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Saturday, June 11, 2005

Soy un perdedor

SO last night I reached maybe my highest level of losertude. Not only did I not dance even when Melanie and Rachel started to dance in a circle around me, I wasn't even smart enough to keep my mouth shut. I promptly went and jumped in the pond. I swear I've never taken it to a level like this before. I apologize to everyone who knows me.

In other news softball lost last night in "extra softball", although pretty much everyone was either there or was told personally about it. Opie, feel free to add your input as you were witness to a pivotal play. I'm currently planning on going to Lowell to harvest immediately upon release from work. More on that later.

My dad came in today and we hung out a little bit. He's going to be doing some truck selling/trading in, so thats cool. I swung on the "King-pole" last night, which was kinda fun. It makes for a funny insurance claim, but I won't steal that from Geoff. He came in today and we got down to business in a very plutonic way. Drowning pool was played, quads were shocked. Good Stuff.

Might try and get a nap today but I'm no sure. I'd like to compile some softball stats, and I should probably mow some lawn too. I kinda want to set up a fair-simulation for my steer too...man, lotta stuff to do.

The Kent County Youth Fair president resigned.

I can't really do Cardio because Robyn is here. Hopefully Ill update on the beer bottles later.

Author Edit: Geoff and I took out some frustration on each other last night. He hit me in the forehead from about 50 ft away...hes deadly.



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