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Friday, July 01, 2005

i'm down on bended knee. . .

Wow, I can officially varify that Alan uses rule number 5 quite often. Hahaha, whew. (Salt the wound).

So we lost our first match in 3 games. We play tomorrow at 8 am now. Chelsea Backe (a.k.a.- Cheltsee) asked me when i was heading out to Tyler Creek this week. We usually hang out and have fun telling stories and making fun of the little kids. Last year Chelsea got drunk at another camper and came back after throwing up a possible 20 pounds of vomit. But we always have a really huge tent to sleep in, so that is cool.

I am heading back up to the fair after taking a very abreviated shower. I have sand tan. The talent show starts at 7 pm and i think it is going to be a good one. . . !!!!!! Party at King's afterwards! You gotta love the King family. I have a little kid crush on Ryan because he is just so cute. Definately one of the cutest Kings (behind Mattie, of coarse). I don't know if i'll be doing any rope swinging, my back hurts as it is, and i don't need any more bruses.

- yours truly and to be Canadian-
Abby (Go wildcats!)


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