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Monday, July 11, 2005

Dear blog...

It's good to have you around tonight, blog. I had an up and down day. Some might say more down than up. Like me, for example. Anyhoo...

I woke up this morning at 5:30 am sharp, ready to hit the gym. I was wide awake. I shut my alarm off and thought, "well, if I'm so wide awake, I could probably lay in my comfy bed for ten minutes. There's no way I'll fall asleep." The next thing I know, it's 6:15 and there's some girl in my room waking me up. It's Melanie. By the way, thanks Melanie, you helped me get my butt to the gym. That was one of my minor "ups" for the day.

The next event of the day was a "down." My boss tells me that I'm getting my hours cut back since business is so crappy. Don't get me wrong, it's fun to get out at noon, but losing half of your paycheck every week starts to add up over the course of the summer. Oh, and as it turns out, everyone else works all day, so there's not exactly fun to be had.

When I got home I took a short nap. Big time "up."

The next event was a really big "down." Big enough, in fact, that it might cause a ripple effect for weeks. Forgive me for being vague, but a lot of information is about to be withheld to protect those involved. Jeff, if this goes as planned you'll be the only one that knows what the dilly I'm talking about. Right before my dear brother left for his "4-H meeting" (lol, good work Jeff), I confided in Jeff with some information. Jeff quickly shot back some additional "information" that left me feeling good and depressed. Yeah, I've pretty much felt crappy and disappointed since then bro. SUCKY SUCKY SUCKY. I guess this is a classic case of snooze and lose.

Fortunately this was followed by the massive "up" that is Monday night basketball.

After basketball, my car was running like crap. DOWN.

When I got home from BBall, I ran two miles. Running after basketball was a first for me, and I think I can sum up the experience pretty well in one word: DOWN.

I capped off the day by stubbing my toe and burning my tounge. Yeah, you get the picture. If it wasn't for Monday night BBall, the day would have been a total loss. But hey, tomorrow is another day. Yahoo for Tuesdays. Good night everybody.


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