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Monday, July 04, 2005


There it is. I said what everyone one here was thinking. Oh yes...I went there.

So, big day yesterday. I called Vanderboon early on Sunday morning. He didn't answer. So, I conclude that he is at church. All right, I dig it. I'll play the waiting game...so 5 in the afternoon arrives, after I leave 2 voicemails and go to the mall and Meijers, Jeff finally has the time to call back, when I am napping no less. So he calls and says he is sorry but he has been in Grand Haven swimming and basking in the beautiful sun all day long. Oh yeah, he didn't invite Geoff or I. We didn't have shit to do all day, but whatever. So, he calls and says that Jon Ketchum is shooting some scenes for a movie at 6 pm at the gym and I need to be there in for the gym scene. So, I get there in hopes of lifting as well, and I get there PROMPTLY at 6 pm. Everyone else that is doing the movie scene is there, except a person who plays a pivotal role in us entering the gym...Jeff. He ends up being 1 whole half of an hour late. Oh yeah, and he didn't call. Bastard. Anyway, he tells us that he will go swimming with us at King's after we lift, and then pussies out like 20 minutes later. 'Twas only until Geoff and I humped the living shit out of him did he succumb to our presuasive tatics.

We went to King's after we pumped the iron and made the shots for the film. Geoff and I drove and Jeff ran. As soon as we (Geoff and I) got there we somehow got roped into going to get a whole five bales of hay with Ryan, Ashton, Sylvia, Rachel, Don (Ryan's Cousin), Olivia (Don's friend, who was sexy), Steve (Ryans cousin, or friend), and Prince (the dog). We went and got the hay and Geoff and I did a little drive-by slapping in the truck on Jeff whilst he ran. We then played the roughest game of tackle football I have ever played outside of high school. It made me want to go to Albion and play ball. Jeff and I lit Geoff up together once, and I lit his ass up by myself a couple of times. It was so fun! I smoked Sarah Haskin a couple of time, it was hilarious. We then spent the next hour or so making assholes of ourselves on the rope. I tried a double backflip and did a corkscrew backfuckflip into the water and slammed my face right into the water, it seriously felt like someone smashed a rock into my face. It hurt real bad. All and all, it was a spectacular night.

Once we got home, I smoked a sandwhich and then hit the hay. I was real sore. I slept like shit on account of being sore and taking NO2 at an unreasonable time. Plus, our phones were ringing ALL night long. Kali and Opie called me for a reason not important enough to leave a message. This girl left me a text, and Geoff got calls from Kali like it was going out of style. So, I slept like shit. And shit does not sleep well, that's for sure.

I am holding strong against the force that is Rebecca. For those that didn't know, we had a date on Friday. I made reservations at this small, really fancy restuarant in East Grand Rapids, right on Reeds Lake because I know that she likes to sit and eat by the water, and she called at 5:30 (we were meeting at 7:30 after I got out of work) and left me a voicemail. Cancelling. All she said was that she had "car trouble". I was awaiting further details, but didn't get 'em. I was really mad. I don't know why I was so mad, maybe it's because if I had a date that I really wanted to go to, it would take hell and high water to stop me from getting there. I feel like she could have just borrowed her mom's car. But whatever. She called me back, and I took the more mature high road and sent her to voicemail. Anyway, in the voicemail she wanted to re-sched for Saturday or sometime this week. I haven't called her back, and I am holding strong. I am pissed. I have to call her sooner or later strictly because I let her little brother borrow my lifting book. And I want that shit back.

Wow, work is ridiculous. I have been here for goddamn near 4 hours, and have received approximately 3 calls. I watched all of Spiderman 2 on my PSP. I have masturbated enough to fill a mason jar. That's a whole bunch of cum.

Speaking of my PSP. I made a pretty irresponsible purchase today. I went ahead and ordered a 1 GB memory stick for my PSP. Sure, it was a hundred dollars or so, but the possiblities are now endless. I figure it was a good purchase strictly because I was not maximizing the usage of my PSP. I'll be damned if I won't be now. Now I can put all sorts of music and movies on them now. Score 1 for the good guy. I am going to put filthy porn on it, too. He he he.

Work is still boring. I pretty much am going to slit my wrists soon...

Just got back from lunch. Had a little left over pork and a roast beast samich. It was delicatable. I am listening to the Hip-Hop station on Yahoo Launchcast. Ja Rule's "Holla Holla" is on. Ja is my nigga. Fo' Sho'.

My plant on my desk is now officially dead. I think I am going to beat off on it and see if I can bring her back to life with the power of my magical semen.

For now, I am out this motherfucka'.

- The A-Train


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