Speak Easy.

You're here, and we love you for it.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Have yourself a merry little christmas.

Hey guys! if any of you happen to read this then have a Merry Christmas! even if it doesn't involve igloo's (Geoff), or doughnuts. Anyway. Happy Holidays


Monday, December 19, 2005

Biology rules. Fuckers.

As I'm going to be MIA until the day after Christmas when I see Geoff, I thought I'd post my life for all to see...

Monday: studying and coffee with Liv
Tuesday: studying and Micro exam #3 and final
Wednesday: Anatomy lecture final, Cells lecture final, Cells lab final
Thursday: hopefully a double at Kentwood Friday's
Friday: shopping? and either Stevie's wedding or work (I got scheduled and might not be able to get rid of it)
Saturday: hopefully a double at Kentwood Friday's because they will probably be open until 8 or so
Sunday: family.

Good times. I am so poor right now, it's sick. I have to hope that other people, whether or not they are poor, don't want their last shifts before the Big Day. Oooh, oooh, but I start my medicine soon! I miss everyone, and if no one has other plans, would they be interested in a Christmas night Denny's trip?

Sunday, December 18, 2005

well huh.

weekend wasn't toobad. It's snowing now; I say boo to that. Anyway, Grandpa and Marilyn's "Open house" was today; I'm going to admit it was a bit different. There were a lot of her family there. Yea, On the other hand, yes Geoff we were talking about getting together for the eve of christmas eve; however, that is also the night of Stevie's wedding, and I know some people are attending and won't be coming or will be coming later. I work that night so I'll be there between 12:30 and 1 if we do get together. It's up to everyone else, but I'm up for whatever. All right you kids have fun!

The Colts Are Now... Defeated.

Although, 13 straight wins isn't something to shake a stick (or anything) at. I think they'll still make the playoffs.
With Christmas being one week away, how many of you are done with all of your shopping? I, for one, am not, however I think I'll be able to condense it all into one after-work-shopping-super-extravaganza.
So, are we for sure doing something for the eve of Christmas Eve? I know we'd been talking about it, and I've been waiting for the memo... but nothing new has arrived in the ole' inbox. Christmas Eve eve is Friday night, yes? I don't think that'd be a bad night to get together. Maybe play a little Catchphrase (if somebody has it), and/or some Spartanopoly? In any case, keep me posted. I probably won't feel like drinking... unless we're getting egg nog, don't reckon I could say no to that.
A GREAT issue of Muscle & Fitness this month. What to eat, how to lift, it doesn't get much better.

Santa Baby....

Hey all! I am hooooome and I love it. Some things are still pretty fucked up, but I'm home and that makes me super happy. baaaah.. we all have to get together or something. I know... I ditched on Denny's tonight, but my sister and I had some bonding time. It was nice, she is cool. Anyways, I just wanted to say Hi! and I'm going to bed. Good Night all and Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Tommy Boy!

Tommy:"Hey Richard Guess what I graduated!!" Richard:" Yea and just shy of a decade to!"
Tommy:"A lot of people go to school for seven years." Richard:" Yea they're called Doctors."

Oh good times! Anyway Yea Jeff I know you probably thought that I was being retarded and accidently repeated myself, but I really did mean Christmas eve eve party. It's cool LeeAnn if you wanna come late with your hot date (Enough of the rhyming I mean it!.....Would anybody like a peanut!) I'm not getting out of work until 11:30, and so I'll be there shortly after that. well not shortly more like with in the next our probably like 1...Am
Anyway you kiddies have fun!


So apparently IM West doesn't open til 8am during Finals week. I actually know for sure because I went ahead and biked ALL THE WAY ACROSS CAMPUS AND SAW FOR MYSELF AT 6:00 THIS MORNING. AGHHHHHH. I don't know if I'm irate or just really sad, One thing is for sure: I will not be sleeping anytime soon.


the sun will come out tomorrow!

Jeff-- You may be opening presents on Christmas Eve... but Cass said... Christmas Eve EVE! that though would be the 23rd and that would be Stevie's Wedding, whom I have a banging date for! AND Jeff I also miss the new season of Lost... the old ones just aren't cutting it! A lot of stuff is being missed this week due to a lot of things just walking out of my life. ANYWAY. Abby i miss you to death! I WILL be more than excited to see you.

I'm out

Monday, December 12, 2005

I Love the enthusiam.

Abby, your post was so full of youthful vigor, I had post myself.

For one thing, negative points to MSU today., The University prevented me from getting better today. I went to do some ballin after my CJ exam and IM east closed 2 hours early. UNPOSTED time change. I was mad, I've cooled down since then.

