better would be two girls. One working the shaft, the other, the balls. It's great to be the king.

Murphy (my fish) is getting pissed. I have to clean his bowl soon, it is getting a little "fresh". He is a good goldfish. It's really funny, because whenever I get to work, he is just chillaxing, and when he sees me, he starts swimming real fast all around the bowl. Good story...

Weekend is looking rather bleak. I was supposed to go to Portland with Corey Thelen tonight and pick up some trim at an open house, but that isn't going to happen, because right after work, I am going to Scott's open hizzle. Even though he didn't come to mine, I am not going to be childish about it.

I brought a can of Chunky soup. It's grilled chicken and sausage gumbo. It eats like a meal, that's what's so genious about it.

I went to Melanie's open house yesterday. Which WAS cool, until we swam and Angie and Melanie, oh, and Abby all jumped on my back and dug their nails into my SUNBURNT back, and slapped me. Then Angie threw a football at me as I popped my head out of water and it hit me square in the grill. Gay.


Insert Scream here.

It's only 10 minutes to seven, and I can tell that this isn't going to be a very good day. I come in to a store with a rack full of dirty dishes from last night, and a dirty oven and proofer. If Tamera came in right now, she would shut us down...I say. Bring it on. anyway. I should get started on the things I have to do this morning. I don't know what I'm doing tonight, but I have to be back to this place at 9AM tomorrow morning. see ya.

Friday, June 24, 2005

We call them strong those who can face this world alone...

Well Jeff, I'm sorry I missed softball tonight, but I would have been tempted to stay out later than would be concidered appropriate. I do have to open tomorrow, I'm out at 2, and then I should take a short nap. Lance's birthday party is tomorrow night, but I really don't want to go. I don't think I will. I don't really know lance, and it's at Coplin's....nothing good can come of that. Anyway, work today was....hectice, the worst almost happened. We almost ran out of bread. In the midst of my mad bread baking the truck decided to come. I had to stop the bread baking, and spend the next hour putting the truck away. I was just glad when 6 O'Clock rolled around. Anyway. Jeff, we should do a whole song in titles, that would be neat-o. However, I'm off. You kids have fun!


The sheet has been updated to today. I got to sleep in this morning and it pretty much ruled. Softball is @ 7:20 tonight, for those interested, and then I'm off to Melanie's Open House. Scott is in here, FYI, so thats cool too. I'm pretty burnt but as long as I don't move I'm good to go. Oh, and my tailbone hurts because I'm an idiot. Have a nice evening.


Thursday, June 23, 2005

technology runs in my veins

ok, so voluntary exile from the modern world is fine, but when the stupid phone company decides to turn off your phone, and therefore, and more importantly, your internet, it's like hell on earth. What is a guy supposed to do without his e-mail and webcomics, huh?

On an entirely different note, we got a 60" brush cutter today, and it is fun to run over rose bushes with, works MUCH better than the lawnmower. Did at least 3 acres in 3 and a half hours, and that includes Colin doesn't know how to use the brush cutter yet time.

Ahh, sweet screen glow, how I've missed you.


Got the Sportsplex spreadsheet links working. Turns out the MSU Servers are case sensitive, but I suppose you'll have that. Jeff needs to update them, I noticed Opie wasn't on the Cardio Spreadsheet.

Beach trip was fun, we all got a "little" sun.

The question is, Do ya feel lucky..... WELL DO YA PUNK?

Alan you were 100% correct with the #1 movie quote from tuesday night. The AFI's Top 100 Quotes was ended with the #1 being "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." - Gone With the Wind. Alan called it and he was right.

Opie told me the story of the foot race that happened yesterday between the O'Donnell bothers, but he definately didn't tell it like that! That story telling was hilarious! But Opie mentioned something that Alan didn't. Something about The eldest(50LBS lighter) brother losing his footing at the beginning. Which is probably why he wanted a re-race! But yeah it's all good! Anyway, much sitting around and eating to do today, so I should get back to that. SeeYa!

It's not enough just to stand outside the fire.

I don't really think you were referencing that Cass, but I guess there's nothing I can do about that IS THERE?

I'm guessing the steers are out right now. They're definitely hungry and probably thirsty. I decided to blame it on Travis.

We finally got the lawnmower and the water going last night, so that was cool. I finally slept so I'm feeling pretty good right now, also a plus. We secured a doolie for the trip.

Travis is here. Peace.

You must be tough when consumed by desire...

Good Morning all. It is currently 8:30. I have yet to find a tomato that is neither too ripe nor ripe enough. Tomato's disappoint me at this place. You can never find a good one. Mr.Brooks was the one waking me up this morning while I do prep. Good man...good man. I've got Shana coming at 9 and she is always a good time. To those of you about to rock...I salute you. Have good times at the beach. Wow...it's real hot in here! you kids have fun, and I'll see everyone tonight!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

...and I'm not about to let you fly away.

Today is my SDO, I spent the first half of the day outside in the sun. Fishing is a possibility tonight, Congrats to Alan. oh and good story telling by the way. I throughly enjoyed myself, when I was reading it. well that's all I got for now. See ya.

Serenity Now

You know what?!?! I just remembered I was going to bitch about this. Fuckin' Brenna sent Alan a letter, some (foreign) chocolate, and some (foreign) gum after graduation. What the fuck is that? Want to know what she gave me when I graduated? Nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing. I understand that we had recently parted ways, or whatever, and I'm not saying that I was expecting a bunch of money or anything like that. But, she didn't even send me a letter, nothing. What, the, fuck? Her parents either, well her mom, her dad probably still wants to see me boiled in oil. Anyway, I thought it was bullshit.

Take 'er easy, and if she's easy take 'er twice. Geoff.

It was a another seemingly normal day...

...At the gym. Little did Geoff O'Donnell know that his whole life would be changed in an instant.

When Geoff awoke this morning, he felt good. He popped out of bed, turned off the alarm, and woke up his ruggedley handsome younger brother, Alan. Geoff was really feeling it today.

"Man, I can't wait to lift, I am energized, ready to rock." Geoff stated. Yee-haw.

"Hmph" Alan mumbled. Alan had had a long night, he spent about an hour and a half on the phone the night earlier and had only got about 5 hours of sleep. He fumbled down the stairs after throwing on some workout clothes walking behind Geoff. Alan grabbed a cup and drank a little H2O. Geoff was awfully chipper this morning, which annoyed Alan, because he was a little crabby. All that crabbiness would evaporate in but an hour and a half.

