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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

How am I supposed to live with you....

...now that I've been loving you so longgggg. Michael Bolton is so sweet, it's almost as if he personifies all that is sweet, like candy.

I'm at work. Bored as shit. Shit is boring, in case you didn't know. It has been pretty busy this morning. This afternoon has been pretty slow now that all the claims reps are back from meetings. Geoff and I went to one of the meetings and this dude babbled on and on for the better part of an hour. I kept up a pretty good profile, though. I pretended to listen, laughed when everyone else laughed, and made eye contact when my eyes were open. Every once in a while I would have to catch myself from catching a little shut-eye.

I just ordered about $90.00 worth of stuff off of bodybuilding.com for Geoff and I. I bought some more Creatine, which I got at a price, and some Nitric Oxide for Geoff and I. The Nitric Oxide is a hemodialator that helps with protein synthesis. I know, it's boring, but it's a part of my life.

The Gym was a pimpin' good time this morning. We were a tad bit late, but it didn't matter because Opie's big fat ass wasn't waiting on us or anything. Hit the ole' squats today. One of the most rewarding factors about squats is that it looks like I am walking with a corn cob stuck in my asshole. Plus, it was real hot this morning. It looks like the temp. is going to be a little more reasonable by Friday.

Abby, that post was gay. Therefore, you are in fact a big lesbian for posting it. I am pissed at your mom as well.

Bummer last night. Geoff and I were all geared to go to the fair after work last night. I mean geared. We were talking about corn dogs, elephant ears, and midget vag all day long. So, we pre-game it by going to Abby's house and scoring an Apple and Rhubarb Pie (I fuckin' love Rhubarb) and enough cookies to last our family at least 4 winters. But then, I read the little fair blue book, and the midway didn't open until today...at noon. Our dreams of corn dogs, puss, and ears of elephants was ruined...for now. Anyway, Geoff and I ended up renting "Hitch", which was funny, and we had a little movie date. I'm very aroused.

Don't know what's going on tonight. I think I might go to Best Buy with Abby. I need to replace my PSP because it has a dead pixel in it, and I want to abuse my two-year full replacement coverage. The pixel that is dead is hardly noticeable, but oh well, a brand new PSP every couple of weeks is neat-o.

Opie, I miss you.

Tomorrow is SDO, and I have got big plans. Tomorrow I am going to lift, go to EL with Geoff, masturbate at least twice, and then head (no pun intended) up to a Pleasant Mount for some reckless money spending. I hope there are prostitutes there. I love to pay for some trim. That's high class trim, though. I'll probably head over to the trailor park of the Casino and gamble away my nickels at the slots. It's Simcox's birthday and he rented a room, so it should be a good time. I'll be there to make sure Scott and Abby do not have coitus while I am there. HA HA HA!!!

Anyway, queers, I'm out.

-MC Hammer


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