Speak Easy.

You're here, and we love you for it.

Friday, August 12, 2005

It's almost the fucking weekend. Praise Darwin.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

You can't over love your underwear.

Abby, I'm glad you had a good trip. I really don't have anything planned this weekend. Sunday I've got a baby shower to go to @ 4. I'm might stop by the camp ground and hang for a bit, but I probably won't be staying the night. Saturday there is a Candid Avenue concert at State Grounds that I'll probably attend. I've never heard them before, but I'm always up for something new. Seth Higby always comes in and he has informed me that he and his band No Apology I think is the name. Is playing a show in Chicago this weekend. I thought that was pretty neat-o. Anyway, I work 9-4 tomorrow and Saturday.

Nothing really productive has happened this week. Tomorrow I've gotta call Occ med and set up my appointment for my physical. This is all very exciting. Anyway you kids have fun!

Back in the saddle again. . .

So i have missed about a full week of bloggage, AND my last blog was to remind me to talk more on my next. I know; that is so pathetic. But anyway, i am sorry for my absence, but some other people (you know who you are) are pulling the same thing. . . . so c'mon guys!

So anyway, i should probably start to try and refresh my trip to Tennessee/Kentucky. It actually ended up that we camped in the town of Clarksville, Tennessee. Wow. So we were camping in pretty much a shed with 2 bunk beds in it, a picnic table and an Air Conditioner. It was cute though, i give them credit. Definately the best bathrooms i have been in. You had to enter a code to enter them. Awesome! So i will give a quick runthrough of events and people. Prepare yourself. (A little side note for you- they go by last names here, so if they like you, they'll tell you their first name; but otherwise . . . last names only)- - - - - - - So here goes:

When we (katie Taylor and I) made it to Clarksville and we were greeted by Yates (nyle- the guy we actually went there to see in the first place, he graduated in 2004 from Lakewood) and with him came Osler (Steve) from Iowa. He was totally cute and we played go fish and i totally know he cheated and snuck a peek at my cards. He tried to deny it, but i saw right through it. Osler was really funny, he came with us when we went swimming the next day and out to dinner on Saturday night too. We had a pretty good battle of "Top That" but i eventually kicked his ass. A couple of his stories: during training one time his pants got ripped up to his junk (and he never wears underwear) and he got poison ivy EVERYWHERE. Another one- During basic training they were doing a 8 mile run and Osler's appendix burst half way through the run and he finished it. THEN after that they had to cut him open and leave the wound open so the poison would drain. . . ugh, nasty story, and hard to top, but i managed. But anyway- we went searching for some pool, but ended up not finding it, so we went back to the base instead and swam in the pool there. It was huge, and it felt really good. After that they dropped us off and we had an hour to hang out and do nothing. So we got ready for dinner. We ended up going to Chili's with Osler, Yates, and Veill (nick). Nick is a special character in this- he tried convincing us that he was gay, THEN he told us about his daughter, THEN he tried to get us to stay and drink with him. Right. But he was really funnny and was EXACTLY like Mr. Kadwell, andly with blonde hair. This guys even read Nicholas Sparks books. So i guess the whole joke with him being gay derived from one time when Osler's really fat sister came and stayed with them- She was trying to get Nick to do her and he was just like, "I am gay- i am a huge queer- I have a boyfriend, his name is Rex, I love him. . . " ect. ect., so it was pretty funny.

After dinner we went back to the barrocks to meet a ton of people. I don't even remember all of their names, but i do remember Steve-O (his real name was not given), and Jones (aka J-Jeezey or Jonsey), and Hamler (Marvin- from Detroit, fuckin awesome guy), and Young (Bill- who becomes more of an issue in this story later). So while we were there waiting for Young to get ready we got to see pictures of Osler's kid and see people's rooms with beer and puke and clothes everywhere. They weren't bad rooms or whatever, but they were just "weekend tainted", if you will. Boys will be boys.

