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Monday, July 04, 2005

Weird dreams are made of this. . .

I had a really weird dream last night, and the night before too! The first one Harrison and i were looking for a shirt in cubby holes, but we couldn't find it. . . (yep, that's it). And the one last night Ryan and i went to a zoo, but i left to play softball. . . . right. So anyway-

i definately had a huge long, interesting blog up here the other day, and i went to publish it and it didn't work, so it just deleted the whole damn thing. I think i can recap some of it though:

I went dancing like a crazed woman into the night at King's house on Friday night, and it was really fun. Steve talked my ear off about his truck and dirt bikes and such for a long time by the fire. And that night Rachel was trying to get everyone to go to sleep, but none of us were tired, so while we distracted her, Lindzy Curry and I snuck down the stairs only to discover Harrison at the bottom all, "WHAT are you guys doing?" Damnit. We were home free if it hadn't been for Lindzy's hubby. So we went up to the room and we started talking about a very hypothetical situation: If you had to make out with 5 of the 7 King family members, which ones, and in what order? Here was my list:
1. Ryan (He wrestled. . . what can i say? Definately cutest)
2. Bill (The main man of the family, how can i resist?)
3. Rachel (I think she has been flirting with me. . . not really, but that is a funny thought)
4. Harrison (This is for sure as low as he'd get on any list, i'm sure)
5. Ashton (You gotta love that little crackling voice!)

Speaking of hubbys, I told Ryan that we had a bunch of carrot cake left over so that was why i gave them a bunch; so he tries telling me that carrot cake is very exotic- and that carrots actually originated from the congo, along with rabbits. WOW, talk about some strange conversation. But funny.

After the fireworks i went inside to get my phone and ended up getting half into a fight along side Bill and Rachel with Harrison. Harrison thought Maddison's rabbit was pooping every where, when in reality he had dirt all over him from the durby and HE was dropping dirt everywhere. So long story short he was being stubborn to annoy Rachel and wouldn't change. He was just being straight up rediculous.

The durby was fun, i'm glad Jeff showed me the ropes of getting into it the back way (all these years i had been going through the fron gate!). Firework watching at Rachel's was fun, but that one guy who kept calling Jeff Carlton was getting annoying. I just think he is kind of an ass.

So about yesterday: Rachel definately invited me to go to the beach, but i decided i'd just stay home and do thank you's instead. I ended up going shopping with my mom and getting some cool new stuff. A back-pack case for my laptop and flip-flops, and some other stuff too. We ate at Outback steakhouse, it was GREAT! I hadn't eaten there before, but it was super!

So i start work tomorrow. Everyone wish me luck. Call and leave me nice voicemails, because i'm sure i'll be grumpier than ever when i get out. Working from 7 am to 5:30 pm outside. with jeans on. and steel toed work books. I think i am a man.


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