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Sunday, December 04, 2005

love love love

I love Marquette! I am so glad the semester is almost over. And even though i have two papers (one included into a project) due tomorrow and an exam i am not prepared for on Tuesday, nothing can drag me down now! AHHHHH! I might be going sledding in a few minutes here, and even if i don't i am still excited about it!!! :-) I am just so fucking excited about coming home in a couple weeks i cannot be sad right now. I'm tellin' ya! It is kinda funny that i am so excited because i definately have no exams after Wednesday, yet i am working at a wrestling tournament on that Saturday and at the hockey game Saturday and Sunday. I actually have to be out of my dorm by noon on Sunday, and i am sticking around to work. How sad is that? But you know what? I really don't care. My mom hates me for it, but i don't care! I haven't seen ANYONE besides my parents since the first week in October. Does anyone else realize how long that is?!?!?!?! AHHHHHH! It makes me want to jump out my window into the snow, run a lap and come back inside! LOL. Well, i guess it is like 2 and a half months, but still. I miss people so much. I miss "the gang" that is this blog. (Or WAS this blog, i suppose). I miss Alan's fat fat ass. lol. Ben! I miss Ohio! SADIE AND SCOTT! Sweet jesus. I even miss Veitch! I am just trying to think of what i am going to do first when i get back. . . sleep. For sure. (I am leaving here around 5 pm on Sunday, 9 hours to get home. . . . 2 am on Monday. . . . add snow factor into that -2 hours at the least- 4 am on Monday!) So sleep until probably like 10 am, then i should go to work with my mammy, and go see granny at her house, then go to HS and visit with all the lunches! Maybe help Veitch with something for good old times sakes. . . . it brings a tear to my eye thinking about it!
So anyway, i REALLY have A LOT of stupid stuff to be doing right now. I miss you all so much. ohhhhhhhh. . . but i shall be home. December 19th. . . and 20th. . . and 21st. . . . you call me!


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