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Saturday, May 28, 2005

Ha Ha Real Funny...

So... I'm driving along, eating a push-pop thing (you know, like a little tube with slushy shit in there, this one was actually good for you, I don't know what it's actually called, but I'm sticking with push-pop). So, I'm eating this thing, and driving... eating and driving... and there must have been a frozen chunk bigger than the hole I gnashed out. I was paying attention to the road more than the force that I was applying to the ass-end of this push-pop, silly I know, but I run a strick policy of self preservation. And BAM. Out comes the remaining half of it, not into my mouth, but rather everywhere other than the big hole in my face. EVERYWHERE. Fuckin' onto the passenger seat, onto some CD's, in my lunch (which was fucking amazing), on the ole' sunglasses, my pants, my (read: Alan's) fleece, probably in my hair, who fucking knows at this point.

And to think, I was in a good mood, that's what I get I suppose. SKRRRRRRT! I turn around... I was ahead of schedule, but I fixed that! Back home. Wipe myself down (didn't check the hair... maybe I should have?), wash off my sticky ass sunglasses, and get back into my car... which was sticky, real fucking sticky, on the steering wheel, the shifter, the dash, GOD DAMNIT!!!

Word of the day: Sticky

Geoff out.


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