Speak Easy.

You're here, and we love you for it.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Murphy. A fish. A friend. Most of all...

...A companion. I am sorry to report that Murphy, my desk-side companion, is no more. He passed away this morning of natural causes (turns out when you live for about 5 days, everything is natural). I decided not to autopsy Murph, rather give him a proper burial, which included a nice ceromony followed by a casket (a potato chip bag I found in the trash), and the burial (me throwing the potato chip bag plus one fish back in the trash). It was a lovely ceromony, all of Murphy's friends and family showed up (me). Rest in Peace, Murph-Daddy.

Quick side note, an Agent called in today, and her legal first name was Bia. I was like "Yes, Agent Bia, I was just wondering why you ackin' like a ho...like a ho?...Bia?...Bia?" He he he, whew.

Wow, work was unreal yesterday. I was there a grand total of like 8 hours, and I took a whole 11 calls. I didn't want to even think about a computer for a long time. I did however, get a whole of "me" time in. I played Tiger Woods a bit, watched all of Spiderman 2 on my PSP, took a little catnap, surfed the web, played a lot of Bejeweled 2, and masturbated. A lot. I bought a 1 GB memory stick for my PSP. I know I put that in my last post, but I am excited. I hope it comes today. Anyway, after work, Simcox met Geoff and I in the parking lot at Foremost, and we all drove to Grand Haven to watch Fireworks. Turns out, I went for sun, warm weather, and some beautiful fireworks, what I got was crappy, rainy weather, artic-temperature water, and no fireworks, and I got into a fight with Abby (which still hasn't been resolved). So I was royally pissed about the events that transpired. We did however get Subway. It was delicious. However, the woman (her name was Summer, to which I made a very punny joke) did not cut my submarine sandwhich is half. Usually that would not be much of a problem, however, I was driving. While I was driving and trying to shovel all 12-inches of that sub in my face, I glanced up and came about 3-inches from getting hit head-on by a car that was passing cars on a curve. I didn't really realize the seriousness of the situation until afterwards. I was like..."Geoff, did we, uh, like, almost die just then?" He was like "Uh yeah, I believe so." Then I was like, and then he was like...too much "like" usage.

Still haven't called Rebecca yet. I have a date with a new girl on Saturday, I am excited to get back out there. I cannot wait. Anyway, I am constantly reminded of Rebecca and it drives me insane. Like today, I passed a black neon on my way to work, and that reminded me of here. Then today someone called in a claim from Fennville, MI (where she lives) and that reminded me of her. Goddamnit. I don't know what to do.

Geoff and I are going to King's house today to go swimming. This blog is now the public invitation to someone else's house whom we have no idea if he wants us there or will even be there.

I am the rose that grew from the concrete.

-A Wheezy


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