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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Love the Way You Lie part 2...it's that good.

Rockin', indeed! Makes me wonder why we ever let this go to the wayside before...
Oh yeah, probably because we were the only 3 who posted on that one too :(

I'll go ahead and service an update:
-Geoff (and Stephanie) put an offer in on a house on Sunday. He received an email today with an appropriate counter-offer, and is very excited.
-Alan...might be dead. I haven't heard from him in weeks.
-Jeff's interviewer when he got hired by the state is now in jail for solicitation of minors on MySpace, and the guy is from Rockford. West-side represent!

That's all the fun stuff I've got for now.

I got my new Sanuk boots today!! Which just made me want the sidewalk surfers even more...*sigh*... at least I've been experiencing what is it is to "want" for the last 7 weeks, so I'm sure I can deal with a couple more :)

Nighty night!


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