I had a bad day on my bike. The slush and then ice really caused me problems.

CJ Exam was pretty easy, my prof made things just about impossible to get wrong. He told me a story about how they seized marijuana once from a guy, and an officer threw the stash into a bush by the post. A few months later...WALLAHHH, the post had it's own mary jane. A reporter saw it and did a story on it. Beautiful.

I have my agribusiness exam tomorrow, and THEN I HAVE NOTHING TO DO until 10:00 on Friday. I jsut don't even know what to do with myself. I think I ight declare this "racquetball week", as long as IM East doesn't decide that I can't get better anymore.

As a fam we generally open presents on Christmas Eve, but I will do my best to make it to the theoretical party afterward. Home is going to be good. I am very much looking forward to that.

Holla back.

Here ye Here ye.

My fellow kinsmen lend me your ears. lol...Just kidding anyway. There has been speak of a Christmas Eve Eve party. We don't know where yet, but I'm just giving everyone the heads up, but it's being planned as we speak. Alesheia mentioned getting a hotel room for the evening, but what ever we do plan on getting real shitfaced! speaking of which We're starting to plan my 21st birthday celebration. We're also working out the details on that, but when I know you'll know. Come and see me get drunk legally for the first time..(hehe well not the first time just the first time legally...hehehe). Anyway I've gotta finish my portfolio for English tomorrow. you kids have fun.

diagram of a dirty sanchez. . . .

So i totally take half credit for getting this bitch back going, with the help of my loyal sidekick Bad-Cass! Hahahaha. . . . but anyway, i am so glad it is still going.
On a totally different note i will totally be home 7 days from right now! Everyone better be happier than shit to see me! I am so so so excited, i have studied my little heart out for my exam tomorrow and i am so excited. I just want to get it done with. It is kinda like. . . okay 1 down 4 to go. . . hehehehehe!!!!!!!!!!! Mike Sweppy (crazy mofo from Detroit came back, even thoug hhe had told me like 2 days ago he wasn't going to be back until after Christmas, and i always enjoy his crazy ass around to terrorize everyone and come knocking on the door at 4 am. I love weird people, i am pretty sure i have some crazy magnetisizm (lol on that spelling) to them. Really funny story about how Mike got HPV, by the way, remind me to tell you all later!
I got tanked this weekend and called a few of my most drunk-dialing worthy friends. . . i had way too many jello shots from a hard loss in jello shot checkers, and the many daqouris i had in with that didn't help. LeeAnn, i miss you! What else do i have to update on? I don't know! I hope we can all figure out a Denny's date at some point during break, i love those and i miss Denny's dearly. All we have up here is a pancake house. It is just not good enough. Sorry, Marquette.
We we sledding the other day. Tasha showed me to this wicked hill and when we parked to go down it we noticed there is a river at the bottom. But i swear on a bible this hill was like a direct drop down. I predict daeth by sled accident before the winter ends (in May). But we took a smaller hill instead and i went straight into a fucking branch, but it was funny, i didn't even care. lol. We took some pictures, you will all see them when i am home i am sure!
OH! Geoff- you think people driving slow is bad? Come to Marquette- they fucking run you over when you are doing the speed limit in a snow storm. They don't fuck around up here. Snow is like traction for them or something. . . these yoopers got it all wrong, i swear. They are crazy. But it is really fucking annoying, i remember my days of living down south. Ahhhhh. . . . sweet memories.
Well i have about 10 more pages to study, but i don't give a fuck!!!!!! I have coffee ready to be made for me in the morning. . . ahahahahaahahahaha! EEEEEEK! I love you all, the count down is on!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

I think I like commercials.

Okay so have you guys seen that sprint commercial were the two employee's are in their office dancing, and the boss comes in and wants to know where (I think their trucks) are, and one of the guys gets on his computer and says something, and one of them two ways the truck driver and asks him where he is and then they look at the boss and one of the guy starts playing the music again and they continue on dancing.....yea that is totally me. I would do that if I had an office job. I laugh hysterically everytime I see that commercial. okay well maybe not hysterically but I still laugh. Anyway I hope everyone had a productive weekend. I need to finish my portfolio and study for my history exam for tomorrow. Anyway you kids have fun!

Saturday, December 10, 2005


That head joke, that was funny

oh boy...

Geoff-- yet again I am sorry. Atleast I didn't call you like 60 times like some somebody else that I called! I just wanted to tell you that all my friends here want to jump you... and that you're hotter than your brother. Hands down that was the reason for the call... just to boost your ego a bit more. I sure do hope your head didn't get any bigger.. HAHAH! jkjk. anyway... there is no 151 in my body tonight, so we're good to go. Now tomorrow will be a different story, so I am warning all of you. Have a fun and happy weekend and finals week!!@!

