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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fuck this noise!

Ummm. . . Jeff?  Are we forgetting something?  I have been checking this blog profusely since you said you were going to post, only to be let down! 

I made a new friend yesterday.  I am happy about this.  Benjamin Simcox is also back in the United States and I am happy about this, as well.  My parents are coming to visit me (this also makes me happy). 

I have a shit-ton of stuff to do before next Monday comes and it is gonna suck.  I have tried to write it all down, but it is just too much for me to fathom.  it hurts a little. 

Good story:  In my Advanced psychosocial Assessment course we were talking about diagnosis of sexual disorders.  One of them happens to be Frotteurism which is essentially when people get off to or enjoy sexual activity with nonconsenting people.  (aka- people like Alan who profusely hump others against their will).  ALSO, we discussed sexual sadism which I (for some god-awful reason) decided to give an example of in class.  Here's how it went:

Me: "OH OH!  I know a few examples!"
Unsuspecting class: "Well, tell us!"
Me: (realizing the examples I wanted to tell include butt fucking and jiz)" . . . ummm nevermind."
Class: "C'mon!  You gotta tell us now!"
Me:  "Well. . . like when a guy is . . . having intercourse. . . . with a girl from behind and he pulls out, spits on her back and . . . ejaculates on her face . . . without her expecting it . . ."
Class: (Slience).
Me: " . . . it's called . . . the  . . . houdini . . . get it? . . . houdini?"

Sigh.  I seriously need a muzzle.


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