So we go to Nashville to a club called "Graham Central Station: It was the coolest place i have ever been to. 4 floors of party. The first floor was a cyote ugly bar with awesome dances and everything. It was sweet. We didn't even venture in on the 2nd floor, but then the 3rd floor was a pool room, then a karoke bar, then the next room had the dance floor. It was AWESOME. Coolest place ever. And since we were in Nashville, everyone that was singing was just spectacular; with a few occasional drunks thrown in. But it was awesome. The 4th floor was the roof with a live band playing. So we started dancing and Yates and Young (Nyle and Bill) came with us. So Bill danced with me, and Nyle with Katie. It was way fun, and after we went back to the bar to sit down Katie and I went to the bathroom to wipe off the big Xs on our hands that screamed underage and from then on every time we turned around there was a beer in front of us. It was a really fun night. After some talking and more dancing Bill started holding my hand where ever we went. He was really funny and really sweet. A straight-up hottie from Chicago. This guy was WAY too good looking for me. I don't even talk to people that look as good as Bill because i figure i don't have a chance. I was so amazed at it, i had no idea what to even do. We ended up going up to the roof (which was AWESOME) we were right on the river and looking across the street from the stadium where the Tennessee Titans play. It was just surreal. I think it just made Bill homesick because he kept talking about Chi-town and how great it is- Bill Young. I could go on for a while, but i won't, i'll just give you a little idea. He had a scar on his elbow from someone trying to stab him, and his hand was broken from beating the shit out of some guy who punched him at a club. But Bill is one of the sweetest guys i've met. And just for the record- i am still talking to him; we exchanged numbers and still talk. He wants me to go to Chicago this weekend to hang out with him and meet his sisters and friends. And i think i am going to go. I am excited, but nervous. But anway, Myle and Bill and J-Jeezey stayed with us that night, and it was fun. The next morning I didn't want to leave, it was so much fun. How sad is that?

So that was that. This past weekend i went camping in Taqh. Falls in the UP and it was sweet. So beautiful, i LOVE the Upper Peninsula. But i really need to go to bed too. So i will try to continue this tomorrow, but who knows!

oh yeah! I got my room mate. She is from Wisconsin and a figure skater and on the track team at NMU. Sweet! Her name is Tasha.

your UP friend- Abby

Sunday, August 07, 2005

I wish I may, I wish I might, I wish this very wish tonight...

Hey everybody! Long time no talk/see. It's been crazy... yet boring. Went to Cedar Point last monday with Alissa. We had a lot of fun! Then Tuesday I don't remember what I did. Wednesday I went shopping. And Thursday night I hung out with some friends. It was fun. I bought Guess Who?. and to this day still can't remember who I saw it with in theaters. I hope they aren't offended. Friday I got the letter in the mail about my roommates. All three of them know eachother. It's okay though, I won't feel left out. I've only talked to one of them. We've talked a couple of times. She seems super cool. But yeah, only 14 more days... I'm excited to get away. And as melanie said.. we're like right next to eachother, it's kind of weird. And I have a class with another person from lakewood too. It's crazy. Saturday I took THREE naps.. oh yeah! and then went to Steak and Shake with Alissa, Stevie, and Katiecarr. We met Derek and Beach there too. It was fun. I kept making fun of this guy who looked like matt clark. I kept asking him to get us stuff because our waitress went home. Today was one of the worst days I've had in a long time. My manager at work yelled at me hard core... told me to shut up... and told me to leave and go home. It was bad. I didn't even do anything that bad! I'm going to love working with her for the next week! NOT! I can't wait to get out of there. I'd rather to anything than stay at that place any longer than I have to. Mkay, see ya all later! - LeeAnn

Hey--i missed everyone

Wow...a bit surprised that the blog has slowed down so much. Anyway i had a great week of lounging at the beach all day. (Ludington)


This week I recieved my roommates and room.I already know one of the girls from a Leadership camp i went to in the spring but i dont know the other two. But LeeAnn and I are only two doors from each other...crazy huh?? I am so excited to move in and get started! Hope everyone has a great week.

Melanie Ann

Saturday, August 06, 2005


So I see the blog has been quite productive this week. Work this week hasn't been too bad, except for last night. I wanted to cry. Anyway, Thursday I went and signed up for classes. I've got a Freshman Comp. American Lit. Modern America, and Intro to Psych. It's rather exciting, and I need to order books soon. Today, I went to Amanda Rowlands baby shower. On the way to the shower I got a phone call from my father saying that Bri went to the hospital with some wicked contractions (She's been having bad contractions for weeks, and the baby has dropped, so you can imagine that this is bad news bears). Anyway, so I went to Dustin and Bri's house after the shower to help paint the bathroom, and help with the baby's room. That was fun. Now here I am. I went to movie gallery and bought Phantom of the Opera!!! I'm so excited. I think I'll go watch it now! Peace Easy
Love and Kisses,

Testing for DePot

If you hear any strange noises, it's me shaking the rust off of my writing skills...

I think I'll try something new today and begin by telling about the most recent events in my life, and then work backwards.

I just ate two sandwiches and drank a glass of milk.

