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Monday, June 27, 2005

. . . and i know (and i know). . .

You gotta love the echo. . . .

But anyway- this is officially my first post! I did really try to post the other day, but it wouldn't work for some reason. But i am really excited about this whole "blog" thing, i will definately be a regular on this once i get my computer at NMU, or so i think.

So i woke up at 12:02 just now, and to most people that would seem pathetic, but i was opening gifts and reading and writing until 5 this morning, so that is a little 7 hour stretch for me. Sarah Schipper (yes she is the oriental one) called me on my cell phone. But just to tell me i needed to call the lady at work to see if our tests are back in yet. Sweet. Then since i called her back on my house phone- Keller called me on my cell phone. He sprained his ankle at basketball on Saturday and couldn't drive to my open house yesterday. That's alright he is just way to cute to be mad at, and plus i felt bad that be hurt himself, he is so damn fast- i hope it heals by football season. . . THEN i am done talking to him and i get back to talking to Sarah and then ANOTHER person calls my cell phone. . . but i don't know the number. . . huh, this could be interesting- so i tell Sarah i'll talk to her later and answer my phone. It was Lisa Spetoskey- I am umping at the High School tonight for $30. Sweet. Somehow softball is making a huge comeback into my life these days. . . Friday nights, wednesday nights, and now monday nights? I am playing more than i ever did during season. . . hahaha- sad but true.

So as i said i opened all my stuff, which was amazing, sometimes i just can't understand how people like me so much. I got a boat-load of stuff i will definately need at Northern from my Aunt and Uncle, OH! And my Aunt and Uncle (Bev and Ted) gave me a box that said money machine and you pull the tab and it was the longest chain of money coming out of the box! A 20 taped to a 5 then some ones (it ended up being $100), probably one of the coolest things i have ever seen. But anyway, i'll note some exceptional gifts from people:
- Jeff Vander Boon got me one of the cutest and unknown stuffed animals i have ever seen (a lesser panda, it looks kinda like a racoon)
- The Durkees got me a cooler with a radio built into it! Cool, huh? On the box there are some of the funniest pictures i have ever seen. There are 4 different ones of people doing things- camping, laying on the beach, biking, and cooking, and in all of them this giant, rediculous cooler is super-imposed into all of them. You MUST see it. I will cut them out and show everyone!
- I much enjoyed all the cards from my friends: LeeAnn, Val, Alesheia, and Alan; i am definately touched by these people. . . (not literally) :-)
- Val Huisman's present almost made me cry- it was a photo album with my initials and HOTDOG! engraved on the front. Those Huisman's are way too good to me.
- Sadie Catt (who came with Scott at around 6, i guess) made me a really cute tote bag with NMU on it with my school colors and everything, she is so creative!
- that is all of the ones i can think of right now, i am tired with all the open house excitement. (and tired in general)
---- Wait- i almost forgot, there must be an explination for this gift- Rachel King gave me a Central Michigan t-shirt that has obviously been worn before AND smells like cologne. . . i think it is supposed to be a joke about how i am "engaged" to Ryan, but i am not positive, sometimes the Kings can be weird. . . hahaha

So I want to send a VERY VERY special thank you to Alan for NOT telling that damn story on tape, even though everyone proded you. . . i breathed a sigh of relief when you refused to tell it. Ugh.

On a more personal note: Definately recieved my first kiss since Alex on Saturday night, but i definately denied him and cut it short then mentioned something about his girlfriend (that he apparently forgot about). -And about Alan's post a while back about being jaded, and wasting time- I decided to actually think about it- and i am not sure if Alex was more of a waste of time, effort, my love, friendship, or money. But either way, it was definately a waste, (that whether i like to acknowledge it or not still makes me sad occasionally whenever i find my mind wandering onto it).

So about going away to Northern- All this time i have known i was going to go there, i haven't wavered in my decision yet- but i definately am thrown into an uncomfortable place when i actually think about how much i will probably come home to see people. Unless i get there and make no friends (which i don't really think will happen), not to be a jerk, but a lot of people i don't see much anyway, so i won't miss them too badly, but then there are the people that i do see a lot and have grown so attached to . . . i'm getting teary-eyed just thinking about it. But maybe there is something more to it.


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