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Saturday, May 28, 2005

...Take it or Leave it, ya slow down ya slow down.

Hey all, just got back from my grandpa's wedding. it was all right. Anyway. All the girls at subway think Jeff is real smokin' hot by the way. I passed him on my way home, and he ended up making a guest appearance, so they were all geeked about that. Today was really slow. like during our lunch rush. it was a trickle of people for like an hour, it's kind of a bad thing because I made soo much bread thinking we where going to be busier than what we where, and I over prepped, but hopefully that stuff will be used up tonight. tomorrow is the pistons game, and I don't know were the game is going to be, but I'm going to have a three foot sub, and it better get eaten! anyway. I'm off. You kids have fun!


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