The pair walked outside to a wonderfully crisp summer day. They had enjoyed the cool mornings and the hot afternoons. The wind wisped through their messy hair seemlessly while they walked down the deck stairs and climbed into Geoff's car.

"Man, it is awesome out." Geoff said.

"Sure is. It is sweet." Said Alan. And it was. It would only get sweeter for the 240 pound man.

Alan kicked back his chair while Geoff drove and gave his lumberjack beard a scratch. He dozed on and off while they made the short trek to the Viking Sportsplex. The scenery was lovely this particular morning. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, and the fields rolled on like a ball on a frictionless surface. The music was a little loud for Alan's taste, for he desired to hear the smooth sounds of the alto sax and piano in the morning. It mellowed him out, but for now he would have to deal with Geoff's less than ecelectic taste in music.

As we pulled in the parking lot, the pair noticed three cars. One belonged to Melanie, one to Ben Vanderboon, and one final to Jerri (a regular cardio lady). No Opie, not yet anyway. Alan had foolishly forgotten his gun, but he was focused, he had something on his mind. Today he had to compete. He had challenged his 190 lb brother to a foot race. Alan's mind was racing for a number of reasons.

"Ah man, my hamstrings are still sore from that leg workout yesterday. I am also 50 pounds heavier than Geoff." The odds were strongly against him. "This is crazy." He thought.

The workout went as per usual. Opie finally showed up about 45 minutes late raging pissed. He was pissed on account of his nephew erasing his saves on Ridge Racer. What a little bastard. Alan had shocked his pecs with some bench press and pec deck. He also went with a rigorous bicep and tricep routine, all the while mixing in abs. He was trying to focus on upper body to take some of the pain eminating from his legs. Boy, he was sore.

7:45 a.m. Game time.

"Dude, when are you two fatties going to race?" Asked Opie.

"Now, bitch, I am the fastest man in the world, as well as the most defined and strongest. Fuck Arnold and that Porsche. I would beat up Arnold and beat that Porsche in a race." Geoff said. He often talked about how stupendous he was. Alan had been the bigger man and just let him talk his shit.

"Yeah, I suppose now would be an appropriate time." Stated the calm and collected Alan. Alan walked over and picked up his pair of white socks and slipped them on without a hitch. He laced up his old running shoes. They sure were dirty, he thought, but they were trusty and got his through many practices in wrestling. He had run many miles in these shoes, and loved them down to sole.

He walked outside with Geoff, Jeff, and Opie. The air was breezy. Alan could almost hear the winds of change. The four debated over the next ten minutes how long and where to race. It was decided that the race would take place from the start of the cement to the right side of the gym, and would end where Opie and Jeff stood. Alan took a quick stretch. If I just believe, I can do it, he thought to himself. He had the heart of a champion. He could do this. He would do this.

Geoff and Alan walked to the end of the cement. Jeff and Opie looked like small figures in the distance where they stood at the finish line. The pair took their places at the start line. Both placed the end of their toes on the cement and placed the other leg back. Alan took the standard sprinter position with a hand on the ground. Geoff followed the same suit.

Geoff was calm too, he had this race in the bag. There is no way I am losing to my ruggedly-handsome younger brother. He weighs 50 pounds more than me. There is no mathmatical situation that would permit this to happen. Fuck it, I am going to smoke him before he knows what hit him, he thought to himself.

"Take your positions!" Opie yelled from a far. "I will put my two really fat arms down really fast when it is ok to go! On your marks, get set...GO!" He let his arms gracelessly fall to his side.

They were off. Alan thought he was doing rather well being neck and neck for the first couple of yards. Geoff was a little surprised with Alan's speed and agility off the line.

As they approached the quarter marker, all Alan could think of was victory. He could taste it. He was in the lead running as fast as he could, but he thought Geoff would soon catch up.

What the hell is going on here? I am a few feet BEHIND him? That's it, I need to dig deep. Geoff dug as deep as he could, but it was not deep enough for Alan was a freight train. Nothing could stop his heart and his desire to win. He would not take no for an answer.

Alan crossed the finish line first, with a few feet to spare. Geoff crossed the finish line and immediately demanded a re-race. Alan did not wish to participate in another race, because he knew he had already embarassed his brother, and he didn't wish to do any more harm. Alan threw his arms in the air and the crowd erupted.

"Ha ha ha!! You got beat by your younger brother! He outweighs you by like a million pounds!" Chimed Jeff and Opie simutaneously.

Alan had done it. No problem. It wasn't even a race. He had acheived his goal that had earlier seemed so far in the distance. He was number one. Geoff was number two (that's poo). The odds were against him, but he had prevailed.

-The events stated earlier are all true and occured on June, the 22nd, 2005 at approximately 7:45 a.m. All names have been kept the same for the reason simply to prove that Alan is faster than Geoff. All names of buinesses are registered trademarks of Jeff (more or likely). Names of fatasses named Opie are probably at McDonald's right now. All rights reserved.

Feelings Come From Ovaries. Queer.

Under the terms & conditions laid out for the foot race between Alan and I today, 06/22/05, he won. That's really all that needs to be said, although I'm sure he'll toss in a "little" more than his 2 cents.

I am going to squat tomorrow. There it is, I said it, now I have to. On the topic of lifting, I think I'll be picking up a notebook today on the way home from work so I can record the lifts I do. It's kind of a big step.

After today this week will bring nothing but good times (and perhaps some great oldies). Tomorrow we get to lift, go to the beach, and watch the Pistons win the title. Friday's are always good, pretty much no matter what. Saturday, I believe there's v-ball at the King's, then Lance's birthday party at Copelin's house. And Sunday, I am going to the beach with Stephanie. Does it get any better? Probably, but not much for this guy.

I want to buy Lance a porn for his birthday, just kind of to fuck with him. Anyone know where I can pick up some hardcore porn in the Grand Rapids area. Hardcore mind you, none of that pussy softcore shit.

Stay tuned for updates.

Peace. Geoff.

dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?

My open house is this friday everyone is invited!! 6-9pm....and if you can't make it before 9 that's fine i will be here all night.

I have to work tonight ugh!!! So if anyone is hungry between 2:30-9:00 come and eat the Village Cafe(Hummels') !!Everyone have fun tomorrow at the beach, looks like a good beach day.

Hope to see everyone at my open house friday!!

Have a good one-Melanie

Upset of the century...

