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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Behind these Hazel Eyes...

...a little irrelevant, but whatever.

Blog, blog, blog blog it up. Sorry. I'm done posting irrelevant stuff.

On to very relevant things. My number one pet peeve right now if people asking what is the matter. What the fuck is the new trend with this? Is it fashionable to harass me about my mood all the time? Don't give me that "Oh, we just care about you, la la la". I am getting pretty sick and tired of people asking me what my problem is. PERFECT example was last night. I was talking and bullshitting around the fire, and I sat back in the chair and kind of backed up from the group because the fire was 1) making me sweat and 2) melting the hair on my legs and my epidermis. Not 3 seconds after I moved back and kind of quieted down, Abby, Jeff, and Opie were all like "what the hell is your problem? You're in a crappy mood. You've been in a bad mood all day". You know what puts me in a bad mood? Fuckin' people telling me what kind of mood I'm in. I was in a fine mood last night UNTIL people started harassing me about my mood. That drives me crazy! For the love of God, if I am in a bad mood, you will know, and if I want to talk about it, I'll come talk. Until either of those happen, I'm a-ok. Goddamnit, I cannot express how much this pisses me off. I was totally like myself all night last night minus the fact that I didn't feel much like eating Reese's. Maybe that is what set off the "Quick, go piss off Alan" sensors. Then, this morning, Abby (God love her) sends me a text message that says "Morning, hope you have a good day today, you looked sad last night or were in a bad mood" or something. While I REALLY do appreciate the message (it did make me smile), what the fuck? Looked sad? Look, from now on, this is a public announcement, I am going to wear all my emotions on my sleeve. I will address everyone how I feel everyday. That way, there is no confusion. What really fries me is when people KEEP pushing and keep nagging at you about it. Yesterday, I woke up at 6:00 am, went to lift, went to work for 8 hours, came home and went straight to Ben's. I was tired, that's all. I said I was just tired, but you all kept asking me. When I say I am tired, I'm fuckin' tired. Not sad, mad, or glad. Tired. Are we all clear?

Sorry about that rant, but that kind of shit drives me nuts.

So, I got my memory stick in the mail yesterday! I was pumped about that. I am trying to find a good video encoder to convert the .mpeg and .avi files to .mp4 so I can play them on my PSP. Geoff and I are going over to Opie's house tonight to watch Family Guy and so I can score some porn off his pc to put on my PSP.

Work is pretty thrilling. Hurricane Dennis is not quite the rockstar that Ivan was, from what I hear. I have taken about 3 hurricane claims today so far, and I have been here for 3 hours. Not impressed. Kind of pumped about lunch today. I brought Cheetos. I love those little guys. Yeah, I am gaining weight, by the way. I was hit with a frightening dose of reality. Geoff took the liberty of informing me that the gap between me and Opie's weight and Geoff's and mine is smaller. Meaning I weigh about 40 pounds less than Opie. And Geoff weighs like 50 pounds less than me.

All right, I am fucking tired. Work is boring. I'm going to sleep.



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