On the way home from my drug test, I stopped at Warren nutrition and bought some delicious vanilla protein. Maybe that will get me back on Jeff's good side.

I arrived at the clinic for my drug test only to find a disappointing sight; no one behind the counter, and three people waiting. Not good. It's a beautiful Saturday and I'm going to be sitting in this freakin clinic for hours waiting to urinate in a cup. Nice. One guy was drinking glass after glass of water. Hey buddy, instead of trying to beat the test, try NOT SMOKING POT LAST NIGHT. That's a much better approach. An hour and a half after arriving at said clinic, I was home free.

On the way to my drug test I dropped off truck payment #2. I'm such an idiot.

This morning my alarm went off at 6:15. It was time for the 5K. I promptly shut off my alarm and woke up about 3 hours later. If I would have just gotten up when the alarm went off and woke up a bit, there's no way I would have skipped it. But, alas, I let my penchant for not getting out of bed screw up yet another morning. Jeff was a little offended that I didn't go, which is understandable. Sorry bro.

After our softball game last night, I hung out with cousin Kevin and Dave Thornton. Good times. We went to Vitales and had some amazing pizza and shot the breeze a little. The roof of my mouth still hurts from the scalding pizza sauce, though.

Last night Ada Beef softball improved to 4-6 with a 9-4 shellacking of some team. Does it really matter who we played? No. Any win in the Lowell YMCA men's league is a good win, unless it's against Team Zeigler.

Went to a job interview at the Home Depot last night. I got a job as a Lumber Sales Associate, which is cool, but I have some mixed feelings. I'm leaving a tiny family-owned lumber yard for a giant cold-hearted corporation. I feel dirty. But, hey, I gotta pay my rent, right? Plus, I get to walk around with a phone at work and feel important. Can't beat that with a stick. And, as a bonus, I get to take a drug test for Pot and the like. Hehe. Home De-pot. That's funny. I'll be here all week, folks. Goodnight everybody.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Light at the end of the tunnel...

*shocks Blog*
"Cmon, Fight"
*rubs electrodes*
"t-thump, t-thump"
"It's a mircale"

So that was my best attempt at reviving the blog. It's been a while, but I guess I can do some recapping. Today was SOOOOO close to a being a USDO, but in the end, it's 12:00 and here I sit. The power went out roundabouts 8:45, so I called up O-unit and we ellipticaled in the dark together. Opie gave me a ride to pick up Ben's car. I was going to go to Lowell Meijer for some grub...so I turned around...and then went the SAME WAY I was going before, and didn't realize it until Hastings Road.

I started going down Hastings Road, got halfway down it, and realized I didn't have my debit card, so I turned around and went home. Upon arrival at homeI couldn't find my Debit card, and concluded that I had thrown it in the fire. I grabbed my checkbook and left for Carl's, but realized DUH, no power, probably can't shop there. But I was pretty far, and I drove by the gym, and the power had returned. Great. Sami Ehl was waiting outside, so I am definitely back on the clock. Boo.

Lost in softball with Opie Tuesday. Sunfield United Methodist must recruit or something, because their team probably averaged about 190lbs. They had SEVEN homeruns. Luckily, 3 were singles because of the 4+ HR rule, whew.

Last night I just hurt. Don't know why, but it wasn't my call, so I pretty much slept, shot some movie scenes with Jon, and washed my car. The very same car that I am now driving again because Cindy's car died, lucky. It's not bad though, not a bad ride. I honestly can't tell its messed up when I'm behind the wheel.

Got myself a nice pus-covered scab for those of you who like that kinda thing. When I closed up here earlier, we went to Opie's Grandparents' Pool and i gave it some therapy. Did you know that pus is like sap when it dries? "Hard as a rock" to quote our electrical friends.

Today I'm going to get a car. It's going to happen.

Softball is 8:30 Friday, and no longer exists on Thursdays. Saturday morning is the 5K...I feel so unprepared. Holla Back.

-Jeff Weider-

Monday, August 01, 2005

Chemical Party.

Well, the weekend was too eventful. worked all weekend, Have today and tomorrow off. Sandy called me tonight to see if I wanted to work tomorrow! I was like "umm I just got done working seven days in a row, so I don't think I'll be going back to work until wednesday." She was probably upset, but she should probably stop firing people for stupid reasons. Anyway. Saturday I went to the fair. That was pretty much it. Today I went and had seen Bad News Bears with Alesheia and Opie. It was an all right movie but nothing I'd want to see again. Anyway, that's all I got. You kids have fun!