I'm just going to build suspense here and let Geoff/Alan tell you what happened in the Gym parking lot today.

They say the things nobody dares to say...


Go Stons. Thursday Game 7. I'm going to have to work on my ping-pong skills and try to get some wins. Again, I'll be late because of softball.

Alan, good work there man. I'm glad you got that stuff out there.

Our house ran out of water yesterday, and it's confirmed that we're still out today. I definitely had to shave @ the ole gym this morning, which resulted in blood, sweat and tears. Melanie is here, as usual, along with Jari Collins, such is Monday. I guess I don't have to keg-tend Friday night, so that should make the night much easier to pull off.

Umpired last night for a 10U game, and it actually kinda sucked. The Middleville coach was probably the most immature loser I've ever met. 2nd Out of the game he says "Hey, the Pistons play at 9, not 8." It made for a long night. The good news is that his self-esteem is probably pretty high because he spent the whole night ripping on his 10-year-old players. Mr. Hager was coaching the Lakewood team, and we talked football, but there was no fried chicken involved.

I found out last night that the "Eat your chicken, queer." comment is a result of our Bennigan's trip. Thanks guys.

8:44 around the triangle today, ouch, bros.

Maybe I'll post a really serious emotional post later, since that seems to be the theme now. I don't think I could possibly get more lame than this post.

8:10/9:10 Thursday
7:20 Friday

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Change is the only thing that we can actually depend on!

Hey all! What is going on? Played a little Tennis today after work... Also got dropped in a kiddy swimming pool by Opie and John, that was refreshing! Just took a shower and I'm already sweating... it sucks! Big plans to take Katelyn and Treston to the Binder Park Zoo tomorrow with Opie.. I'm really really super excited to see those Giraffes again! yay, I better take a lot of money for Giraffe Biscuits again!

Alan- I don't know what to tell you really on the relationship vs. fooling around with girls. I will say Two things. 1.) Under any circumstances please, if you choose to just fool around, make sure that the girl you're fooling around with.... is just fooling around too. It's not cool with have your heart played around with. I know that you guys think it's cool to just hit it and move on... but not when the girl thinks there is something more coming. Don't be that guy! 2.) I will tell you this whole heartedly... Having a relationship with somebody for a semi-long period of time and having it end, is not a waste of time. If you love that person, and it's not about sex, it will never be a waste of time afterwards. Because if you don't have those long relationships, you won't go through those experiences. Yeah, relationships can be annoying at times, but the awesome times make up for that. But anyway, just thought i'd put in my two-cents worth. Everybody have fun! Byeee

The Weather Sucks.

Damnit! It's supposed to rain Thurday, I hope weather.com is wrong. The Sportsplex Beach Trip might get rained out.

it isn't like it used to be

Well i am sitting here in a huge ass house babysitting lets see....four flessners, three browns and three parks'...with the help of Amanda Welch. The kids wanted to go swimming, Amanda and i were all for that so we got towels around and got them in there appropriate swimming attire. Took them to the pool and before we knew it,not only were they swimming but so were there towels. Amanda and I rang all the towls out and brought them back home. I will remember to keep a hold of the towels next time. Anyway i was kinda hurt to see that there was a sportsplex trip to the beach on thursday and i,a long time member(8 months) was uninvited...i guess i am not included on sportsplex events anymore.well i have many kids to attend to so see ya at the gym...melanie

I've Got the World On a String...

...sitting on a rainbow, got the string around my finger, what a world, what a life I'm in love.

I love Frank Sinatra. I listened to him today before work. Always can brighten my day with that voice. I listened to him whilst I played my PSP. A little side note: I won the Southern Invitational on Tiger Woods PGA Tour with a score of -6 after 18 holes, I beat the 2nd place pud by 3 strokes. I birdied the last three holes. It's been a big day for me. I am now sponsored by Nike and Tag Heuer.

Went to the ole' gym today. Hit the squats pretty hard, my legs are still getting used to me uh, well, using them after being dormant for so many years. Pretty uneventful day though, besides I served Opie whilst he was out in the parking lot with my airsoft pistol. It was funny, but he kind of rained blows upon me afterward. He is big and it hurt.

Went to Angie's with J-Dog last night. Shoup was there too. I wish I would have had my air pistol. I would have served him for no reason. I am unstable. Anyway, Ben Vanderboon met me in the driveway and handed me two six-packs of alcoholic beverage and said it was for me. I was very excited because I thought it was, like, a late graduation present. However, as I was putting them in my backseat, he told me they were for Angie and Melanie. Boo. I was thirsty.

I know I have said this close to a million times, but I think I am going to cool it with the drinking for a bit. As much as I like getting wasted, after this weekend bender, I think I should slow down and get a little more serious about lifting and getting ready for wrestling. And that means less alcohol, more lifting, and a lot more cardio. It is kind of hard because I have no one to practice with, so if anyone on here knows someone that is honestly looking for a partner, let me know.

So, in the spirit of me pretty much writing a novel right now...the woman scene for me is looking a little bleak right now. Things are not buffing out as I had originally thought. I was hoping to nail Jill, however, I think she has a boyfriend and won't tell me. I say this strictly because the other day when she was over, we were making out and some guy called, and she picked up and finished the call with an "I love you". But, whatever. I am kind of sick of being "that guy". As flattering as it is to be good enough to cheat on your boyfriend with, it's kind of a tired routine. Rebecca and I are going to catch some dinner sometime this week, I think, however, I have had kind of a difficult time deciding how I feel about her. I mean, she is cool and all, but I feel like her priorities are a little out of order. Maybe that is just me, but I like her a lot, but I don't know how I want to handle this situation. And then there is this girl named Jamie. But that situation is a little strange, I guess. I don't know how to describe what is going on with us. She wants to meet, and play some video games, and sports. She is cool, very cool actually, but, well, I guess I don't know. This is like, the first girl I have actually gotten to know before I like knew she was hot, or before I like did her (which I haven't, I am just speaking in generalities). She is very open, and goes to MSU, but I don't know. I guess I can't decide if I want to have a girlfriend or just keep playing the field and trying to get laid. Fooling around with randoms is a good time, but becomes rather unfufilling after a while, and I kind of feel like I am missing something. Going away to college might be affecting this, I kind of feel like I need some stability in my life right now, and everything is well, unstable. The only thing I can really depend on is my family and friends right now. I think that is going to be a little more difficult to find a serious girlfriend in college for me, but I am not looking to get married, so I guess I don't care, but some relationships seem like such a waste of time. After so long with a person, and ending it seems like such a gigantic waste of time. I guess I am just a little jaded. I know I should focus on the cool times you share with the person, but I can't see past the time that I put in it.

