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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

We've got a Charlie Brown christmas tree!

Yep here it sits, poor little pathetic thing, and it's a fake tree to. Mom doesn't particularily like, but it works I guess. I'm glad you guys are excited for christmas;however, my christmas will not be the same. For christmas eve we'd have my dads side of the family over, well Grandpa and Marilyn (Dirty old hag that she is) decided that we're not doing it like that this year. They've decided to have an open house like a week before christmas. What the hell is that? Who does that? I told my mom I wasn't going. Then my grandpa bill (my mom's dad) isn't have Christmas breakfast. Apparently his beer is starting to take priority over seeing family. Whatever. I get to go watch Chanse after the funeral today. That'll be good I haven't seen the little guy since Thursday. I'm glad I don't have finals. Most of my classes end next week. I don't know when my Psych class gets over with, but that should be next week too. All right I need to go iron my pants and start getting around. You kids have fun, and I'll see you guy when you get home from break.


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