Speak Easy.

You're here, and we love you for it.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Colin gets a first post?

So, apparently I'm cool enough to join in on this little ring now.


So, my birthday is this August. The big ol' 21st. I'm not too worried about it, but then my brother gives me a call. Apparently, he found out that Flogging Molly is coming to the intersection in GR. Not only that, but they're doing it ON my birthday. So, yeah, we've already got tickets. I highly recommend that anyone that would wish to come get tickets, 'cause this show is going to sell out, not only that, but you can join in on the retarded revelry that is sure to follow any Tech man getting his 21st.

So, I guess I can cut this post short on the drunken revelry.

Monday, May 30, 2005

You're broken to break down, slow down slow down.

The subway crew really know how to rock out! The Gusters came on the radio, so we proceeded to have a dance party in the lobby, where we continued to follow up with a little "Tainted Love" by soft cell, AND The Talking Heads, we totally rocked out! anyway work was a little unbelievable today. I went into the cool a couple times to scream, and I took out some aggression on the boxes. I was so antsy today, like I had to keep myself moving, or I'd go crazy. Well that's all I got..you kids have fun!

I will stay away from you if you will stay away from me...

Oh my goodness, last night was funny!! I'm in favor of Pistons Parties at the Simcox house...most especially if they include chocolate cake and 3ft party subs! (Which, by the way, we should start chipping in for so that we can have them all of the time.) And for those of you who were not in attendance in the later hours of Adrian's party, I have some quality photos (pending they turn out) of Opie before, during, and after bonging 7 beers (on top of everything else), and a photo that I can only pray turns out of Pat, haha...I'm laughing typing this...when Katie, Jessi, Alex & I were driving past the 2nd driveway, all of a sudden Pat comes running by in just his underwear, and then when I told him to get back in front of the car to take a picture of THAT, he's like, "NO HOLD ON A SECOND!!" He walks over to the side of the road, drops the underwear, kicks them off into the weeds, and runs back out, butt-first, in front of the car. When he goes back to retrieve them, they are seriously just gone. He looked for a good 3 minutes, venturing in his birth-day suit into the weeds, and couldn't find them. When we drove away, he was running back up to the party holding his crotch to get his other clothes.

Oh, good times...

Saturday, May 28, 2005

...Take it or Leave it, ya slow down ya slow down.

Hey all, just got back from my grandpa's wedding. it was all right. Anyway. All the girls at subway think Jeff is real smokin' hot by the way. I passed him on my way home, and he ended up making a guest appearance, so they were all geeked about that. Today was really slow. like during our lunch rush. it was a trickle of people for like an hour, it's kind of a bad thing because I made soo much bread thinking we where going to be busier than what we where, and I over prepped, but hopefully that stuff will be used up tonight. tomorrow is the pistons game, and I don't know were the game is going to be, but I'm going to have a three foot sub, and it better get eaten! anyway. I'm off. You kids have fun!

Ha Ha Real Funny...

So... I'm driving along, eating a push-pop thing (you know, like a little tube with slushy shit in there, this one was actually good for you, I don't know what it's actually called, but I'm sticking with push-pop). So, I'm eating this thing, and driving... eating and driving... and there must have been a frozen chunk bigger than the hole I gnashed out. I was paying attention to the road more than the force that I was applying to the ass-end of this push-pop, silly I know, but I run a strick policy of self preservation. And BAM. Out comes the remaining half of it, not into my mouth, but rather everywhere other than the big hole in my face. EVERYWHERE. Fuckin' onto the passenger seat, onto some CD's, in my lunch (which was fucking amazing), on the ole' sunglasses, my pants, my (read: Alan's) fleece, probably in my hair, who fucking knows at this point.

And to think, I was in a good mood, that's what I get I suppose. SKRRRRRRT! I turn around... I was ahead of schedule, but I fixed that! Back home. Wipe myself down (didn't check the hair... maybe I should have?), wash off my sticky ass sunglasses, and get back into my car... which was sticky, real fucking sticky, on the steering wheel, the shifter, the dash, GOD DAMNIT!!!

Word of the day: Sticky

Geoff out.

Again with the double-post...