This is turning into a diary for me, but I have a lot on my mind and it feels good to get them out there in the open. I am very disappointed because I had to call the Team Michigan coach and tell him that I couldn't go to nationals because I don't have enough money, and I probably couldn't take a week of work off. I am really upset about that. It sucks because I really want to be an all-american. Not to say that I would have even placed, but I think I would have had a pretty good chance. But $1700 is pretty steep for something like that. I cannot wait to get back in shape and start wrestling at State. That is going to rock. I have potential to start my first year of eligibility if I work hard. Their heavyweights are pretty weak. I think I have a pretty good shot.

Anyway, this is long and involves a lot of feelings. So with that note, I am a pussy. I'm out.

-The Truth

...They talk to me and seem to hypnotise.

We where supposed to view "Batman Begins" last night, but that so much didn't happen. Ben Simcox's came into subway, and I determined that he was the blonde hair boy that I was told about. I'm glad that unsolved mystery is now solved. Work again tonight until 8, then perhaps Sara's; I might be making an apperance in my subway garb, it depends on what time I really get out, and if I have enough time to go home and change clothes. I think I might have to wear the pink ribbon again. I mean green shirt with black pants, and red shoes...it always seems like it needs something else. I don't know who I work with tonight, hopefully Jeremiah, he's the only one that can keep me sane at night. I bought some chocolate milk last night, and I realize this morning that it's "Dutch" chocolate milk. What's the difference between "Dutch" Chocolate milk and regular chocolate milk? Do they use dutch cows??? Anyway. I'm off. You kids have fun.
Oh what time is game time? 8 or 9?? can someone call me or text me with a yay or nay on the time?? I also want to see the Gatti- Mayweather fight. it looks like it'll be a good one!

I love to look into your big brown eyes...

I'm so alone..theres noone HERe beside me... -Donkey

Scratch that: Charles Harms just rolled up.

Played basketball last night, that was pretty rockin'. Hit up Angie's afterward for some pool so I wouldn't have to take a shower.

MIS sounds like a good bet next year, assuming that the spectators will continute to create recycling revenue. I think Vito misunderstood my message about Thursday because he sent Travis in early today...this worries me.

Washed my steer yesterday and he just about killed me. I lived, however, and we will battle once again today. I was mowing the lawn but the tire went MegaFlat so I didn't really get the sun I was looking for.

Sarah's tonight?

Orientation for MSU is Monday, so that should be fun. Also, the LakeO fair is coming up, so be prepared for that. I need to get myself back in volleyball shape for sure.

How about these paragraphs? Dome joined the gym today, so thats cool. Robyn made an appearance yesterrday but just walked into the back and then left. Alan was nice enough to post the story on allMSU...what a good kid.

Opie ran the triangle today. Good work by him. I'm out.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Holy Smokes

You cannot prepare for what MIS brings. If I was to boil it down to a mathematical equation it would look something like this,
(K-Mart + Alcohol) x Infinity = MIS.
Try to imagine that. Opie and I had a fun time, lots of stories, but they're probably only funny to us, so I won't go into any of them. Bottom line is that we has a pimpin' good time, and I can't wait until next year.

Sportsplex Beach Trip happenin' Thurday.

Take my hand...we'll make it I swear

So here I sit...1:15 PM...oh the joys of Viking Sportsplex. Harrison is here because there are no houses to build, so thats cool. Wow, I'm really exhausted, I'll post something later.

Sunday, June 19, 2005


I had a great time. but i am unimpressed with the seinfeld quotes. thanks to jeff we have 2

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Can you take me higher?

Okay, if you believe in God, or Buddah, or some other higher power. Please pray that I get an interview with Spectrum health...I work until 5 tomorrow..ugh. I wish I didn't. I'd go wish Pat Wierenga good luck on all his future culinary endeavors. I would also like to wish all the fosha's out there a happy dad's day! Yep....That's all I got...Later!

sometimes ya feel like a nut... sometimes ya don't...

I am so sure Alan manages to call 1,000,000 people but I do not get a call! pfffsssttt! What is this world coming to?? Nathan Hummel managed to call me last night, or rather this morning at 4am! That was nice, He was super trashed as well. His first time drinking since March. I was impressed that he called me of all people. lol. well, I have to go to an Open House and then I think I'm venturing off to matty's! SeeYa!

Got the time, got a chance, gonna make it...

...Got my hands on you're heart gonna take it. Anyway..good song. I just listened to that at work this morning. I went back in time with my "Good morning Cass" music. anyway. I have an open house to go to, but then nodda. Alesheia said something about some kind of party at Matty's house, but I don't know. so Jeff, if you're not going then call me. We can play catch or something. (I'm always up for a good round of catch). well Felix is batting at the mouse on the screen, so I think that is my que to go! see ya later!

When we divided we stand baby, united we fall

Geoff, I use the notebook for lifts so I can write it down before I forget. I use the spreadsheet for cardio because it does the totals and averages for me. I write down the lifts so I know what I did, and I try to go heavier or more reps with at least one part of the lift every time I do it again. Peace

Gabriel stands and confirms: I create my own prison

Cass, we should post on here back and forth all day.

So, took Alan to GRAP last night. He became very intoxicated and called about 1,000,000 people. We met a guy named Dave with a HUGE dog named peachy (he was walking by on the sidewalk). Direct Quote from dave: "Yea, she looks like a bear, she has a thyroid problem." LOL. He was taking Peachy to get a slim-jim...good stuff.

Softball team got win #1 last night, bringing the overall 2-league record to 2-8. No errors for thi guy, 1-2 at the plate w/a walk. Not a bad night.

Cardio = CRazy today. 204 strides/min over 40 min. I might fall over.

Nothing to do tonight, so if someone could call me thatd be great. Otherwise I shall nap for an eternity. Ben is here, yay.

More than is words is all you have to do to make it real.

First blog of the day! Yes! Everyone who went to birthday bash or someother event have fun, be safe. I'll talk to you all later. Except maybe Jeff.

Friday, June 17, 2005

I'm just too drunk to make my point, you think your name is pass the joint.

Jeff + Cell phone = didn't call to see if Cassidy was going be at subway @ 2pm.


