![]() | Geoffrey odonne89@msu.edu |
"It's Friday, you ain't got no job... you ain't got shit to do, I'ma get chu' high!"
So... Foremost has successfully annexed 3/4 (75%... ie. a big fuckin' piece of the pie) of my long holiday weekend. I will be gracing the halls of Foremost today, tomorrow, and Monday. SHIT! On the up side I believe Alan and I will be quite hansomely rewarded for our hard work on Monday with time and a half pay. The down side (there's always a downside) is that the full time people that work Monday will be compensated with 2.5 times pay. SHIT!
In technology news: It appears that AMD has filed an antitrust lawsuit against Intel (both companies manufacture microprocessors). Everyone is capable of following the click to the story, so I am not going to regurgitate anything, I just hope the end result is a larger share of the market for AMD.
It's time to gain some weight. I've started to take my eating cues from Alan. Guidelines are as follows:
Rule 1: Consume anything and everything, all the time, always,
Rule 2: Rule 1 applies even when you're not hungry,
Rule 3: Remember Rule 1, but never forget Rule 2... ever.
Breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs (3 eggs w/ ham and onion), a bowl of cheerios with strawberries, and a slice of cinnamon raisin toast. For lunch, we've got a tuna samich, an auxillary wad of tuna, and a delicious looking slice of apple/rhubarb pie. This slight modifaction of my diet will continue if I get stronger, I've been struggling lately on my bench.
The powers that be seperated Alan and my lunch breaks today. I will be eating lunch cold and alone, and I hope he thinks about me while he gleefully consumes his sustenance.
So it looks like I'll be losing a hard drive full of information. I might be taking up music donations if anyone is feeling generious enough to let me skank some music from their library that would be fantastic.
Anyone think we could/should put together a Sportplex website? I think it'd be kind of cool, with pictures, maybe directions, a "meet the staff" section, I don't know, I don't know if we'll have time. I'm just brainstorming here. Let a n*gga know!!!
And in closing, Opie is still a fat, lazy, pile of dog shit.
"It's the one that says 'Bad Mother Fucker' on it!!!"
-THE Bad Mother Fucker.
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