Geoff...I think I have a tail on Allmsu.com There's this guy that follows me around and tacks on a smart comment on everything I say...you wouldn't know anything about that would you?

Update: I emailed Robyn and told her she should probably come back to the gym, straight up.

Geoff, after you left MAJOR cardio took place. My HR was over 170 for like 20 minutes.

I told Scott I'd give him a dollar if he came in every day (since Thursday, not incl. Sunday) and then benched 165 on Monday. Still waiting on Mr. Blocher.

I got 8 hours of sleep last night, and, obviously, it has made all the difference.

I'm going to go add up payroll taxes for May. Peace.

Hands included.

OK, so I see what you're saying. She definitely is just lookin for a friend...I think that's pretty clear. But did she have to make a big scene about it and throw her card away...and then send me a letter? I mean it was fine before...

And I do appreciate the advice. But I think I need to be more clear about the question...what should i DO? Like when she came in here yesterday...should I have went and talked to her? Should I let it blow over? Should I send her an email with more than two sentences in it? (I did email her back Thursday...pretty much just said "it's up to you, it's not like I'm going to forbid you from coming to the gym") Confusion. Something I'd rather not think about at the moment.

Mowed the lawn in a serpentine yesterday...that was kind of cool. I still hae mixed feelings. I plan on passing my final personal judgement when I get home today.

13. Barely...I think. I might have blacked out. The shirt had to come off...it was a little akward but I was alone.

Should probably wash my steer today.

Friday, May 27, 2005

good things are hidden in small packages...

JEFF- I'm thinking that this chick just needs somebody to talk to. And at times it seems like the best person to talk to sometimes is the least likely person. She is just afraid that people are going to judge her. We all know how she might feel... I mean you can't honestly tell me you've never wanted to be judged wrong and didn't do something that you wanted to do. I dont really know if that makes any sense to anybody else but me. I think she just need a friend. and the question is : Are you going to be able to get past your akwardness to help her out? Alright time for me to meet some people I'll chat with you all later!

Lionel Richie - Just For You

Slept in this morning, which felt good, but not as good as lifting.

Work... was slow. Boring.

I'll be headed to Ludington with a group of buddies from school tomorrow night, that will definitely be a pimpin' good time. Meeting Kathryn after work and we'll all leave from Grand Haven. Haven't gotten beligerant & broke shit in a while, and what better place to do it that somebody else's cabin?!?! Exactly.

I've offically got 2 tickets to MIS in July (I think it's in July anyhow). I can't wait for that shit! Three days of gettin' back to my roots as a redneck, watching NASCAR, and drinking the beer,
shirtless. Hopefully Matty will be able to get the time off of work and Liv to join me, we'll see, I might have a ticket to get rid of ($80, or sexual favors... keep that in mind if I need to pawn it off)

Gym tomorrow, 7:00 am. Be there... or don't I guess...

Nice to meet you, anyway...

Gavin makes me happy on the inside.

Cass & I did indeed lunch with the likes of Katie Dickinson, Amanda Livingston, Emily Fyan, and Alisha Werdon today at bd's. Mmm. However, the $6 slice of espresso oreo ice cream pie was barely worth it. Cass and I also saw Justin LeVeque workin' at Cascade Meijer, so that was exciting! Don't know what's happening tonight, but I believe we are about to embark on a journey with no end in sight...

Jeff, I am affirming the opinion that she doesn't really have any scandalous intentions. If you truly are that uncomfortable about the situation now, then perhaps it is better for you to tell her that it's awkward, and until you go to the EL then you would prefer she not come to the gym. But if it's not that bad, then tell her that you're OK with her keeping in shape there, and continue being friends. It'll probably always feel weird to you now, but at least you can both feign a little normality for the remaining 3 months you'll be home. Or maybe email her and ask her to just come to the gym later in the day, when you won't be working. From what she said, and what the letter stated, she is just a shy, lonely lady who still cares quite a lot about what other people think, and she didn't want to put either of you in an awkward situation. She just didn't know how to say it in a way that didn't sound bad...

Geoff is in a bad mood tonight, so anyone who wants to talk to him: Beware.

...It's your lover on the television screen.

