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Thursday, August 11, 2005

Back in the saddle again. . .

So i have missed about a full week of bloggage, AND my last blog was to remind me to talk more on my next. I know; that is so pathetic. But anyway, i am sorry for my absence, but some other people (you know who you are) are pulling the same thing. . . . so c'mon guys!

So anyway, i should probably start to try and refresh my trip to Tennessee/Kentucky. It actually ended up that we camped in the town of Clarksville, Tennessee. Wow. So we were camping in pretty much a shed with 2 bunk beds in it, a picnic table and an Air Conditioner. It was cute though, i give them credit. Definately the best bathrooms i have been in. You had to enter a code to enter them. Awesome! So i will give a quick runthrough of events and people. Prepare yourself. (A little side note for you- they go by last names here, so if they like you, they'll tell you their first name; but otherwise . . . last names only)- - - - - - - So here goes:

When we (katie Taylor and I) made it to Clarksville and we were greeted by Yates (nyle- the guy we actually went there to see in the first place, he graduated in 2004 from Lakewood) and with him came Osler (Steve) from Iowa. He was totally cute and we played go fish and i totally know he cheated and snuck a peek at my cards. He tried to deny it, but i saw right through it. Osler was really funny, he came with us when we went swimming the next day and out to dinner on Saturday night too. We had a pretty good battle of "Top That" but i eventually kicked his ass. A couple of his stories: during training one time his pants got ripped up to his junk (and he never wears underwear) and he got poison ivy EVERYWHERE. Another one- During basic training they were doing a 8 mile run and Osler's appendix burst half way through the run and he finished it. THEN after that they had to cut him open and leave the wound open so the poison would drain. . . ugh, nasty story, and hard to top, but i managed. But anyway- we went searching for some pool, but ended up not finding it, so we went back to the base instead and swam in the pool there. It was huge, and it felt really good. After that they dropped us off and we had an hour to hang out and do nothing. So we got ready for dinner. We ended up going to Chili's with Osler, Yates, and Veill (nick). Nick is a special character in this- he tried convincing us that he was gay, THEN he told us about his daughter, THEN he tried to get us to stay and drink with him. Right. But he was really funnny and was EXACTLY like Mr. Kadwell, andly with blonde hair. This guys even read Nicholas Sparks books. So i guess the whole joke with him being gay derived from one time when Osler's really fat sister came and stayed with them- She was trying to get Nick to do her and he was just like, "I am gay- i am a huge queer- I have a boyfriend, his name is Rex, I love him. . . " ect. ect., so it was pretty funny.

After dinner we went back to the barrocks to meet a ton of people. I don't even remember all of their names, but i do remember Steve-O (his real name was not given), and Jones (aka J-Jeezey or Jonsey), and Hamler (Marvin- from Detroit, fuckin awesome guy), and Young (Bill- who becomes more of an issue in this story later). So while we were there waiting for Young to get ready we got to see pictures of Osler's kid and see people's rooms with beer and puke and clothes everywhere. They weren't bad rooms or whatever, but they were just "weekend tainted", if you will. Boys will be boys.

So we go to Nashville to a club called "Graham Central Station: It was the coolest place i have ever been to. 4 floors of party. The first floor was a cyote ugly bar with awesome dances and everything. It was sweet. We didn't even venture in on the 2nd floor, but then the 3rd floor was a pool room, then a karoke bar, then the next room had the dance floor. It was AWESOME. Coolest place ever. And since we were in Nashville, everyone that was singing was just spectacular; with a few occasional drunks thrown in. But it was awesome. The 4th floor was the roof with a live band playing. So we started dancing and Yates and Young (Nyle and Bill) came with us. So Bill danced with me, and Nyle with Katie. It was way fun, and after we went back to the bar to sit down Katie and I went to the bathroom to wipe off the big Xs on our hands that screamed underage and from then on every time we turned around there was a beer in front of us. It was a really fun night. After some talking and more dancing Bill started holding my hand where ever we went. He was really funny and really sweet. A straight-up hottie from Chicago. This guy was WAY too good looking for me. I don't even talk to people that look as good as Bill because i figure i don't have a chance. I was so amazed at it, i had no idea what to even do. We ended up going up to the roof (which was AWESOME) we were right on the river and looking across the street from the stadium where the Tennessee Titans play. It was just surreal. I think it just made Bill homesick because he kept talking about Chi-town and how great it is- Bill Young. I could go on for a while, but i won't, i'll just give you a little idea. He had a scar on his elbow from someone trying to stab him, and his hand was broken from beating the shit out of some guy who punched him at a club. But Bill is one of the sweetest guys i've met. And just for the record- i am still talking to him; we exchanged numbers and still talk. He wants me to go to Chicago this weekend to hang out with him and meet his sisters and friends. And i think i am going to go. I am excited, but nervous. But anway, Myle and Bill and J-Jeezey stayed with us that night, and it was fun. The next morning I didn't want to leave, it was so much fun. How sad is that?

So that was that. This past weekend i went camping in Taqh. Falls in the UP and it was sweet. So beautiful, i LOVE the Upper Peninsula. But i really need to go to bed too. So i will try to continue this tomorrow, but who knows!

oh yeah! I got my room mate. She is from Wisconsin and a figure skater and on the track team at NMU. Sweet! Her name is Tasha.

your UP friend- Abby


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