Friday, December 09, 2005

I'm picking up what you're puttin' down.

Geoff I totally hear you. Wed I think I was coming home frome Hastings at like 10:30 PM, and I was coming around a curve. I had to slam on my breaks because some jackass thought the roads were so bad that they had to drive 25 miles and hour! Can you F-ing believe that! I was pissed! I mean if it's snowing really hard and most of the roads I drive on haven't been driven on in a couple of hours, so I'll go like 40 at the most and this is at night time; their they are puttsing along 25!!!! 25!!! the roads were clear and it wasn't even snowing! I couldn't believe it. Anyway My neck of the woods got roughly 10 inches of snow last night. I'm glad I got in when I did. Anyway you kids have fun this weekend.

My lovely dormitory

So there I was, asleep last night. THE FIRE ALARM WENT OFF AT 2 IN THE MORNING. yes, thats right. Not just a quick little "ooh there's a fire lets put it out." A full fledged fire alarm FOR MORE THAN AN HOUR. I guess there was a fire in a laundry basket or something ridiculous like that. The raging laundry inferno took an hour to put out, and as far as I know theres no damage to speak of and no injuries.

Back to my research paper. I will be the unapposed authority on the exclusionary rule.

-Eccentric in East Lansing-

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I'm going to bitch now

I fucking hate people that don't know how to drive in snow. I swear to god an inch of snow falls and these retards somehow drive slower than my car idles. What the fuck is that? I understand being cautious, but there is a point where you become so cautious that you are now dangerous. And I cannot stand for that. You can maintain a reasonable speed and still be careful, and let me tell you: riding the break is NOT required to acheive such a speed. I submit that first, people that are not native to Michigan (or other northern state of similiar climate) should have their drivers license temporarily suspended for the duration of our winter. And second, kill the people from Michigan that can't handle driving in the snow, because if they haven't gotten it yet, it's never going to come.

I just fielded a drunk dial from LeeAnn, and oh goodness, she is drunk. I guess 151 will do that to you, especially when you weigh 110 lbs.

Geoff, out.

Heads Carolina

Tails California

I need to be some place warmer.

Yea..how about Texas...That place seems pretty warm. I could get a pink stetson hat, and some cowboy boots, and say howdy a lot and I'll be all set. It's been a long time since I've went anywhere for vacation. Maybe I should look into that! hmm Maybe Seattle. I've never been to that side of the country before, so my thoughts are headin' west. Anyway, I've only got one final and that is monday. I think all of my classes end next week which is just sweet. Anyway you kids have fun. Peace Easy.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


I am ashamed of myself. I have been treating my body badly. Since the start of the school year... I have NOT had much physical activity. I blame this on another person as well... hahaha!

Anyway, my goal is to get to the gym more next semester. Hopefully more than two times in the whole semester. I know... I'm awful!

I've been lacking motivation... I need some motivation... and if the love handles that have been coming in quite nice on my lower back aren't doing it, I don't know what will! Geeze! I'm such a terrible person! Have a good week and good luck on your finals!

PS if anybody can get me a job anywhere for the three week break.. I'D LOVE YOU FOREVER!

Cardio destruction

Well, yesterday I received a gift from a friend. A highly caloric gift. This was the underlying motivation for basketall last night, and today it resulted in squats, other leg stuff, elliptical and treadmill.

I'm scared. I've never made my body this mad before. Sure we've fought, but this combination of calories and anti-calories has caused my legs to leave. I got back to my room today, and all the sudden they were gone. I don't know what to do. Should I call? Does that show weakness? I'm sure they'll come back.... :*(

Geoff is going to be in Muscle and Fitness. Get his autograph before he starts charging for it.

I think it was like8 degrees today, and thats not really good enough. I tried the to test my Raw Knowledge of accounting today (read: didn't study for my final). I feel like I might not do that again. As long as we're lobbying for presents, I could be in the market for a new set of hamstrings.

My laundry will be done drying at 4:20.


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I kind of need to pee.

Hello all yous guys. Nice to be back in business. In case anybody out there is wondering I would like, nay I need, whey protein, protein bars, and iPods for Christmas. Thanks in advance.

We need to beat the Packers. That's all I have to say on the topic.

I hope exams go well for everyone. I am actually tettering on the edge of suicide right now, so I might not make it home for Christmas. Best of luck anyhow.

If I do make it home, it'll be nice to hit the V. Sportsplex. That sure would be the balls. No gym on earth compares to the Viking Sportsplex.

And... I'm out.


