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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Get behind my eyes for another view

...of painted skies beautiful blue.
That concert last night was AWESOME! Michael signed my shirt. (yay). During Howie, some drunk girls came up right in front of us and started dancing in a mad drunken rage, so I took care of one of them. Then they moved. Howie didn't sing my song of choice last night (Slow Down) but that's okay because he did sing "Secret". Which is second favorite. It started raining before Gavin came on. which was cool. We all rocked out. I got so excited when he sang "Chemical party". Man If Alesheia and Katie didn't call dibs on those boys I would move to Utah and marry all three of those guys.
Anyway, Opinion time. I think everyone can dance. Dancing is one of those things that there is no right or wrong way to do it. But, believe what you want I guess. Anyway. I am off. I should call work and see what time I work tomorrow. ugh. I can't wait for this weekend!
This is what I mean by that. Now you understand.
- Mama Cass


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