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Monday, June 27, 2005

I won't dance, don't ask me, I won't dance...

...no maybe, I won't dance, ma'dam with you...

Speaking of Frank Sinatra and not doing things, Opie did not come into the gym this morning. What a skinny bastard (See Sidenote 1). Enough said about that.

This hot weather is really starting to affect my psyche. I start to think horribly violent thoughts when I step out into the ridiculously hot weather. This heat and humidity is making me want to slit the wrists (vertically, as to kill myself).

This morning was pretty nice. Pretty good workout. The temperature was a teensy bit unreasonable when we got out of the gym. I think it was pushing 80 degrees at 8:00 a.m. That is pure poppycock. That is the kind of temperature that I start to melt, which wouldn't be that bad because I clocked in at 240.2 at the gym today. Scale was probably wrong though.

Tubing over at Nick's was sweet last night. It was so hot, so it felt real nice to get in the water. I tried to sort of "water skim" on this giant slab of wood, but I ended up biting it more times that I can count. It sucked. The tubing was really fun. That boat of Nick's is real pretty. And big. I want to make love to it. Opie and LeeAnn got in to a bit of a squabble about who is the bigger tool between the two. That is funny because I think we ALL know who wins that award unattested. I had my shirt off and no one would leave me the hell alone. EVERYone decided to touch my chest and nipples, I don't really understand the fascination, personally. It got to be annoying though.

Geoff and I are headed to the fair to dirt-bag it up. I am going to get a cut-off and a cowboy hat and go dine on the fine food that is served at the fair. I have had a hankerin' for a corndog for quite some time. Plus, those carnies are always good for a laugh. I hope Jeff is there so we can look at his steer (See horse).

-A. Diddy

Sidnote 1- He is actually quite rotund (See fat motherfucker in dictionary).


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