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Friday, July 01, 2005

Daddy ain't around, prolly out committin' felonies...

...my favorite rapper used to sing check, check out my melody.

Ahh, Friday. First on the agenda: Abby. Sounds like 1) You're crabby and need a fuckin' nap and 2) Left your sense of humor somewhere around the Mount Pleasant area. Look, I understand it was a mistake, but you constantly make fun of me of Amber. Not only is she in my past, but me fucking her is about 1,000,000 times worse than you and Scott having sex. You bring that up every single time sex and me come up in the conversation, well, her and a few other girls that I had successfully blocked out of my memory. It's all funny until people start making fun of you, huh? Bottom line here, calm down about it and learn to take a joke. If you're going to flip out everytime anyone mentions it, that's your buisness. And just because I make fun of you doesn't mean that I am perfect, so don't put words into my mouth.

Anyway, went to the fair with Geoff last night. It was really lame because the derby was going on, so all the actually decent looking girls were in there. We walked up and down the midway and got the BEST corndog and fried chips for the reasonable price of $3.00. As expected, there were a large amount of dirtbags at the fair. Which, ps., the fair was not fair at all, it was poor. It didn't even have a ferris wheel, or any cool rides for that matter. Anyway, I bought another corn dog and then Geoff and I shared an elephant ear. It was a tad bit homoerotic. We walked up and down the midway and I ran into Craig the Janitor from school. I love that guy, we chatted a bit about his moving to the middle school and him fishing a lot to me wrestling at State. He said that he would come watch me sometime. I am going to have to let him know. He is a great guy, though, really nice. Later, Geoff and I ran into LeeAnn, Jessie Marsh (who I have smooched, and was lookin' hot), Dezi Dingman (who I haven't seen in FOREVER, who I miss, and looks a little more pregnant than the last time I saw her), and Hannah (see: Large Breasts). Vanderboon came a little later and we just kind of hung out with Melanie and shot the shit. We were going to go swimming in the hole at King's house, but on our way out, Jeff and Melanie had a sudden burst of self-righteousness and decided it was wrong and that the Kings would be VERY offended if we swam in their pond. Of course, that is the most sacred bodies of water. Who are we to sully all that is pure about that particular lake, especially when the owners are not home.

Anyway, good gym morning, I suppose. Nothing out of the ordinary. Opie still wasn't there, and his muscles (I use that term very loosely) are probably suffering from some sort of atrophy due to the extreme lack of use. LeeAnn, as far as you coming in, my sympathy for you grows smaller and smaller with each passing day. I have resolved that I am going to make fun of you right now strictly because you talk about coming in to the gym and don't and have no reason not to. The second you step foot in the gym, the hijinks and tomfoolery will cease. Until then, prepare to feel like a piece of garbage because you don't work out. On another lifting note, I sure hope that NO2 and Creatine comes in today. I love getting packages in the mail, plus, I got a free gift with my purchases. They are lifting straps...free lifting straps at that. Ps. I weighed 243 pounds today. That is outrageous. I think I have a bit of a weight problem. That is quite massive, another 300 pounds and I will weigh half as much as Opie.

Big date tonight with Rebecca. We are going to Roses in East Grand Rapids. I guess it is pretty fancy. It is right on Reeds lake, and I guess it is pretty beautiful. Jeff took his shots at me about Rebecca finally making time for me. But it wasn't like that at all, I just asked her out to dinner, and she said she wasn't busy, so we are going together. She works everyday for like 8 hours, and since she lives so far away, we don't have a lot of time to hang out. Not that that matters anyway, considering we aren't going out. Jeff has no room to talk to me about girls anyway, considering the only woman he can seduce is a frail, vulnerable 49-year old woman...who is ugly.

-One Tough Hombre'


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