Cassidy = not @ Subway at 2:00 pm. Boo.


First of all Melanie, Jeff Gordan sucks fat cock. However, I will probably be too drunk to remember who wins. I was a bad man today. I didn't go to work but for an hour slept all day and ate a lot of kit-kats that Alesheia left at my house. but yes we will be red-necking all weekend and having a good time. I'm almost positive that most of you will be getting a drunk dial from one of us. lets make the other blog a quote blog with the starting categorie of seinfeld. post your favorite seinfeld quotes on there.

P.S. HILLARD AND KATIE MADE OUT ( I realize that would be a lot funnier if either of them posted on here but still...)

You're still too amazing to ignore...

Good song! I work all this weekend, and saturday! but I'm headin' to the bash after work. I will be in attendance for the softball game tonight. all I have to say is that Alesheia better bring the iPod. I'm on a Gavin kick, and I might require a song or two during the game. Well that's all I got! For now Amigo's!

The day will come...

Ahh.. slept in until about 11:30am, twas nice since I haven't done that in awhile. I think I have found a new food that I love... Mac and Cheese! Well, back a few summers ago I ate EasyMac probably everyday while taking a break from swimming in my pool! Now I have found Stofers Mac&Cheese... it's good stuff.

One of these days I will make an apperance at the gym and it will be glorious! Because sleeping in and eating all day is going to start getting to me. I really really really wish I had a pool that i could do laps in every morning like I used to. I'm just so sad.... Well, I should finish my mac and cheese and start to get ready for work! Booo... I work tonight, tomorrow morning, and Sunday night. I'm very upset about this too. Other than working I have nothing else to do so if any of ya are feeling lonely give me a call!

Boys that are going to MIS, I'm not going to tell you to have fun this weekend, because I already know that you're going to have fun!! SeeYa!

Woo, Woooo!!!

Riding... the... E... Train. Hold on bitch.

So, I want to start recording all of the lifts I do. Sets, reps, weight, what not. I feel like it'll serve as a little (read: lot) of motivation. This is for Jeff, do you recommend a spreadsheet (Microsoft style) or the old fashion notebook? I notice you take the notebook approach for lifts and the spreadsheet for cardio. Any reason? Is .xls better suited for cardio?

T-minus 5 hours and 5 minutes until MIS. Opie and I are gonna be red-neckin' it up all weekend. If you get a drunk-dail in the wee hours of the morning, please do not be alarmed.

Some people call me a space cowboy...

I swear these days keep getting longer.On an average day i am at the gym at five and home by six-forty. I babysit until two then off to waitress until nine. By the way all you can eat buffet tonight at the Village Cafe( Richie's). Birthday Bash is tomorrow, kinda wanted to go but instead i will be shopping!

Man i love graduating, wish i could graduate every year. I keep getting money in the mail. It is the shit! Well i have a few phone calls to make so everyone who is going to MIS(Go Jeff Gordon!) have fun...Melanie

I promise to never fall in love.....with a stranger

Ahh the wonders of K-CI and Jojo. So today has been pretty lame so far. I sat here essentially by myself for 2 hours this morning. Opie was taking a half hour of "opie-time", but Alan and Geoff both needed to be called. This makes me sad, but I'm glad they came, good stuff. LeeAnn still hasn't made the attendance sheet, but it's only June.

Lost twice, in softball, again. This kid here went 0-8 at the plate. And, while playing 3rd, I don't think I ever feld-ed (yes, felded) a ball into my glove. They all hit me somewhere other than my glove, except for one. Shots to the leg, arm, stomach, and almost mouth once. I am thankful for my friend Jacque.

6:10 tonight for anyone who is interested. I never thought I'd say this but I think I may be getting a little disillusioned with softball. Oh, FYI, Melanie did come in today, just late. Which, sadly, makes her normal. Cardio was nuts today. I do my best work on little sleep. We need to get that link up, for sure.

I can't stop thinking about that pole @ Kings. I may or may not dig out a pond today and jump into it. Then, I'll probably drown my steer in it. I might not even be able to show him @ the fair. That cat is a freak.

Have fun at MIS. Don't forget how hard you've worked boys. Peace.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


I would be all about hooking you up with some sweet songs, but, unfortunetly, my computer is both anti social and has leprosy. So, it decided that it doesn't like cds right now, making it sorta difficult to transfer such things to you. You should look up "Daknit, Bard of Justice", it's good stuff. ::smirk::

How's the chicken? Queer.

So I want some techno mp3s. Can anyone help a brother out? That song from Super Troopers, when they pull over the German couple, is in my head... and I want more! I might have to recollect a ton of music anyhow. I'll let you guys know if I need to take up donations. One of my HD's is fucked, but I don't know which one yet, haven't had the time to figure 'er out, so I might be in the clear. Good story.

Jeff and I are going to get a link to the workout spreadsheet posted on here pretty quick. Stay tuned.

Leann - Don't even talk about intruding you turd. Everyone's welcome, assuming you can behave yourself!

I want to go putt putt golfing again. So... Let's plan a day and we'll go ahead and do that.

Like deja vu I feel like I've been here.

Such a good song. I woke right up today and turned the Aerosmith on. These last couple of weeks have been quite uneventful. I think Felix realizes this because she's been all cuddly...which isn't like her. She ever actually slept in my bed last night. I honestly don't know what's gotten into her. Anyway, I had to work last night, got called in. It was all right, but I had to supervise a bunch of 3 year olds. Enough about work. Oh LeeAnn the Pennock gym is pretty cool, although membership is quite pricey even if you get the student discount, and I doubt you'd want to go all the way to Hastings to go work out. It's just an idea. It looks like it's going to storm...kinda I mean there are dark clouds, but the sun is out. I have to open saturday, it would be nice if someone didn't because I wanted to go to birthday bash, but alas. This this is so crazy, Felix really isn't herself, she's singing Crazy. I don't know what's going on. I better go check her food. I think she's ingested cat nip. You kids have a good day!
P.S. to the guys. I heard on John Tesh one night, that when you work out, work your muscles from side to side. He says that you muscles don't get that much side to side motion. it was a couple weeks ago, but I just remembered it. I'll post it if I find the little exerpt.

Everything you say, every word of it, cuts me me to the bone

OK, so LeeAnn I would say intrusion is no reason not to come to the gym. We have a good time, we get stronger, why else would I go early on my DO?

