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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

...They talk to me and seem to hypnotise.

We where supposed to view "Batman Begins" last night, but that so much didn't happen. Ben Simcox's came into subway, and I determined that he was the blonde hair boy that I was told about. I'm glad that unsolved mystery is now solved. Work again tonight until 8, then perhaps Sara's; I might be making an apperance in my subway garb, it depends on what time I really get out, and if I have enough time to go home and change clothes. I think I might have to wear the pink ribbon again. I mean green shirt with black pants, and red shoes...it always seems like it needs something else. I don't know who I work with tonight, hopefully Jeremiah, he's the only one that can keep me sane at night. I bought some chocolate milk last night, and I realize this morning that it's "Dutch" chocolate milk. What's the difference between "Dutch" Chocolate milk and regular chocolate milk? Do they use dutch cows??? Anyway. I'm off. You kids have fun.
Oh what time is game time? 8 or 9?? can someone call me or text me with a yay or nay on the time?? I also want to see the Gatti- Mayweather fight. it looks like it'll be a good one!


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