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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'll Say It Again

2010 can just get bent.  Or as they might say here in New England- It's been a wicked hard year.   

My parents might come visit me for Thanksgiving!  YAYYYYYY!  I will be so very happy to see anyone I know in this strange, strange land.  Also, it will be nice to hear other people say pop instead of soda.  It's the little things I miss about living in Michigan.  

This week has already sucked and it is Tuesday night.  Seriously.  Monday I got to be stranded with no vehicle for many hours, and today I got to drive a little shitty Neon around.   I love my truck and missed it more than I could have thought.  It is the only thing that hasn't fucking left me. . . or that has come with me- even if by force.  I had the breaks looked at, which hadn't been looked at (the rears anyway) since at least 2000.  It's impressive.  Long story short- $1,500 later, she drives like a champ again.  

Can I just offer some very broad advice here?  It's okay to be sad.  I can't tell you how many people i've seen and talked to lately who have been struck down by the curse that is 2010, and I just want to say, it's perfectly okay to be sad sometimes.  It's even- (dare I say it?). . . NORMAL!  There is my therapeutic advice for the day.

Okay, I just booked by flight for home.  I will be home from (pause for everyone to get their planners, iPhones, etc. ready) December 19th, 2010 to January 3rd, 2011.  Which means this will be my first year in the lower peninsula of Michigan for new year's since 2006.  Yesh, I am excited!  

Also, I don't care what anyone says- I will never wash my apples before I eat them.  A good buffer on the jeans is all I need!  LIVIN' ON THE EDGE!

p.s.- Dear Jeff,  You would try to make "realistically achievable" bucket list goals!  The point is you'll try your hardest to do them, not that you absolutely will.  Live a little, geez.  :-)


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