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Thursday, July 14, 2005

What's wrong?

Hahaha, that's right. So work was ridiculous again today, but being with Lynn makes it better some how. It's like she understands that we are actually supposed to be working- something Dawn will never grasp. I've avoided Dawn for 3 days now- it makes the days go by faster. This week has crawled. C. . . R. . . A. . . . W. . . . . L. . . . .E. . . . .D. Ugh. I AM getting something really cool from work tomorrow though. We got nicknames givn to us all and i am Johnny J. It says so on my hard hat. We spelled Dawn's name as Loosy and she was pissed. Oh well i guess.

I really wanted to be napping right now, but instead i am waiting for Katie Taylor to come over and make stupid flyers to mail to campers. But that was supposed to be 45 minutes ago. I just want to sleep. I am actually on the verge of crying for no reason because i am so tired. I hate the pathetic feeling. Ugh.

Just for the record: I've done some pretty wreckless and fucking stupid things in my past relationships; of this i am aware. But Alan just fell approx. 5 knotches down my respect scale. 2 for Amber, 3 for Reba. But oh well. Pathetic. And don't even get mad at me. I am not in the mood. But at least i can admit it.

I just now realized that i have not had a happy post in like. . . a week? Two? Damnit. When is Katie coming? . . . She wants me to go to Tennessee with her to see some guy in the army and i am going. Don't have a certain date yet, but i think i will if she ever gets here. I love Tennessee.

I am going to watch Jeff play tonight whether i like it or not, i need to get out. I think my mom is sad because i'm never home. And i never write my Thank-you's. Damnit. I guess Evan is having his open house this weekend? Who knows.

I had really good ice cream at work today. (happy portion of blog).

Everyone is going to bail on me for the camping trip. Damnit. I wanted it to be fun, but now it will be 3 of us in a tent probably. Sweet. What a waste of a day off.


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