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Thursday, October 14, 2010

I need more coffee in my life...

I was kindly reminded (re: threatened) by Jeff to post on this (or he would publicly humiliate me by Tuesday)...so here it is :)

Not too much on my end. I am currently hanging out with Kona while we watch "Criminal Minds" and wait for the brownies to cool. He's not paying attention to the TV as much as the duck carcass that he's knawing on, but he does occassionally nip at my hoodie when he realizes I'm not paying enough attention to him. Oh, and though I had to tweak this brownie recipe a little bit as well, they actually turned out edible...unlike that last mess I conjured up at Jeff's house for MNF 2 weeks ago.

My Dad's memorial is this Saturday. I'm speaking at it, and have to write that still. As I was drifting off to sleep last night I was thinking of what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it...and I remember thinking in my half-awakeness that I needed to actually wake up and write it, but the other half of my awakeness thought that I already was, so when I officially awoke this morning I realized that I hadn't actually preserved any of my thoughts on paper. I think I still have most of it in my brain though; I've been thinking about it now for almost 3 weeks. :/

Turtle is still being sufficiently weird. He hasn't come to see me hardly at all in the last couple of weeks...which is a little odd because he was coming here a lot for a minute there, but also kind of not weird because he has stuff going on over his way. But he also will not respond to my texts for hours at a time, which is incredibly out of the ordinary. Also, he never told me whether he was coming on Saturday or not...and though I suppose I can't hold it against him if he doesn't come, I won't be able to help that I will be upset because it will hurt my feelings.

The football season so far has been making me happy. The games have kept me entertained, yet with minimal need to give my undivided attention to the tube. I'm with Jeff though - mid-MNF pizza is killer. Geoff and I might have to go back to Chinese, or maybe swing it over to Jimmy Johns or something and see how it works out. (Geoff, will you have a car again by Monday!?)

I need to get school things figured out soon...so that I can get registered in time for January classes. I am still awaiting to hear about unemployment things, though I am trying to keep my hopes up.* The first time I had to call, it just said that "they couldn't issue me a check at this time" and this last time I called it said "a check should be issued to you in the next 10 days," so I'm hoping that it works next time! Hoez gotta get paid!

Umm...I don't really know what else to say at the moment. If something else strikes me in the next few, I'll be sure to holler. :)

*As much as someone as cynical as myself can keep my hopes up. :)


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