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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Have a take and don't suck

Rome is Burning.

This is just a quick rebuttal beccause I'm leaving for softball, but I feel like Alan didn't present the whole truth. I will agree that the kid seemed fine last night, and probably was tired because it's a long day and it's hot, it'll happen

HOWEVER. I was sitting right there, and Alan was kind of sitting back from the fire and not really saying anything to anyone. The boy sweats a lot so this is understandable, I have seen it before. However, Abby, simply trying to be considerate, asks the kid if something is the matter. It wasn't a loud calling-out, I beleive her exact words were "Alan, you seem kind of poopy tonight" or something completely ridculous like that. Rather than saying no...or I'm just tired...or the fire is really hot..He lashes out and calls her a lesbian and gets really defensive. THIS is why everyone started asking him what whis problem was, it's not like we followed him around tugging on his sleeve and asking him.

Anyway, softball is tonight, and that is exciting. Ryan's present came today, minus the clock because those jerks back-ordered on me, but it's still pretty cool. Off to Freeport.



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