Anyway, I'm pretty much all-daying-it here at good ole VS. Travis had an orthodontist appointment, so I'm covering until like 11:30 and then coming for my scheduled time at 3. It's cool though, because I can play around on here.

Stons played well last night. Sarah schooled me in Ping-pong. Ben made his 3rd consec. gym appearance today, so that was good too.

Umpired last night, not bad, really nice weather.

Softball tomorrow 8:10/9:10, friday 6:10. I'm 1-7 overall in both leagues so I think it's time to get some wins.

Man, not much to say when I saw the whole blog population last night. Peace.

eat it....

So, I surprisingly shot three different people with the pellet gun tonight and I only got a few punches to the ovaries in retaliation. But I did get a rather small but tender blood blister from cocking the gun. My own fault I'm new to this.

I got new running shoes and I feel like running, But I don't want to go outside to run b/c I live on a dirt road and they would get dirty. I coooooooould go to the gym, but I don't want to intrude on the guys, because I know how that feels and it isn't too pleasant. So maybe I should find my own gym ya know? I just need to find something to take up my spare time. When I work a lot in the week i get real stressed and irritable, but when I don't work a lot I get super bored. But I guess bored is better than irritable huh? lol. wellll... It's that time.. I better be going. Byebye!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

My shoe size would make me illiterate.

Just for the record I did defend you in comment A of that post. It makes me sad that Harrison King provides extra motivation though...where did I go wrong...

I'll probably be in the gym around 6 tomorrow. I don't have to open but legs days are long and I want to get a good one. I'm umpiring tonight, yay!.

My steer broke through the fence today and I walked him back to his pen with a stick from like .2 miles away. :) G'evenin all.

Lets act our age, not our shoe size

Lazy ass??? Come on Geoff!! I do believe that i am at the gym every day at 5am! Anyway, about the swing at the Kings'--extremely fun but very dangerous. Coming from a person who had the wind knocked outa me from landing on my back.......it hurts very badly!

We have a new member in the mornings at the gym...Harrison King. (my god he is hot!) If that isn't motivation i don't know that is. Have a good one.


Monday, June 13, 2005

what up ho?

I have had a really productive day. I resisted cake and Ice cream(my sis's b-day) but ate 2 peices of steak instead. today for lunch i had a ham sandwich on toast, yeah toast. umm yeah thats about all I got.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

There's a storm a brewin'

Well the drunken induced coma didn't happen last night, and I get to keep my job. yay. Now we are going through manager number three since Rich took over the store. I need out..now! In other news.....well there is no other news. well I have to work tomorrow morning, and then I get Monday and Tuesday off, so I'm going with Alesheia to go watch the weirenga twins play softball. My brother is up in Ludington playing in a fast pitch tourney, they won their first two games, so they have to stay the night, and play in the championship tomorrow. anyway drink lots of water, and have fun!

No reason to hide.

Geoff and I are effectively playing internet tag right now. O Joy.

If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen....

It's so damn hot... I am seriously miserable right now. It is taking everything in me not to go run through the sprinkler again. I told my dad I was angry at him for taking away my pool... and I still am. That thing was my life in the summer. maybe not so much last summer b/c i was working all the time, and it wasn't this warm.. but geeze.

Jeff- my Viking Sport Plex T-Shirt still hasn't shown up yet. I guess I'll never find it. *Sighs* I was really excited about that.

Stons tomorrow.... where we going? I know Opie said something about his house... but Sarah does have air conditioning..... but it doesn't really matter that much since it's nightish time. Just let me know. mkay, talk at ya all later!

... On the Topic of Home Owners Liability, Ect...

A pond, and makeshift swing on the end of a fucking TELEPHONE POLE. Very entertaining. But, this is what we in the business of insurance refer to as a liability claim waiting to happen... in hiding, if you will. And it got me thinking that if, God forbid, something did happen and the injuried party wanted to hold the King's responsible, well... I believe their home owners insurance carrier will NOT be impressed.

Jeff fucking jumped me yesterday with his air soft gun. I was unarmed. He's a bastard. I did shoot a few times back at him, ONCE I GOT MY GUN. I connected across the yard with his knee and forehead. I'm a God damn sharpshooter. I suppose I'm a "bastard" as well for shooting Ben while he was unarmed, but let's all admit: he had it coming. Again though, some amazing shots by me.

People who suck: Opie (lazy ass), Melanie (lazy ass), Angie (lazy ass AND liar) and Alan (lazy, fucking fat, and the only NCAA wrestler that didn't lift today).

Good news: The Backstreet Street Boys are back in full force!

Bad News: I'm at fucking work today.

Soy un perdedor

SO last night I reached maybe my highest level of losertude. Not only did I not dance even when Melanie and Rachel started to dance in a circle around me, I wasn't even smart enough to keep my mouth shut. I promptly went and jumped in the pond. I swear I've never taken it to a level like this before. I apologize to everyone who knows me.

In other news softball lost last night in "extra softball", although pretty much everyone was either there or was told personally about it. Opie, feel free to add your input as you were witness to a pivotal play. I'm currently planning on going to Lowell to harvest immediately upon release from work. More on that later.

My dad came in today and we hung out a little bit. He's going to be doing some truck selling/trading in, so thats cool. I swung on the "King-pole" last night, which was kinda fun. It makes for a funny insurance claim, but I won't steal that from Geoff. He came in today and we got down to business in a very plutonic way. Drowning pool was played, quads were shocked. Good Stuff.

Might try and get a nap today but I'm no sure. I'd like to compile some softball stats, and I should probably mow some lawn too. I kinda want to set up a fair-simulation for my steer too...man, lotta stuff to do.

The Kent County Youth Fair president resigned.

I can't really do Cardio because Robyn is here. Hopefully Ill update on the beer bottles later.

Author Edit: Geoff and I took out some frustration on each other last night. He hit me in the forehead from about 50 ft away...hes deadly.


Friday, June 10, 2005

Public Announcement

I am going to bring my air soft gun to the King's tonight.

a good run of bad luck

I don't like being accused of stealing. it's not my favorite thing in the world. Why would I steal a measly hundred dollars when #1 Today is payday #2 there are surviellance camera's all over and #3 I've worked there for a year and haven't stolen one penny, so why start now? I wish I didn't have to work this weekend. I'd drink myself into a coma, and live out the rest of my life in a hopsital bed. Sound good to you guys? gosh, stealing what a ludicrous thought.
Have fun!

