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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Cardio destruction

Well, yesterday I received a gift from a friend. A highly caloric gift. This was the underlying motivation for basketall last night, and today it resulted in squats, other leg stuff, elliptical and treadmill.

I'm scared. I've never made my body this mad before. Sure we've fought, but this combination of calories and anti-calories has caused my legs to leave. I got back to my room today, and all the sudden they were gone. I don't know what to do. Should I call? Does that show weakness? I'm sure they'll come back.... :*(

Geoff is going to be in Muscle and Fitness. Get his autograph before he starts charging for it.

I think it was like8 degrees today, and thats not really good enough. I tried the to test my Raw Knowledge of accounting today (read: didn't study for my final). I feel like I might not do that again. As long as we're lobbying for presents, I could be in the market for a new set of hamstrings.

My laundry will be done drying at 4:20.



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