Okay Jeff if you want input on your situation at hand. Honestly, I think her intentions are completely innocent, and she might have said somethings, that she felt like she needed to clear up in a letter. She sounds like a happily married woman, and I know the weirdness is well....weird, but if you both look to over come it then I think you'll both be great chums. I mean as long as it stays within the gym walls then why should anyone else care.
In anycase Alesheia and I ate at Mongolian Barbeque with some girls we graduated with. It was real fun, and I think we might make it a monthly thing. We then continued our journey to horrocks where we bought flowers, and not just any kind of flower, but gerber daisies. Anyway we're now at my house, and rockin' out, I think we're heading over to O'Donnells to watch SW Episodes I and II, but I don't know. You kids have fun!

Jeff I commend thee...

...You just posted THREE times in a row.. thats awesome! BUT that is a negative on the getting of the birthday present. The Burb wasn't at the Viponds, I'll ask Opie about it when I see him next. I definately got in like 3 good hours of sun bathing today! And I washed my filthy car! over all today was very prodictive on my part.. I really needed that sun time! I hope it rains like this all weekend!!!! Working at the GTP tonight if anybody wants to come visit!

A turn of events...

It took something big to warrant a third post, but i think it's necessary. Mr Scott Blocher made an appearance today at about 7:15. He has enough extra credit to pass I think. This was after a project graduation, and the only sleep he had was from the bus. As if that wasn't enough, he SQUATTED, and did rows...it was truly an inspiring experience for me. He helped me to overcome major encroachment of satequism.

In other news, Robyn made an appearance today. She went and like looked at the magazine rack for like 10 minutes and then left. I was lifting, and luckily Scott had the heart of a champ today, so I didn't have to handle it alone. I asked her to hand me the Gold's Gym Exercise book..and she did. Then she left. In all honesty if anyone has any input on this I could use it. I know that she really just wants to have a friend and was probably trying to clue me in that people might think it's weird that I'm friends with an older woman. But it's so akward now...and so many people know because i have a big mouth, and I don't know really what to do at all. Inpt is appreciated.

Vito didn't tell me when I'd be out today. He said Justine wanted to work so it'd probably be 9 or 10. I called justine at 10:30 to see if she was coming in. At 11:00 she walked in and i was like YES. But, apparently, she only wanted to know why I called (couldn't just call back?), and she wasn't here to work. At this point I was already packing up. I don't think she realized I didn't know, and then she was just like "OK, just checking, see ya." and she left. Depression rears its ugly head.

Yea, alright, Tyler is here. I'm probably going to mow the lawn. I'm kinda lookin at staing home tonight, so if anyone wants to do anything I'm game. Peace.

EDIT: The gym opens at 8 on Saturdays, but I'll come in early if anyone needs me to. Sometime's I roll in around 7 or 7:30 just for kicks.

It's nearing 7:00...

And HereI Sit...all alone. I was reading the Parillo Performance Press, and I feel that I'm being overcome by satequism. I think I should go lift some weights and eat some protein before I'm beaten down by the iron fist of catabolism. If anyone reads this in time, please, if you have any love in your being, come to the gym. LeeAnn, let me know if you got your present.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

You'd be really safe crossing a railroad

A three-foot party sub sounds phenomenal. Is there a decided venue yet? My family was very happy with the Grandma Bump reference by Alan, good work by him. They are off to the Double-J ranch, and honestly I hope it's not like it was for us (chills). Thats all I got. Gnight.

Stop look and listen baby that's my philosphy.

Okay, for the Pistons game Sunday. I will be bringing with me a 3ft par-tay sub. I've ordered half white half wheat. half turkey and ham half turkey. and I haven't decided on the cheese yet. If anyone has any suggestions then let me know pronto. Thanks!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Because I'm The Man...

Chalk on up for the good guys. You guys know you can text posts on the BLOG from your phone? Not only that, but you can send pictures from your phone and get them shits posted too. Just thought I'd update everyone... I'm a little excited.

loud and unruly...not likely.

LeeAnn, I am proud of you. we should definitely hit up some type of coffee shop, and tap the wireless. I think I might go back to subway to do it again, but it depends, on who wants to take me out in public. Anyway. I'll talk to you all later.

