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Saturday, July 16, 2005

There's 3 ways out of every box...

...fall out the bottom, or you crawl out the top. There's 3 ways out of every, every box. And if you can't find your way out, then you just burn it to the ground. And then you disappear, like smoke, into the clouds... This post will closely resemble something Alan-esque.

Good week over this way. Worked a double on Wednesday; I've been spoiled for about a year and had forgotten what kind of white ghetto inbred f-ing trash comes out of the woodwork on Wednesday's Downtown. F-ing "Blues on the Mall" just attracts all manner of maggot and vermin - on their cheap-ass motorcycles, mind you - straight into the bar of T.G.I.Friday's. The solace of the evening? Finally starting to think Lindsey (another Friday's Downtown lady) is pretty cool; after all. We've never been pleasant before, but it's now as if we're old friends.

Thursday found me back Downtown for an open-close double. Woobie has Wednesday and Thursday off for some reason, and Dan is on vacation, so Brad greets us with this news at 10:30am - He and Dan are being transferred out of our store at the end of the month, and he's not really sure where they're going. Now, when we're busy, Brad is worthless because he just kinda hangs out and smokes at table 39. But when we're dead, he's fantastic because we can pretty much do anything we want (see "Friday"). Dan is the most glorious person you could ever have as a manager, so we were pretty upset about that. I worked with Allison during the day, and it was her first day there, not in training. She was nice enough, but I think she'll be cooler when she's more comfortable there. Anyway, she was the stay, so at 2pm I took off and had coffee with Liv for 3 hours between shifts. When I got back at 5, I walked into chaos. Earlier in the day, Allison had seen me get my chapstick out of my purse, and had asked if we were allowed to have our purses up there with us. I said of course, so she went back and brought hers to the front. Unlike anything that has ever happened to me however, she had gotten hers stolen, complete with cash, 1 (of 2) cell phones, and the sole set of keys for her car. Calls to a friend (for a ride), the parking police (so her car wouldn't get towed), and the real GRPD (to report the theft) ensued, and she left about 6. James, the 137% worthless-piece-of-shit GM, proceeded to not only not cut Christa (nightside with me) as soon as he was in charge, but kept her there until 11pm. I was crossing my fingers for a horrible accident on his way home, but no dice (he was there on Friday...ugh). A slew of minor-league baseball players from Dayton came in after their game with the Whitecaps, and one of them left their cell phone. So after my midnight:15 clockout, Meg and I sat at booth 40 and used his phone to try and find someone he was with so that he could come get his phone. After several confused male Texans answered the phone with expressions such as "What up, dirty?" and "You sexy man, I can't believe I haven't heard from you until now, how the hell have you been, and why aren't you with a girl right now?", we hit jackpot and he called us back from Brad's phone. Good story. There was then post-work wine and Turkey Bacon Bravo at Ben's house, and I met Kyle (see: wasted, cute younger brother of Shanna, Ben/Cortni's housemate).

Friday. Slept 'til noon. Went to Liv/La's for a bit, had coffee. Got Downtown...saw that Brad was the nightside MOD (Manager On Duty)...clocked in at 5...talked to people 'til 5:20ish on the ol' cellular...talked with co-workers 'til 5:35...made a coffee run, got back at 6...then hung out with Lindsey while The New Guy (see: really f-ing ambitious due to the cute naivity associated with one who believes they are actually going to make money there by working hard) ran his ass off trying to do everything perfectly. His name is Tony, and he is a personal trainer for a health club downtown someplace. We got rid of him as soon as we could. Nice guy, though. LeeAnn came out at around...10:30 or so? She now has 2 of her works of art on the BOH (Back Of House) fridge, and pretty much every important person Downtown met her. We found the perfect fake for her with my friend Jen. Identical. It was crazy. Just to prove how perfect, we sent her up to the bar, undercover-style, and had her order a Long Island. Nan would have given it to her, but happened to notice that she knew who Jennifer DeWent was, and the girl who just handed her the ID (Identification. Like, card...driver's license, in the case) was not, in fact, aforementioned girl. Oh, we all had a good laugh. Unfortunatly my Twin wanted to get on home, otherwise all the Kids wanted her to come to Z's with us post-work for some beers, using Jen's ID. Another time, for sure.

I'm currently at Cassidy's house, and I have to be at the high school in 4.5 hours to meet with the other Boosters about...well...I don't actually know. Nothing can possibly be important enough to meet on a Saturday at 8am, so we'll see what happens. There is a band kid carwash from 10am-3pm, so feel free to come support! At the high school...okay, well. There is a Quadruple Birthday Party at some Member's-Only club for 4 girls Downtown on July 29, and "80's clothes are like totally required", so I'm pretty excited for that. Shannon Rodriguez (aka...Also Known As...Miss Miller) might come if she doesn't have to go to a rehearsal dinner that night. This post is really f-in' long. Good talk. See you out there.


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