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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I've Got the World On a String...

...sitting on a rainbow, got the string around my finger, what a world, what a life I'm in love.

I love Frank Sinatra. I listened to him today before work. Always can brighten my day with that voice. I listened to him whilst I played my PSP. A little side note: I won the Southern Invitational on Tiger Woods PGA Tour with a score of -6 after 18 holes, I beat the 2nd place pud by 3 strokes. I birdied the last three holes. It's been a big day for me. I am now sponsored by Nike and Tag Heuer.

Went to the ole' gym today. Hit the squats pretty hard, my legs are still getting used to me uh, well, using them after being dormant for so many years. Pretty uneventful day though, besides I served Opie whilst he was out in the parking lot with my airsoft pistol. It was funny, but he kind of rained blows upon me afterward. He is big and it hurt.

Went to Angie's with J-Dog last night. Shoup was there too. I wish I would have had my air pistol. I would have served him for no reason. I am unstable. Anyway, Ben Vanderboon met me in the driveway and handed me two six-packs of alcoholic beverage and said it was for me. I was very excited because I thought it was, like, a late graduation present. However, as I was putting them in my backseat, he told me they were for Angie and Melanie. Boo. I was thirsty.

I know I have said this close to a million times, but I think I am going to cool it with the drinking for a bit. As much as I like getting wasted, after this weekend bender, I think I should slow down and get a little more serious about lifting and getting ready for wrestling. And that means less alcohol, more lifting, and a lot more cardio. It is kind of hard because I have no one to practice with, so if anyone on here knows someone that is honestly looking for a partner, let me know.

So, in the spirit of me pretty much writing a novel right now...the woman scene for me is looking a little bleak right now. Things are not buffing out as I had originally thought. I was hoping to nail Jill, however, I think she has a boyfriend and won't tell me. I say this strictly because the other day when she was over, we were making out and some guy called, and she picked up and finished the call with an "I love you". But, whatever. I am kind of sick of being "that guy". As flattering as it is to be good enough to cheat on your boyfriend with, it's kind of a tired routine. Rebecca and I are going to catch some dinner sometime this week, I think, however, I have had kind of a difficult time deciding how I feel about her. I mean, she is cool and all, but I feel like her priorities are a little out of order. Maybe that is just me, but I like her a lot, but I don't know how I want to handle this situation. And then there is this girl named Jamie. But that situation is a little strange, I guess. I don't know how to describe what is going on with us. She wants to meet, and play some video games, and sports. She is cool, very cool actually, but, well, I guess I don't know. This is like, the first girl I have actually gotten to know before I like knew she was hot, or before I like did her (which I haven't, I am just speaking in generalities). She is very open, and goes to MSU, but I don't know. I guess I can't decide if I want to have a girlfriend or just keep playing the field and trying to get laid. Fooling around with randoms is a good time, but becomes rather unfufilling after a while, and I kind of feel like I am missing something. Going away to college might be affecting this, I kind of feel like I need some stability in my life right now, and everything is well, unstable. The only thing I can really depend on is my family and friends right now. I think that is going to be a little more difficult to find a serious girlfriend in college for me, but I am not looking to get married, so I guess I don't care, but some relationships seem like such a waste of time. After so long with a person, and ending it seems like such a gigantic waste of time. I guess I am just a little jaded. I know I should focus on the cool times you share with the person, but I can't see past the time that I put in it.

This is turning into a diary for me, but I have a lot on my mind and it feels good to get them out there in the open. I am very disappointed because I had to call the Team Michigan coach and tell him that I couldn't go to nationals because I don't have enough money, and I probably couldn't take a week of work off. I am really upset about that. It sucks because I really want to be an all-american. Not to say that I would have even placed, but I think I would have had a pretty good chance. But $1700 is pretty steep for something like that. I cannot wait to get back in shape and start wrestling at State. That is going to rock. I have potential to start my first year of eligibility if I work hard. Their heavyweights are pretty weak. I think I have a pretty good shot.

Anyway, this is long and involves a lot of feelings. So with that note, I am a pussy. I'm out.

-The Truth


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