Speak Easy.

You're here, and we love you for it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


So i was telling my mom about this blog, and reading to her about how i told Jeff you guys came and ate pie. And my mom says, (and i quote) "Forget Alan, that Geoff O'Donnell is turing into quite the good-looking kid. . . " and i started to gag, then laugh and she continued. . . "yeah, he is way good looking, i don't know, he's quite the stud." Then i kicked her out of the room. But i had to tell you.

Sorry Alan. I still love you.


  • At 6/28/2005 1:18 PM, Blogger Geoff said…

    Ha ha ha, I'm the man! And that was after she saw my toe, if I hadn't been wearing sandals she'd have jumped my bone right there in the kitchen!


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