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Thursday, June 30, 2005


First, LeeAnn, you should have lifted. We won't be mean, girls aren't supposed to be able to lift a lot of weight, plus it'll be your first time (as far as we're concerned) that you're coming in to work out. And, people that are trying to better themselves are always cool, at least in my book. You should have come in today too because I lifted all alone, Alan, Jeff, and Opie didn't come in this morning. Alesheia, stop talking (typing, whatever). Melanie and Angie lifted with us (I don't really see either of them now) and we didn't rip on them about lifting. Other shit maybe, but they are capable of handling themselves.

My computer is a little on the fucked up side. Just so everyone is aware, a sudden loss of power to the box can damage a hard drive. Actually, I'm pretty sure the hard drive itself is fine, it's just all my precious data that got sloppy fucked in the ass. I'm attempting to recover it though, I'll be happy if I can get back 75% of the total, I'll keep everyone informed.

Alan and I successfully scored some massive karma points yesterday. This girl's car stalled in the middle of a 3 way intersection, and we pushed her into nearby driveway. As we were formulating our plan of attack some jackass pulled up along side her to move her car out of the road. Appearently he lives in the area and sees accidents there all the time, which I can understand. What I cannot understand is how blocking the only other lane of traffic helps the accident situation. Moron. Anyway, the moral of the story is that it was real fucking hot out, and there's a special place in Heaven, right alongside God, for both of us.

Tonight will bring with it a corn dog (or two) and an elephant ear courtsey of the Lake O fair. I can't wait.


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