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Friday, July 15, 2005

A penny for your thoughts?

No. I don't want your thoughts, Abby. I am real sure you get on here because you are in some kind of pissed off funk and tear on me about what is going on with the girls. You are wrong for two reasons. I don't know if you read my post correctly or not, but I said that I was not going to hook up with Amber, so learn to comprehend what you read. And with Rebecca, I am not trying to get back together with her, so don't worry about what I do. We have had this conversation close to a million times. I wouldn't take her back if she wanted to get back together. We are just getting together for dinner. And don't you dare get on here and call me pathetic. You know what is pathetic? Living with a douchebag fuckhead that treats you like shit and cheats on you. That's all I'm saying. Don't come at me like that, and I don't give a fuck what kind of mood you are in.

ANYway, at work. Waiting to get out so Geoff, Ben, and I can go see some ass and some titties at the VU. I had a great night last night, speaking of girls. Here's a rundown of my night...

I get out of work at 6:30 pm, and I drive like Jeff Gordon (except a little less gay) all the way home. I get home at about 6:55 pm, and have to pass on some delicious looking teraki salmon that my moms grilled. I jump in the shower and am out the door with no shirt on at 7:20 pm. I time trial it to EL. So, through construction and geting stuck behind semi's, I made it to the Meijer on Lake Lansing at almost the second that I was supposed to be there. I made it there at exactly 8:00 pm and put my shirt on and met Laura in the milk department in Meijer. Kind of an obscure place to meet, but I thought it was funny. So, we talked for a little bit and then jumped in my ride and drive to campus. She was a little surprised by my driving, what with me squealing the tires around turns, running red lights, and driving like a general assbowl. It was fun, we parked in Bessey Hall and got out and walked around campus for about an hour and fourty five minutes. We just walked around and shot the shit. She is a really cool girl. Real nice. A bunch of caddies walked by not five seconds after she was talking about how caddies harass her and ask her for her number all the time and started gawkin' and crip walkin' and shit at her. It was funny because I turned around and they all flipped out and turned around. I am a bad motherfucker. Anyway, we were going to go to dinner at the Hawaiian BBQ, but it was getting late and she had to go home and do and turn in her online philosphy homework by 11:00 pm. Kind of lame, but I think I am in for a second date, she said she wanted to get together again soon. She rocks though, she like video games and told me she drinks BBQ sauce. That is what I like to call the jackpot. We drove around campus for a bit after our walk because we were both getting sweaty. She was just starting to get sweaty, but I was way past sweating. I was really pretty disgusting. I showed her around where Geoff lives, the Jenison Fieldhouse, and around that area because that is all I know. I had a lot of fun.

Abby disclaimer: Don't read this.
Rebecca called me again last night to set some plans in stone. Not a lot of set up. We are meeting in Holland and then we are going to carpool and just drive around and find some place to eat. I am sort of excited, but not really. I would be if I had feelings for her anymore. The more I get involved with her, the more I realize that 1) I put too much time and energy in to it while she doesn't and 2) Well, number one about covers it. Anyway, I don't know how Saturday is going to go. I might kiss her. That would be kind of nice. I haven't had a kiss in quite some time.

ANYhooters, I can't wait to go get laid by some strippers tonight. Finally, high class ho's. I can't wait! Ben, while I am disappointed with your decision, I repect...pfffft, ha ha ha, I almost got through it without laughing! You should still come and be big dirty men with us.

Sunday is going to be a big day. First day off in 10 days. Which will be lovely. After Jeff gets out of Church or whatever the hell he does Sunday morning, we are all going to Michigan's Adventure. Two parks + One low price = A whole day of fun and making douchebag's of ourselves in front of the ho's. Ohhh, speaking of Opie, ps. LeeAnn left out a HUGE part of the story she told. She must have accidentley forgot to include the part where she has sexual intercourse with Opie before and after dinner. HA HA HA! That is funny. To me, anyway.

Well, that's all for me. Ass, titties, ass, titties, ass ass, titties titties.



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