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Monday, July 11, 2005

Welcome to St. Clair Shores County

Alright, well, Shirley's definitely happened. May have been an error in judgement on my part. I never really thought it through that'd I'd be sitting all by myself in a strip club parking lot with two very imposing characters waiting outside the door. I spent most of my time walking around in the parking lot, hoping with everything I had that Candy Cane wasn't sitting out there with his pink champagne. I called a few people, but I pretty much just stood there and reflected on the direction my life took that night. It wasn't so much the fact that we stopped at Shirley's...it was more that I went to Pizza hut, had about 5 gallons of peas from the salad bar, and then wolfed down a bunch of pizza and pudding. It don't add up.

So Sunday started out with a Chauncey-less church. Upon arrival home I started the Sunday crossword and my mine was BLOWN as the first clue, 1 across, was "a pack of warships." um, ARMADA. wow, I did every crossing word first because I couldn't beleive what had just happened. There I went.

The drive over was pretty severely uncool. I was dead tired and almost fell asleep a couple of times. Luckily some old school 3rd eye blind came on the radio and I got the vocals warmed up. After that it was smooth sailing. Exit 176. Wow.

The Hunsucker residence is pretty cool. They have a really nie pond with stones around the outside...a garage, a pole-barn, and a volleyball court. OH and this floating platform, more on that later. The open house was for Don Hunsucker/Rachel King/Rich something from Tennessee. I went ahead and got Rich a card and 10 bucks, because I really feel like purchasing friends is the way to go. After some small talk and getting SCHOOLED in 2-on-2 volleyball by Harrison and his ripped uncle, tackle football commenced, and it was beautiful. I hit a kid so hard I think I almost gave myself a concussion. There was one particular guy there that I think everyone kinda didn't like, so I was assigned to hit him, but i never really got around to it. Although I did stalk block him, beause really, it's all about keeping your hands in. Harrison later drilled him into the weeds, so I feel like we took care of him pretty well. I never did go off the rope. The seat a King's kind of gave me a crutch, so the seat-less Hunsucker rope was a little much for me. One guy, Tony, was doing double backflips and sticking them, very impressive work by him.

Next was "King of the raft" where about 10 guys from Ashton-size to Alan-size got on the floating raft and just battled. It was a true test of strength, and it drew a pretty big crowd. I took a small carrot break after wrestling this 250lb kid for a while, and we had duel matches. I battled Tony and tossed him in twice. By the way, when you throw someone in, and they emerge from the water coming at you full speed its probably the scariest thing youll ever experience. Ryan King takes King of the Raft very seriously, that kid is like a ninja.

Next was 6on6 volleyball, which was also pretty fun, except for the all-star team (Josh and Matt Morisson, Rachel, Harrison, Tennessee guy and athletic uncle rick) kept beating everyone AND they took the shady side of the court, punks. I'm sure there was a lot more fun, as it was a sleepover, but I was afraid that I might actually be cool if I stayed, so I went ahead and maintained loser-ness by going home for work. It was a sad departure, I wish I'd hung out with Donny more. Also, side note: those people have good genes. There were A LOT of ripped individuals there. Even Olivia is pretty much rock solid. Oh, Alan, I think rebecca's twin was there. She played football, classic.

Ride home was ROCKIN. I had my foot up on the seat, both windows down, cruise on 73, cell phone in hand. I drove past a drive-in movie and resented the gym because I had to get up so ridiculously early, which I didn't, more on that later. The old 88 got 32.5 miles/gallon on the trip, so that was cool, not to mention I locked in on the generosity of the owner of KMART and his blue-light special. I figure I saved about 25 cents, Which I've already invested.

This morning I woke up to Melanie's shining face at roughly 6:10. Turns out that I never did put my second alarm clock back in my room after Tony's, so shutting my alarm off = sleep. I take full responsibility. Jari Collins, if you read this, my apologies.

Melanie, speaking of you, in honor of you coming to softball games, I'm going to start playing better. I feel like I've been letting my game slip a little lately. Also, if you want extra credit, there's a 6:10 game in church softball @ freeport that Tyler and I are playing in. I feel like Cobb's Quick Lube is going to break out this week. 8:10/9:10 FYI.

Robyn came in today...and after all my friends left...she just kinda sat on that bench in front of the water cooler. Literally just SAT there, for a good 20 min, eyes closed. I wish I had the X-files theme on I-tunes, it definiely would've been played. Wow that'd have been awesome...

4H meeting tonight, so I probably won't be @ basketball. I hear theres a wicked party going down at Simcox's, so I might have to stop out there, with hopes that some ping will be ponged. Geoff, I have bad triangle news...you were +1 second. I'll update the sheet a little later if you want to look for yourself.

See you at the crossroads

-Bone thugs n' Jeff-


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