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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Think of me think of me fondly.

When we've said goodbye.

AHH how I love Phantom of the Opera. It's got to be my all time favorite Operetta. Although, Madame Butterfly comes in a close second. I miss going to the opera. One of the better perks of being in choir. Today was okay. I awoke at ten. Alesheia came over to use the ole computer (by the way we're good to go for the Concert!) I read a little Harry Potter. Oh, I also watched the trailer for the fourth movie, and it looks awesome! I can't believe I'd ever be saying this, but I can't wait until this fall! Harry Potter this November, Chanse will be like a month old. He'll be ready for a movie by then....right!?!?

Sorry got off topic. anyway, I get to work, and I was only supposed to work until ten, but a series of unfortunate events happened (NOT Lemony snicket style!) Jeremiah (who was not a bullfrog) decided not to come in, and wasn't even going to call to let us know. Sandy was going to stay and close, but she had been there since 7 Am. Me being the good person that I am offered to close. Which I haven't done in like four months, so it was a weird experience.

It makes me sad. The Phantom doesn't get the girl that he's in love with. Now he's crying. I'd cry too. I feel his pain. Anyway, SDO tomorrow. I kinda wanted to go to Ben's (Simcox) as well but things prevented that. I'm happy to report that I've got Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. That should be fun! Saturday I'll have the house to myself, so I'm going to do what any good natured person my age would do. I bought a keg. Yep, one whole keg all to myself. hahaha. I'd have to go have my stomach pumped! eck, that doesn't sound at all pleasing! well gosh! this is getting real long. It was swell blogging tonight! See you all later.

~Miss Cassi


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