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Thursday, September 30, 2010


I am so glad to see people back here!  It is early and I have wayyyyyy too much to do today, so I thought i'd avoid responsibility here.  Here is my most recent annoyance. . .

My current roommate is fucking weird.  

Profile: 34-year-old single male, about 5ft. 7in., attractice to some, but I am not sure how.  My friend says he looks like an asian ninja turtle . . . he drinks every night, or day, depending on whether he needs to go drive people back and forth to islands (which is his job).  He likes to talk about himself as though he's done everything you've done x10, and if he hasn't done it, it clearly does not exist. 

Despite me talking shit about him, he is not a terrible person, he just embodies a man I would never, never, EVER date (or talk to, if possible).  He treats me like I am 12 years old, and he acts like he is always nervous about something.  He gets really into his non-funny jokes and won't let it go until you fake laugh . . . sorry I keep going into bitching tangents.  He is a decent guy to most people- just don't live with him.

Last night, I returned from the library at 11pm to an empty, peaceful house.  I got into my pjs, lit a candle, and crawled into bed with my "Theories for Direct Social Work Practice" text.  I feel asleep around midnight only to be awoken at 12:30 to the only song that exisits in my roommate's life ("Cold Beverages" by G.Love et. al), and his drink shaker shaking.  He then played video games with his friend for a couple hours.  I don't give a shit if you have your friends over to circle jerk, but could you at least NOT play your music at eardrum bursting levels?  and not at midnight until 3am?  Please?  Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

When I opened my door to go into the bathroom earlier, I got a huge whiff of booze.  Sigh.  Good thing I pretty much live in the library.  But the library doesn't have my heated blanket there. . . .:-(

You win some and you lose some.  I just lose more often.


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