I feel like Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without weights. I don't have any exams on Wednesday or Thursday Next week, so maybe ill hit the PLEX also. I played basketball today for the first time in like a month and got DRILLED right in the head, so maybe ill accept the hint that fate gave me.

In other news we won an accounging competition and get to go to nationals in DC. As well as receive $2,000 per team member. HOLLA.

Off to study :)

We've got a Charlie Brown christmas tree!

Yep here it sits, poor little pathetic thing, and it's a fake tree to. Mom doesn't particularily like, but it works I guess. I'm glad you guys are excited for christmas;however, my christmas will not be the same. For christmas eve we'd have my dads side of the family over, well Grandpa and Marilyn (Dirty old hag that she is) decided that we're not doing it like that this year. They've decided to have an open house like a week before christmas. What the hell is that? Who does that? I told my mom I wasn't going. Then my grandpa bill (my mom's dad) isn't have Christmas breakfast. Apparently his beer is starting to take priority over seeing family. Whatever. I get to go watch Chanse after the funeral today. That'll be good I haven't seen the little guy since Thursday. I'm glad I don't have finals. Most of my classes end next week. I don't know when my Psych class gets over with, but that should be next week too. All right I need to go iron my pants and start getting around. You kids have fun, and I'll see you guy when you get home from break.


this thing is still up and running. i thought it died and no one wanted to talk about it anymore. good to know. how is everyone? I might be outa here this week with no exam week. how fuckin sweet is that. I can't wait to get into the gym over christmas. it's going to be like christmas with weights. YES, christmas with weights.

Monday, December 05, 2005

I am SO excited!

I'm very excited for christmas. I get to see so many people that I miss. Abby, I'm very excited to see you! And Jessi is coming home from Flordia!!! Oh my goodness. I love christmas! I'm very excited to hang with my family. they're so cool. I just got really excited and that is bad considering i still have finals week to get through. But I only have three finals! Anyway, I will see you all soon!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

love love love

I love Marquette! I am so glad the semester is almost over. And even though i have two papers (one included into a project) due tomorrow and an exam i am not prepared for on Tuesday, nothing can drag me down now! AHHHHH! I might be going sledding in a few minutes here, and even if i don't i am still excited about it!!! :-) I am just so fucking excited about coming home in a couple weeks i cannot be sad right now. I'm tellin' ya! It is kinda funny that i am so excited because i definately have no exams after Wednesday, yet i am working at a wrestling tournament on that Saturday and at the hockey game Saturday and Sunday. I actually have to be out of my dorm by noon on Sunday, and i am sticking around to work. How sad is that? But you know what? I really don't care. My mom hates me for it, but i don't care! I haven't seen ANYONE besides my parents since the first week in October. Does anyone else realize how long that is?!?!?!?! AHHHHHH! It makes me want to jump out my window into the snow, run a lap and come back inside! LOL. Well, i guess it is like 2 and a half months, but still. I miss people so much. I miss "the gang" that is this blog. (Or WAS this blog, i suppose). I miss Alan's fat fat ass. lol. Ben! I miss Ohio! SADIE AND SCOTT! Sweet jesus. I even miss Veitch! I am just trying to think of what i am going to do first when i get back. . . sleep. For sure. (I am leaving here around 5 pm on Sunday, 9 hours to get home. . . . 2 am on Monday. . . . add snow factor into that -2 hours at the least- 4 am on Monday!) So sleep until probably like 10 am, then i should go to work with my mammy, and go see granny at her house, then go to HS and visit with all the lunches! Maybe help Veitch with something for good old times sakes. . . . it brings a tear to my eye thinking about it!
So anyway, i REALLY have A LOT of stupid stuff to be doing right now. I miss you all so much. ohhhhhhhh. . . but i shall be home. December 19th. . . and 20th. . . and 21st. . . . you call me!

Saturday, December 03, 2005


I just happen to check the blog, and people have blogged. I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. I'm currently trying to get ready for christmas. School is well; I just want the semester to be over with though. I've a portfolio for English to construct. She thinks that we should have like eight drafts BEFORE the draft that we turn into her and then like another two after we get it back. It's just ridiculous. Everyone in that class I know doesn't make that many drafts. Work is going well. I might possibly be going full time at the hospital, but I don't really want to say anything until it's official. Not really doing much this weekend. I've gotta work today and tomorrow. I need to make up for the hours I lost this week, so I told Star that I would train with Norma this weekend. What else has been going on....nodda really I've been watching Chanse a lot. His hair is pretty much uncontrolable; we could take the back of his hair and put it in a little pony tail, but we won't do that to the poor little guy. Well I've gotta get going..Talk to you later!