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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Look at me now...standing here holding my heart in my hands.

Well, t's about cardio-time, so we'll just get some postage here. Like, blog style, not the $.37 kind (or $.33 if you're Alan, lol).

Stayed at Tony's last night, again, which isn't too bad. It's kind of nice having my own pad. I think I played a mean trick on the sows. They weren't eating out of one feeder, and I've hypothesized that it was touching the fence, and therefore shocked the mouths of the poor swine. That would hurt. I'm pretty sure it takes a lot to keep a pig from eating, so I think they might think I'm a pretty big jerk. But, then again, they eat their own poop...so.....

Lifted this morning, legs style. It feels good to get back in the old routine. I played Ryan K. In chess last night, and that was also nice. I was pretty tired yesterday so I don't really have any exciting events to relay.

I don't have anything to do...pretty much in July. I think I might start planning the TX trip.

My body still hurts from the tackle football beating, and actually have scabs dwon my side from getting rocked. That REALLY made me miss football. I should play safety @ MSU. That would be unbeleiveably sweet. Oh, thats right, I'm 5 feet 8 inches tal and 170 lbs, nevermind.

Opie I miss you

I feel like I might nap today. If anyone wants to come to Tony's and play scrabble with me, I'd be much obliged. Alan invited me to the Marguerita Grille wednesday...I guess thats wat I get for dancing. Thanks for the compliment though Cass...I was pretty sure I was just looking like a huge idiot. I do like the fishing pole and the shopping cart though....

To me...you don't look a day over fast cars and freedom.

-DJ Jazzy Jeff


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