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Thursday, June 30, 2005

Said I Loved You but I Lied...

Michael Bolton kicks ass. Plain and simple.

Many things to talk about today...let me start with this LeeAnn coming to the gym buisness. I have a strict policy with new lifters. I will absolutely NOT, under any circumstance, make fun of you when you come to the gym for the first time. I don't ever make fun of any newbies strictly because almost all new lifters are apprehensive about lifting because of that reason. I want everyone to lift, so I am not going to discourage you. Especially not a girl. I don't expect you to roll in there and start repping 315 on bench or anything. You are there to get stronger and better, and to me, that's all that matters.

Work is really slow today. Got paid. Gotta make that money, money man. Better hustle up and make yo' cash flow...Anyway, I had a pretty big day yesterday...

Woke up and lifted. Still on that Tribulus stuff, which pretty much makes me a walking erection for the better part of the day. It was Geoff, Jeff and I. Opie is still "working" or beating off or whatever you call it. Working for Opie is a pretty relative term. ANYway, right after lifting, I ran a 1.2 miles and regretted it for every step I took. I was a sweaty mess after that. Geoff and I left from there to go to EL. We just kind of skulked around all day in the apt. We went out and sat by the pool for an hour or so and baked in the sun. It was REAL hot. I feel asleep for about 5 minutes and woke up a sticky, greasy, sweaty ball of filth. Sweat was in my eyes and all other orifices of my body. Yuck. I took a few dips in the pool by myself because Geoff was a little too cool to splash around with me. Geoff has been going downhill lately, he really has lost his childlike wonder. It's sad. So we got out of the pool and went to get something to eat. We went to this place called the Hawaiian BBQ, and we got Kashi Chicken and a double chez burger. It was a ton of food, but I'll be damned if those crazy spear-chuckers don't know how to make a mean bird. Geoff and I did score some major positive Karma points on the way there, but he was starting to tell the story on his other blog, so I don't want to piss on his party here. Anyway, we took the food home and ate it whilst we watched "The Shawshank Redemption". Great flick. That movie rocks.

After the film, I broke out (about 6:45 pm-ish) to go up to the Casino in Mt. Pleasant. This is where bad shit started to go down for me. So, I drive to Kroger because the gas station was past 127, and I didn't want to back-track, so I go into Kroger to get a quart of oil. On my cell phone with Jamie. That was mistake number one. Turns out, when you are on the phone, it alters your perceptions of words. So, I am searching for oil and some dude finally tells me it is in aisle 14. Wrong, asshole, it was in aisle 13. I spent 20 fuckin' minutes looking for oil behind tampons and midol. What a lush. Anyway, so I was not paying attention and just grabbed a bottle of oil (or what I thought was oil...this comes in to play shortly). So, I buy that and a funnel and hang up the phone so I can pour it in. I put the funnel in and got like a droplet in and realized it was red. What the fuck? Oil isn't red...as far as I know. I didn't really think it was designer oil or anything, but I looked at the bottle. Transmission fluid. Oh, horse shit. I didn't get enough in to do anything, and I was WAY too embarassed to walk into the store and actually buy some oil. So, me being lazy cost me another 3 dollars. I drive PAST 127 (goddamnit) to a Mobil and buy the most expensive bottle of oil I have ever bought. And a Monster. This is where I got pissed. I walk outside and immediately drop the Monster on a curb and it exploded all over the place. GODDAMNIT! I really needed that because I had had 3 naps interrupted by phone calls that day and was sleepy already. I wasn't going back in there to charge another 2 dollars on my Debit card. I leave it on the ground I am so pissed. I walk over to my car, pop the hood, burn my GODDAMN fingers on my oil cap and poured oil all over my engine until I finally made it in the funnel. Done. I drive to Mt. Pleasant while talking on the phone the whole time with little consequence.

I get there and get a call from Rebecca. We have a dinner date on Friday nightin EGR at a nice little restaraunt named Roses. I am pumped, she is sexy. We'll see what happens. We talked for the better part of 20 minutes and she pretty much complained about her day the entire time. I felt bad for her though, she had had a pretty rough day. I can appreciate that. The kids she works with sound like kids with a mild case of autism with a side of cerebral palsy. Plus, she is a waitress in an old resturaunt with NO AC!! I would kill myself and everyone around me (not in that particular order). She must have the patience of a saint.

Anyway, long story short about the Casino, I spent like 5 hours with Ben, Scott, Abby, and Paul Spitzley. I lost a whole $20. You can chalk $5 of that up the the stupid cookie monster crane game. I didn't win. House wins on that, too. I pissed away the other $15 on slots. I don't really care for gambling. I'll go if it's a special occasion, but it kind of loses it's novelty after the first hour or two. Plus, the floor is so polluted with smoke and old people farts it's unbearable. About 95% of the people there had two feet in the grave. I couldn't believe how many old ass people were there, even at 1:00 am. Anyway, I was out $20, Abby won like $50 twice, spent it once and made out with about $40, Scott lost $120 on account of him liking but really sucking ass at Blackjack. Simcox was a teensy-bit irresponsible with his money. We was up $70 after being down $150, and then lost all $250-$300. He was REAL pissed. He lost it on craps. I told him to walk away when he had $320 and buy a PSP, but then he instead pissed it all away. Paul lost about $150, which was weird because he was doing really well. Oh well, Abby and I went back to the hotel at around 2:00 am and I layed down and she started to rub lotion all over my really dry back. It turned in to a bit of a massage, and I dozed off for about 20 minutes. When I woke up, my world was rocked. Ben had ordered a porn on the tv, so I sat up in and bed between Abby and Scott (who have had sexual intercourse...with each other) and watched some FILTHY porn for the better part of an hour. It was hot. I fell asleep.

I woke up about 2 hours later and got some free continental breakfast. It tasted like savings, and that always goes down smooth. I then drove straight from Mt.Pleasant to work. It was a bad drive, lots of construction, and copious amounts of rain and lightning. I almost had to pull over, the visibility was terrible. I almost fell asleep many a time. I am at work now. Story over.

Have a good day. Or not, I don't really care. No sweat off my sack.

-One Righteous Motherfucker.


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