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Sunday, November 28, 2010

You shimmy shook my boat....

I'm in the home stretch for classes. Thank god! don't get me wrong, I love being back in school but these two classes have made me re-think my academic ability! In my health management foundations we have a group presentation to give on Tuesday. We were a group of three and then two weeks ago someone decided to drop. So it's been me and Shanicka, and she's the one that volunteered to put together the presentation. We didn't have class last week and I've been text messaging her and e-mailing her to set up a time to get together to work on this presentation. She FINALLY text messaged me today with an "I'm sooo sorry" Really?? we have to present this on Tuesday, that gives us not very much time to go over this shit and make sure we're both on the same page. Needless to say, I'm still freaking out about it.
I haven't even had time to register for classes next semester. Ugh, I feel like I've got five million things to do and zero time to do it.

Thanksgiving was pretty good. Tina and Ralph came down. Sans Kalli! I gave her a swift talking to when on Thursday! How the hell can we possibly plan a trip to Hoboken to see Buddy when she never comes to see me! We even have our cousin and great aunt that live in Florida thinking about coming along....Hager family reunion in Hoboken I say!
Thanksgiving night my mom got a little tipsy on about half a glass of "The recipe" as we refer to it. I don't know what message she was trying to convey to me, but she shouted "Do you smell my stink?" I honestly think she was trying to say "Are you smelling what I'm stepping in" but I can't be sure. Anyway, fun times.

Well, I'm off to home to shower and give my bed some company, while perhaps I watch Predator...who knows. Good night!


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