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Thursday, February 05, 2009


Okay, so here I am. I just need to get some idea here off my mind.

I am sorry to everyone who i have not seen in what seems like years. I know I didn't see anyone over CHristmas break, and I probably won't be seeing anyone until maybe the summer here and there. I am really sorry. I do like 8 hours away from pretty much everyone. It is not easy to pick and choose who I do and do not see. I don;t really have much of a choice anyway. Not only does my mother guilt trip me to no end every time I leave her presence when I am home, I have obligations, too. I wish it were easy for me to leave things, and not feel guilty, but I can't.

I know everyone is busy, and I wish I wasn't. I really do come home hoping to see as many people as i possibly can, but it never works. I am sorry about this. Also, i am very bad at calling people back. But I try. I know I can't be the only one working a full time job with school . . .

So I guess i'll just leave it there with that. I do wish I could be home longer and more often, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles.

Here is my rather important, but maybe slightly inappropriate rant. . . (clear throat).
Alan. I care very much about you. Probably too much, honestly. I have a knack for caring too much for people when they don't care much in return. This is the last time I will bring this up. You ditched me for LeeAnn and Opie's wedding. You completely fucking ditched me. I know, i know i have heard you tell the business about how I thought Seth might come, but I told you he wasn't, but you could not bear to possibly be left without a date? And you also couldn't tell me you had a date until the NIGHT BEFORE the wedding? I don't care how many times you try to blame me for you ditching me, it just isn't true. And honestly, it hurts my feels so badly when you just can't take credit for hurting my feelings. I don't ask for much, I think i've been a pretty loyal friend, or at least i've tried. The least you can do is man up for me amd admit you hurt my feelings, even if it was not on purpose. Just. This. Once.

I finally started the social work program this semester. It am mentally challenging program, that is so so so amazing. I am learning so much, it's a little disgusting. How our role as a citizen plays into our role in our agencies, and vice versa. The class is just a bit life altering. I look forward to class every day. I am constantly studying whenever I have time.

I still implement behavior programs with children with autism and developmental disabilities. I still love it. I love the kids i work with, the parents, and the professionals. It is great experience for me. Some of my bext friends here in Marquette are people i work with. Just stunning people. I work about 45-50 hours in a typical week. Also, i volunteer about 4 hours a week and the Room at the Inn, Marquette's mobile homeless shelter. Also very humbling, and eye-opening.

I am still with Seth. He's great and we are great! I wish everyone could meet him and get to know him. Hopefully. He's quite the catch. I have no complaints.

I really miss Ben. Even though he couldn't be around much when he was here anyway, I miss him. I feel like I constantly worry about him, even if i don't need to. I miss his drunk calls about girls. I miss his inappropriate, really ridiculous joke and statements. I miss his family and his little crippled doggie.

I now have 4 tattoos. I have had them for a while now. I think i am going to make it a whole year with no tats! Woot woot! I am very excited to get my RHCP tat on my wrist some day. It will happen. Mark my words.

Sorry this is a shafty post.


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