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Friday, July 01, 2005

Oh simple thing. . .

. . . where have you gone?

So yesterday was pretty much yesterday. Went gambling, more or less split even. . . Ben has an addiction problem with gambling. I am almost 100% positive. I am running on about 4 hours of sleep at this point. The porn last night and breakfast with Alan (extra early) this morning. . . i almost can't keep my eyes open. But i can't sleep. The most fucking annoying thing ever.

The next most fucking annoying thing ever? Alan bringing up my past relationship history whenever he feels the need to make himself feel better. OH, i'm sorry i am not perfect and made a mistake, but at this point i am tired of thinking about it and i would like to actually keep it where it should be- in my past. But i am glad he gets a good chuckle out of it; it must be nice to be so perfect. (Yep, you all get to see; or hear me be mad tonight, sorry). I guess i just thought my best friend would know me well enough to tell that i dodn't really want to hear about it anymore. Now everyone knows my stance . . . (Maybe Scott thinks it is funny, so go ahead and talk to him about it then, but not me).

Ahhhhhhhhhh. . . so anyway- today didn't turn out how i had really planned. I am actually sad thinking about it. I talked to Val Huisman and we were going to go to the fair and see what was going down. Turns out a ton of family comes to the cottage right after i get there, and Val really didn't want to go to the fair. And she was being pretty sad and grumpy for her, and usually she is my pick-me-up kind of person and i guess it was an off day. But that's okay. I went wake-boarding and got up on the first try. I also did an 180 on my first try. So i guess i am a natural on the water or something. I guess it is good that i will be surrounded by it even more than i am now pretty soon.

So i am playing beach volleyball at the Lake-O tourney tomorrow. Our first game is at 2:45. So i think i'll be there all day, but i could be wrong.

Hopefully tomorrow goes better than today. I've been thinking about stuff too much lately, i need to relax and just let stuff buff out. It'll buff out i think. Let's hope so, i am tired of being sad today; i feel like all the people that usually make me smile are making me frown; But it is a new day, new oppritunities. My daily calendar said, "Enjoy the little things in life- they are what make life great and interesting." Yeah, i suppose. It is just too bad i can't get past things that i need to to see the little things, you know? That's just how it feels. I'll sleep it off. Sorry. Talk to you guys later.


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