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Wednesday, July 06, 2005


SDO - Scheduled Day Off: Playing With Fire, And Not Getting Burned.

Half my afternoon and a half tank of gas later I'm right back were I started, plus a little pissed. Went to Grand Haven, but the weather didn't really shape up to the beach day I'd hope to have this SDO. I'd have probably stayed a little longer, dispite the weather and lack of trim on the beach, but Kali wanted to come back, so that's what we did. Fuck it, I can be cold and bored here, right? One plus (the only plus) was the pit-stop to The Front Porch, picked up some ice cream. I'm fat, but I'll be damned if I'm not happy. And Alan, you owes me a dollar, rook.

Didn't have a great time, but didn't have a bad time either, I'll take breaking even in this case. You never can tell when you hang out with an ex, but it's didn't bite me in the ass. This time...

Well, I think I'm going to go to the zoo and flip off the monkeys.

-G, G, G, G-Unit.


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