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Thursday, July 14, 2005

If you wanna step up...

Step Up. You're gonna get knocked down.

So last night I tried but really didn't accomplish too much.

I kinda spent the day inside doing laundry, dishes etc., and about 5 I started getting around to go to East Lansing. I went outside to feed the steers and spent about 15 minutes trying to find this myserious kitten. All I could hear was crying. I even resorted to making cat noises myself to get the kitten to respond. Sadly I never did discover the missing critter, even though I'm pretty sure I had the sound down to about 1 square foot of possible barn. Then the hose got a kink in it and I got my white shorts dirty trying to unkink it. Anger. I went in the house, changed, and headed for Harms' where i was already kind of late.

I figured I'd beep Tony on the way there, a novel move since I hadn't talked to him since Sunday. I'm two miles from Tyler's and Tony says not to come becuase he's busy and has to practice tonight. WELL THEN. So i still went to Tyler's, because the FFA can't bring me down. I hung out there for a while, talked about seeing some movies, but he's seen them all so I went ahead and went back home...for about 5 seconds. I delivered a package that came for Alan, and we eventually went to Meijer soley to purchase NCAA Football 2006. No Dice. Apparently Lowell Meijer is a bit behind the times.

We rolled back for two delcious grilled burgers, and I went home and took a bit of a 2-mile scamper. I'm not positive, but I think last night Ben told me he was going trucking for my dad at like 10:00pm....hmm, I guess he'll probably post about it.

Softball 8:15/9:15 tonight and 8:30 on Friday. I feel good about tonight, hopefully it doesn't get stormed out.

I had an apple and it was delectable.

It's time to push this ship into the shore, and throw away the oars forever.

-J.E.F.F. Speedwagon-


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