You take it on the run, baby.

So here I sit, another productive day at the Gym. Last night, after winning 15-1 and then LOSING to the same team after that (14-19), I went to Sarah's, and then went ahead and went home. Great story eh?

I have a knot on my leg that has its own heartbeat, and I managed to jam my thumb while playing 3rd last night, and it's filling my mind full of questions. Will I be able to run tonight? Will I be able to throw? Will the trash can be full of beer bottles again? Should I risk certain death by going to King's tonight after softball? Is my Airsoft Gun going to be a sucky gift? BLAST.

Tyler is here. Hoorah. Apparently Vito is going to activate the overhead gym fans soon, thatd be cool. I have to get a lawnmower belt and make some copies...and that's pretty much my day. Let me know what time I need to open tomorrow.


PC load letter?

Just when I thought Colin couldn't get any cooler, he goes and signs up for ultimate frisbee and archery. It's no football theory, but they are totally different credits, so I guess there's no reason to argue, haha.

There are some people at Bennigan's that I want to take a razor to. In their eyes. And in between their fingers. And on their heels, and behind their knees.

But I'm too legit to quit.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Self Preservation

So, I'm thinking that buying that air soft gun wasn't a good idea. I was overcome by temptation while on my way out of the gym this morning and shot one at Opie. Before I shot Alan. He had it coming, I'd do it again. I'm coming fully loaded tomorrow, just so you know Opie, I understand you'll be out for redemption. I will defend my honor.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Heaven isn't too far away.

Colin Archery! that's so awesome...I'm actually jealous of you. Work was work, I'm back to nights, so I'm kinda sad about that. I had to work with Abe. I nearly punched him in the face.Monday and Tuesday are my SDO's. I'm actually excited, and Alesheia I'm getting July 3rd thru the 12th! so if we want to road trip to Pellston, I suggest sometime in there. Anyway, oh nobody try the Act II carmel corn popcorn it sucks..anyway. See Ya guys!


Oh come on, I mean, that's cool and all, but I totally got it beat.

I have two PE classes next fall, I suppose one is sorta mundane, but cool nonetheless. Everybody likes archery right?

BUT, before that, I have ultimate frisbee.

That's right, you heard me, I get credit for playing ultimate frisbee.

So much for phys ed for engineers.


It's More Than a Feeling

Still Here. So much for that SDO.

98 degrees and rising....

Yea it's kinda warm in here today. Just FYI, I spent the night at the gym last night. I worked out for 10 straight hours...but not really. I did sleep here though. I brought in my alarm clock and put the big fan on and hit the couch.

Bad decision. Couldn't sleep at all, and the storm didn't help. The schedule had me getting out at 9 today...but it's 9...and I'm very "in". If our game gets cancelled tomorrow, especially if it's based on a forecast, Terri Deboer is going to face some consequences. ACTUALLY, the stons play...so that wouldn't be so bad, hmm..

Melanie has racquetball class in the fall, everyone should congratulate her.

Opie returned to the gym today, to open arms. Alan told his story about getting Air-Pistoled in his bed on WSNX today, THAT was awesome. Good work by him. Hopefully I can get out of here soon and go have a life for once. Anyway, peace ya'll.


home sweet home

oh the gym how I missed you! well today I plan on making some purchases for myself and my family( 2 b-days in a row and fathers day) and i need a few things. well I guess Im gonna shower and hit the road Jack.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Unpresedented 2nd In A Row from Alesheia!

...and I don't really have anything to say!

Putt-putting was fun, though my math skills are apparently more than a little lackluster, and I messed up Geoffs score. Regardless, I got rocked! Jeff, you were missed, but there will be more golf outings, haha. We should get foursomes together and have a tournament. I call Geoff on my team, no challenges, here on the Blog, for all to see! We should do mixed doubles...

Back to Bennigan's in the morning to see if I can actually function in a working environment. It's kind of make-or-break, because I still have trouble walking, but I think that at the end of my working 2 weeks ago, I was a lot like this, and could at least get through the shift, even if it wasn't comfortable or efficient. For those who care, I'll let you know!

Addie's open house is this weekend, p.s. As is Alan's. And um...Melanie, when is yours? Geoff, Mr. SDO-I'm Going To Spend The Day Being An Administrator, please add Ben to the Blog!

It's too far away for me to hold...

There is something about that song that just makes me happy. And it shouldn't, because it's not a happy song. But I'm putting it on the CD for Josh to make him happy. So we'll see how that goes...

Opie is still alive and kickin'. He's been in Pennsylvania for a spell, but now he's heading back through Indiana, and in theory will be back by Friday. LeeAnn might know more; she talks to him every now and again.

Good thing putt putt was so fun since the Pistons were busy winning the conference championship. Maybe that puppy can be their new mascot...

Michael Buble - Home

AND Prince - When Doves Cry

So, has anyone heard from Opie lately? Is he dead, alive, in a state of suspended animation? I would just like to know for my personal records, thanks.

Went mini golfing yesterday with Jamie. Too much fun, I'm no Tiger Woods but did alright. I was 2 under par with 2 holes left then getting 2 over par on each of those holes, I managed to finish 2 over par. Cool course though, I didn't get the name, it's way down E Beltline next to McDonald's and some Italian resturant. Speaking of Jamie, she got a puppy. Cute fucking thing, it's a biter though.

SDO tomorrow, those in the know will understand that...

Monday, June 06, 2005

I am Kazaam.

And hopefully I'll be able to focus on my movie career after tonight. Melanie, it's cool, but there was a good amount of people there today. I sent Hummel a case of Monsters today via internet, ha. I found a website that gave out free shipping over 50 dollars, HA. I had to buy some rubber bands too, to get over 50, but now they have to deal with the 30 dollar shipping bill. And, if Hummel needs to band anything, he'll be able to get er done sin falta. Robyn came in today...and Alan mocked...and THEN amber came in...hahaha, I'm still chuckling about that. Basketball got moved up to 7:00 tonight for the game...so I'll be there ASAP. It's Windy.


A sandwich artists job is never done.

