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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

And then even more we could click...

...no games, no lies, no tricks.

Just when I thought Josh Bocks couldn't get much cooler, there he goes. I will know by the end of the week if Jack Johnson tickets will be mine for one of the coolest concerts of the year, taking place on August 31st! I might love this guy. *tears of joy*

T.G.I.Friday's Downtown is so much cooler when I don't have to be there, and the management loves you because you're bailing them out of a big problem. Plus I get all the free food and draft rootbeer I could ever want. Downside? We paid $25 for 18 to-go beers from Dukes. Longneck Budweisers, at that! We would have been happier at the time to have gotten raped or something. Happily however, Zommer Wit is as good as Oberon.

Jack Johnson!

I just finished Slaughterhouse-5, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr-style. If anyone hasn't read it, you should check it out. It's not science fiction, but it's rather obscure. It's this guy telling about the firebombing of Dresden at the end of WWII, from the perspective of a boy named Billy Pilgrim (yes, there is a band named after said boy). The catch is that Billy Pilgrim doesn't live life in order...he can "time travel" (sort of) because he came to understand that every moment in the past, present and future just is, and there is no way to change that. He was taught this by the Tralfamadorians when he was kidnapped by them and kept in a zoo with another Earthling for a few years. Good stuff, though. Next I'm reading The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. Should be a good addition in my mind for the philosophy stuff that I'm studying. I like to break a mental sweat, too.


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