Cass will be proud of me...

At the moment I am in East Lasning at Beaners tapping the wireless internet. But for some reason i couldn;t get beaners signal so I'm on somebody's signal called BlowJob... Hmmm must be some frats wireless or something. But it works huh? I just thought that I would also be a geek with Cass YAY! And I am TOO VERY excited about this Lost biss-nass. AND the Pistons AND American Idol is on. oh gosh its all over whelming me.

Season Finale of LOST

Well folks, the day is finally upon us, this glorious Wednesday brings with it the last episode this season of LOST. Hopefully some (many) of the mysteries will be solved, or at least partially so, but... well, let's just say I won't be holding my breath.

Watched SW: Episode 3 last night with Cass, Alesheia, Cody, & Brittany. Thought we had a good time, but typical Cass was loud and unruly in the theatre, it's coming to a point where we can't even take her into public. Such tomfoolery...

Current Twelve Club status: Failure

Honey, it's the crazy ones that have the good pills...

What's up ya'll? Felix and I are just listening to some Gavin. I can not wait to see him again in July, and this time I swear I won't get sick. guh, Michael, Howie, and Gavin all at the same concert. That day I will be in heaven. Anyway. I've got some major rockin' out to do, so you kids have fun!

This profile is a bit "whack"

Under no circumstances am i now, nor have I ever been, a pisces. And 19 posts? Since last year? There is definitely some shenangians afoot.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

..and I shoulda been gone.

I think Jorge Posada is my new favorite. I like catchers. Anyway. I'm going to see Star Wars tonight, so that should be fun. I think it might put me in the mood to watch the other five. I don't know. anyway you kids have fun! oh it's 1-0 for the Yanks Tigs game, A-Rod hit a homer; deep right center.

Speculation tells me....

... that DQ is just trying to make it so there are more winners.... I mean if there are like three of every number doesn't that mean the winning number is out there three times? there are so many codes that they can do and there are like eleventy-billion DQ's out there. Are they international? My guess is that there is.. I mean aren't they in good ole Canada? I guess I'm going to have to investigate this matter...

Ok I just looked into this internationall biss-nas and they're everywhere in the world! The biggest place fopr them is Mexico and China! There are over 40 stores located in just Beijing!!! That seems crazy to me! I wonder if they're all just ice-cream or if they have like international food there? My mind is boggled right now! Enough blabbering. I'll talk at ya all later! SeeYa!

And The Skies Opened Up.

Actually Jeff the Odds are 1:53,130, but you where close. Good try buddy maybe next time. Anyway. I hope everyone's day is going well. I might be going back to subway later to tap the wireless network. How pathetic is that? Anyway, found out today that Bri and Dustin are having a boy, so that's cool. Now I'm here chillin' listening to Modest Mouse "Float On", so I'll Float on, and catch ya all later!


According to Dairyqueen.com, the chances of winning the scratch-off game are like worse than 1:50,000...yea, tough odds. Good news is you only need one code...but you can only try 3 times/day. I did it for a while..but alas...I failed...you can just....call me mr. ellipse....

Monday, May 23, 2005

DQ tells lies...

Both of our cups have the same code on them, and TWICE, when the little thingy scratches off all of the squares, there weren't ANY "DQ" symbols. I should sue...

But thanks for the B-Day wishes!

Happy Birthday Twin!

Birthday's aren't all they are cracked up to be anymore... until that lucky number 21!! But Happy birthday anyway!

I Ain't no holla back girl.

Happy Birthday Alesheia! In another year, we can go drink together!...Legally!


On this day, one score and ... uh... zero years ago...

Sunday, May 22, 2005


Hehehe, sorry about that. Call being an admin.

El Numbero Three

Well, I feel like a moron. I was so excited about these "profiles"... but appearently I'm the ONLY one that didn't know about them & have all kinds of fun shit in there already. Anyhow, I'll fix this blog up tomorrow, and I'm definitely taking suggestions as far as layout and color schemes, so fire away. Night all.


oh geez a title....

All right second post. This is pretty sweet stuff. might be getting another deformed kitten. it's exciting stuff. see ya!

Testing, Testing

The madien post...