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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Oh, She's Gone, oh I, oh I'd...

...better learn how to face it, yes, she's gone, oh I, oh I'd... Hall and Oates kick all sorts of ass. They are older, but I'll be damned if they don't know how to rock the mic, like I can't resist, everybody, I said it goes like this. Sorry, that was reminiscent of Sugar Hill Gang. I'm done here.

Big night last night. Work was real boring, I was excited to come in on my day off to not take that many calls. Speaking of work, the woman who's desk I have been sitting in this month and a half is coming back on Monday. That means no more permanent desk for me. Geoff and I will no longer be sitting next to each other. Bummer, but now I will be desk-whoring it up for the remainder of the summer. One of my supervisors sent me an e-mail that boiled down to "Pack your shit, bitch, you'll be desk-hoppin' everyday". Nice.

Ok, so on with the antics of the night. Geoff and I get out of work. Drive home. Cut to house. We get home and I am getting ready to head over to Opie's, and my mom and dad tell us to come outside and load up hay. So, we then commenced in one of my personal favorite hobbies. The hobby of course is throwing hay 8 feet in the air into a barn, then stack in in 1,000,000 degree weather with 300% humidity. We picked it up from the field in the Danger Ranger, so we could load about 15 bales per load, thus maximizing the length and fun of the work. It was really sweaty and disgusting. I don't mind doing hay, when it is a reasonable temperature. So, we shower and head over to Opie's. That's when the interesting stuff happend (for me, anyway). So, we get thurr and Geoff makes me buy him Subway because he is a slut. I buy him Subway from a super bitchy attendant, she sucked the dick. Anyway, we get back to Opie's, watch Family Guy, then I go on the internet to DL some songs. So, I DL (see:download) some songs, I get on aim and get bombarded by messages from Jamie and Laura. I am going on a date with Laura tomorrow. I am really, really excited. She seems like she is very cool, and very liberal, so it all works out. We are just walking around campus in EL (see: East Lansing, MI), so it should be fun. I hope it is not hot. That's all I have about those two, right now (read next paragraph to follow on with story).

So, Rebecca sends me a text message. "Why are you mad at me?". I have not been in contact with her for almost two weeks, nor anyone who talks to her in two weeks. I guess me not returning her phone calls means I am mad at her. Well, fuckin' bingo. She was right, I was pissed. So, I text her back to get online so we can chat. She gets online. She is all like "why are you pissed?" So, at first, I just tell her I was disappointed. She was all "Do you think I wasn't?" So, after a bit, I finally just tell her straight up that I was furious that she cancelled. I had cancelled other plans, made reservations, and packed other clothes. As it turns out, her car actually did die, her parents thus had a monopoly on automobiles at the time. So, I felt a little bit better about it. She spent the better part of an hour apologizing and saying how awful she felt about it, and how she has done nothing but worry that I was mad at her. This also pleased me. So, she says that she wants to go out on Saturday night. I pulled a power move and told her yes, but I told her to call me when she figures out a time and place to meet. If she doesn't call, I'll just move on.

Speaking of girls. Pretty sure Amber made a pass at me yesterday morning. This would be flattering if she didn't fuck every dick she comes with 10 feet of. She got out of her car as Geoff and I were pulling out of the gym and rushed up and started babbling about her trip to India. She went to India for 3 fuckin' weeks and did not gain any pigment at all. I don't understand, she was still totally white. Doesn't it get to be about 900 degrees in India? Like, all sun, all the time? Oh well, she asked me if she could call when she got her pictures back. I think that was code for "I have been around crazy little Indian peckers and cows for 3 weeks, and I need some sausage", but whatever. Indian food is so good though, I love it. Anyway, I'm getting to the point where I just need to have sex. I haven't had any sexual activity (unless you include beating off in the shower, in that case, I get laid everyday, sometimes twice a day) in a very, very, painfully long time. I need it, but I really feel like Amber is not the direction I want to head (pun very much intended).

Yeah, I am going home today after work and doing nothing. I might get my hair cut, but I think I want to stay in tonight and go to bed early. Big day tomorrow. We are going to the VU on Friday night, I am jacked about that. Hopefully there will be a little less skankiness and a little more gentleman club-like. I love hooters. Opie pussed out...like a bitch. Jeff won't go because he has little to no desire in women. Looks like it is me, Geoff, Ben, Melanie, and Abby. Anyone else down? Ben Vanderboon? Tits? Want to see 'em? Holla.

Fuck what you heard baby, I'm DJ Alan, whether on tv, or on these streets, I'm still the shit.

-Emcee Alan


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