Work was pretty sandard today, drama filled as usual. I get to go back tonight around 9ish to help train closers with Kim, that should be all right. I mean I'll just sit there with my laptop, and answer questions, and what have you. I don't know if I'll be attending the Pistons party tonight, so if I'm not there you kids have fun. Felix wants to give a shout out to all and "May the force be with you" (she just went and saw Episode III last night). See ya!

way back when

It was so hot today at work. I had to wait on 40 people all at the same time and none of them thought it necessary to think about the fact that I was the only waitress waiting on them and couldn't give me a break. So I came home and ran through the sprinkler! It was so nice. I just felt like I was little again. All the stress, sadness, and worries all went away for about a half an hour. Then when I was done playing I just sat and thought about the stress, sadness, and worries... and some things just seemed to fit better. I love running through sprinklers, it's just so scary because you just know it's going to be super cold yet you want to do it over and over again! okay enough babbel. Stons.... tomorrow/today.... YAY!

My First

Well here it is my very first posting! Anyway i just have to tell jeff that i am sorry for not coming in this morning...i had a doctors apt. I will tell you what happened in person, i get kinda emotional. Well my weekend went well, except for the horrible movie Rachel King, Tyler Beglin and i struggled through friday night, after yet another bonfire. I would tell you what the movie was about,but we never came to a conclusion about the plot.But it was called "Darkness" so you know to steer clear of it when you see it. Saturday morning was normal, went to the gym. I was a little on the tired side though. I watched Grand Ledge loose to Howell, a couple GL girls were sent to the hospital after a colision in right-center.I believe they are okay now. Saturday night was fun, after a few open houses i found myself at yet another bonfire at Nick Rischows'. I was able to catch up with a few people i had not seen in a while(Lance and Ben)all in all it was fun, Corey Thelen had his first beer followed by a second and so on. That was intersesting. Angie, Clint and i saw the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Sunday night,.....i cried, it was good i highly recommend it to anyone. Well sorry to Jeff again for not coming in...See ya all later. Melanie

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Roll with the changes

Ben kinda wants blog access. Benjamin_vb83@hotmail.com if possible.

My steer got out. Got him though. He's going away for a long time.

The title has been taken

Jeff, you took my title. I mean it wasn't up for grabs, but still now I don't know what to say! That's all I got.

Ridin' the storm out.

Well that subtitle is just lovely Mr. Administrator. It actually is very similar to the text message I got from Alan last night. Weird.

Went to Sarah's last night, even though she wasn't there...also weird. I played Alex Haskin in Ping-Pong and lost 11 times in a row (with a 2 loss break to tyler in the middle). I also took an L to Sarah, giving me 17 multi-purpose losses since Thursday.

I took some cans back to meijer and got about 30 bucks yesterday. I ended up returning to Lowell to pick up those beer bottles, and I can't say I regret the decision. There is definitely some cheesecake in the fridge...so I can't be held responsible for what happens tonight. Yep, nothing exciting on the roster yet. I guess I'll see ya few of you tomorrow morning. Peace -Jeff

Another one bites the dust.

Wedding day success! I'm way tired though. went to bed at 3 and woke up at 8, but there was no time to be tired today....until now. I left my beloved pillow at my cousins house, which is sad. I don't know how I'll sleep tonight. About an hour after the reception started, I was retard and went to take a sip out of a pitcher of lemonade, and spilled half of the contents down my dress, so I had to go back to Cassuandra's house (which luckily for me was only a 2 minute drive), after that it was good times. Got my groove thing on like you would not believe! I danced practically the whole time (minus slow songs) by the time I left I was drenched. I also got a little sun burned today, so I'm excited about that. All in all it was a good time. Dustin stripped for everyone, well partily, the only thing that came off was his shirt, but Dustin's getting a little hairy in his old age. I'm watching Bad Boys II, then I think I'll wash may face, and go to sleep. So, Nighty Night all!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

All of us are done for...

So many good stories this week! I'm glad that people's summers are shaping up to be something interesting, haha...

I'm still adding music to my library, so if anyone wants to contribute, give me a call. I estimate that after the addition taking place within the hour, I will still have approximately 12 GB's left.

Ate at the Macaroni Grill last night with Katie; best chocolate cake ever. The entree was that bowtie pasta, with a cream sauce, chicken, and mushrooms. It bore the strong flavor of mushroom, which was good, but I was not in the mood for said flavor. This was followed by a trip to the mall, and therefore a sell-out to corporate America...we went to Starbucks: venti white chocolate mocha. Highly recommended for those who don't much like the taste of coffee but like to appear yuppie. We still had about 20 minutes to kill before heading to Ada Beef's softball game, so we made a quick run into Kentwood Friday's to see the Twins and Tyler.

They're doing well.

A series of rather unfortunate and fortunate events...

The day started out good yesterday... Then I went to work. I had a 17 year old boy propose to me... that was kind of weird. I said No of course! We were so dead yesterday, But I did get to see Cass and we're definitely going Mini Golfing sometimes this week. James Hillard also came in, He asked for my advice on his little....... situation.... I just laughed him. I'm such a good friend I KNOW! But then I told him what I thought. Theeeeen... I left work to pick up hannah at her house b/c we went out to Coplins.. rather boring, except the two fights that Marc and Nate got into with these dumb Portland dudes. Now here some the kicker... I think I need a new paragraph for this story...

I was taking Hannah home and Cindy Blough needed a ride into lake-o to Dustin Nash's house. No big deal i was going that way anyway. Until we got through woodland and she says she forgot her keys, so we call Dustin and see if he'll meet us at Coats Grove and woodland road. He did, her keys weren't in his car, so we trek back to Lake-O when I'm getting into town, I realize that my car sounds waaaaay funny, and its pulling real hard to the left, (the radio was down because we were having a very heated conversation). and Low and Behold I have a flat tire.... It was approximately 2:15 in the morning when I pulled into Shell... Too bad it doesn't end there. I get out and see that the tire is blown out, i can't blow it back up. So, i get my spare out and my "jack" out. The jack doesn't fit under the car... so Hannah and I run/walk to her house and get her jack.. it was only about three blocks, and drive back. Brandon fisk, worker of Shell, helps a great deal with the manual labor, because he was bored. All in all, I pulled out of shell at around 3AM. Cindy had caught a ride to Dustins by this time. But I have to drive home at 45MPH because well... I had a stupid dingy tire. Now this is where I become one of the stupidest people alive. I get home tell dad he's kind of dumb for giving me a jack that wont jack up my car, and he told me that there should have been on under the spare tire that came with the car... and well.... DUMB LEEANN didn't see it. I should be wearing a stupid sign that points upward at me.

Sorry to put you through my night but I thought i'd tell you how stupid I really am! It was not really cool... but atleast I have a fun story to tell! SeeYa!