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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Get loose while the records spin. I could be your new best friend.

Gotta love Michael Tolcher.

Geoff, Isn't that from Anchorman?? Anyway. Alan I totally know how your feeling. It's like if you don't have a smile on your face 24 freakin' 7 something must be wrong. I get it all the time at work. people are like "What's wrong, you're not smiling today, and you're not very talkative." Can't I just be content?? Can I just work and not have to say anything crazy every five seconds!?!? I get real pissed off to. I'm just feelin' your pain. Anyway, today is my SDO. Alesheia is here we're just chillin'. I must admit that lake is lookin' mighty fine. Tomorrow and Thursday I open, so that's a little cool. Well. That's all I got. See ya!



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