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Friday, December 09, 2005

I'm picking up what you're puttin' down.

Geoff I totally hear you. Wed I think I was coming home frome Hastings at like 10:30 PM, and I was coming around a curve. I had to slam on my breaks because some jackass thought the roads were so bad that they had to drive 25 miles and hour! Can you F-ing believe that! I was pissed! I mean if it's snowing really hard and most of the roads I drive on haven't been driven on in a couple of hours, so I'll go like 40 at the most and this is at night time; their they are puttsing along 25!!!! 25!!! the roads were clear and it wasn't even snowing! I couldn't believe it. Anyway My neck of the woods got roughly 10 inches of snow last night. I'm glad I got in when I did. Anyway you kids have fun this weekend.


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