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Monday, June 27, 2005

When i move you move....just like that

I wanted to send a special thanks to all of you who came to my open house this weekend! I was so excited that you could make it! Jeff thank you for the case of Monsters....i love 'em!!

My weekend was pretty nice, the weather was crazy hot. But good thing i have a pool. Saturday was filled with open houses. Harrison and I went and saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith along with Jeff and Ashton. Good movie, i thought it woulda been more or less a action movie, but it was a comedy. I highly recommend it to everyone. Then Harrison and I went out to Copelins', now that was crazy. There was so many people out there from ages 16-27. Mom let me sleep in on Sunday which was very nice. Then i had a couple more open houses...almost done with them. Went and hung out with Lauren, hot tubbed it up a bit, but that was way too hot!!

Again thanks to everyone who came to my open house!!



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